
jù lí
  • distance;range;space;gap;remove
距离 [jù lí]
  • [distance;range;gap] 事物在空间或时间上相隔。也比喻两者间的差距

  • 他们当中的看法有相当距离

距离[jù lí]
  1. 此时,猫就在可攻击鸭子的距离内。

    The cat was now within striking distance of the duck .

  2. 在美国,测量距离以英里作单位。

    In the US , distance is measured in miles .

  3. 他们在距离商场5英里的范围内送货上门。

    They deliver to within a 5-mile radius of the store .

  4. 圆周上各点离圆心的距离相等。

    All points on a circle are equidistant from the centre .

  5. 雾中的能见距离降到了大约100米。

    Visibility was down to about 100 metres in the fog .

  6. 这房子距离学校和体育设施都很近。

    The house is within easy reach of schools and sports facilities .

  7. 他对距离判断错误,球落到了湖里。

    He misjudged the distance and his ball landed in the lake .

  8. 这位军官被近距离开枪打死。

    The officer was shot dead at point-blank range .

  9. 那次长距离爬山是对我们健康状况和耐力的考验。

    The long climb tested our fitness and stamina .

  10. 我们在安全距离之外观看了爆破。

    We watched the explosion from a safe distance .

  11. 距下面的岩石有五十米的垂直距离。

    There was a sheer drop of fifty metres to the rocks below .

  12. 我没有意识到这两座城市间的距离。

    What I failed to appreciate was the distance between the two cities .

  13. 那次近距离的射门被守门员截住了。

    The close-range shot was blocked by the goalkeeper .

  14. 飞机在距离海岸数英里处坠入大海。

    The plane hit the ocean several miles offshore .

  15. 在互联网上距离已不成为问题。

    Distance is no problem on the Internet .

  16. 这些村庄直线距离相隔不超过一英里。

    The villages are no more than a mile apart as the crow flies .

  17. 距离海滩两英里远。

    It 's two miles to the beach .

  18. 旁观者站在一定的距离之外,以示尊敬。

    The onlookers stood at a respectful distance .

  19. 他每天游50个游泳池那么长的距离。

    He swims 50 lengths a day .

  20. 太空的无垠距离遥远得让人类的大脑无法理解。

    The infinite distances of space are too great for the human mind to comprehend .

  21. 她喜欢独自长距离散步。

    She enjoys long solitary walks .

  22. 距离罗马大约是70——不,不对——是80公里。

    It 's about 70 ─ no , I 'm wrong ─ 80 kilometres from Rome .

  23. 你可以近距离观察飞机的起降。

    You can watch aircraft take off or land at close quarters

  24. 市中心距离车站4公里远。

    The centre of the town is 4 kilometres from the station

  25. 她一直与他的家人保持一定距离。

    She had always kept his family at arm 's length .

  26. 距离观者最近的前景是最后才画的。

    The foreground , nearest the viewer , is painted last .

  27. 他在距离那座粉红色的大别墅约80到100码的地方等候着。

    He waited some 80 to 100 yards from the big pink villa

  28. 他在近距离一枪射杀了珀西瓦尔。

    He had murdered Perceval at point blank range with a single shot

  29. 敌人在距离仅20码的地方开火了。

    The enemy opened fire at a range of only 20 yards .

  30. 虽然他主要住在威尔士,但是距离不成问题。

    Although he was based in Wales , distance was no object .