
  1. 本文集中探讨如何将被动的北京记忆转化为主动的记忆北京,并指出北京学研究虽然在目前远不及上海学辉煌,但相信这个领域将更有发展潜力。

    The paper focuses on how changing the passive Beijing in the Memory into the initiative Recollecting Beijing , and suggests that Beijing Research have great potentialities even though it is not more splendid than Shanghai Research so far .

  2. 数字重建:点击北京城记忆

    Virtually Reconstruct : Click on the Memory of Beijing

  3. 上次酒醉北京的记忆依然犹新。

    Still get the memory when I was drunk last time in BJ .

  4. 北京城记忆&数字影像展

    FIGURE Beijing Gates : Historical Memory

  5. 活动中他们相互交流,用汉语诉说着自己对北京的特殊记忆。

    They were able to communicate with each other and tell stories in Chinese of their special experiences here .

  6. 留住北京的传统记忆&简评北京非物质文化遗产的现状与保护

    Sweet Memory on Traditional Beijing City & On the Status and Protection of " Non-material Cultural Heritage " in Beijing

  7. 在奥运会举办期间人们享受到的是蓝天以及方便的交通,将北京大气污染记忆抛之脑后。

    The games were held in nearly perfect weather with blue skies and light traffic , leaving Beijing 's chronic air pollution a distant memory .

  8. 站在这些身穿红蓝颜色队服的运动员们中间的布什总统说起他自己对北京奥运会的记忆。

    President Bush stood amidst the athletes in their red and blue team jackets , and spoke of his own memories of the Games in Beijing .