
quán fú
  • Crouching;curl up;huddle up;lie with the knees drawn up
蜷伏 [quán fú]
  • [curl up;lie with the knees drawn up] 弯曲身体卧着

  • 寨中人蜷伏。--清. 徐珂《清稗类钞.战事类》

  • 他喜欢蜷伏着睡觉

蜷伏[quán fú]
  1. 我的猫喜欢卧在我的个人电脑上,或者蜷伏在电脑旁边。

    My cat likes to lounge on top of my PC , or curl up next to it .

  2. 他喜欢蜷伏着睡觉。

    He likes to sleep with his knees drawn up .

  3. 这条龙在污泥里蜷伏了三天,鳞甲里布满了蚂蚁,苍蝇。

    The dragon crouched3 in the mud for three days . Its scute was filled with ants , and flies .

  4. 狗蜷伏在屋子的一个角落里。

    The dog coiled up in the corner of the room .

  5. 于是生命和欢乐从每一个蜷伏的洞穴里信心十足地欣然跃出;

    then life and joy sprang reassured from every crouching hollow ;

  6. 当我躺下睡觉,你蜷伏在我身边。

    As I lay sleeping , you snuggle up to my side .

  7. 柜台上蜷伏着一只硕大的猫。

    There was an enormous cat crouching on the counter .

  8. 那只狗蜷伏在火炉前面。

    The dog curled up in front of the fire .

  9. 蜷伏,依偎孩子紧紧偎依着母亲。

    snuggle vi. The child snuggled close to its mother .

  10. 于是便在房子附近蜷伏起来安睡。

    Curled once about the house , and fell asleep .

  11. 这条狗蜷伏在地板上,睡着了。

    The dog curled up on the floor and went to sleep .

  12. 眼睛亮晶晶的老鼠爬回它们的洞窟,怯生生地蜷伏在一起。

    Bright-eyed mice crept back to their tiny homes and nestled timidly together .

  13. 我低着头,看见我的影子正好像在地面上蜷伏着。

    I look down and see my own shadow crouching on the ground .

  14. 那猫走到她身旁,蜷伏下来。

    The cat went to her and curled down .

  15. 一个哭泣的妇女蜷伏在地上发抖。

    A weeping woman cowered on the ground .

  16. 那只狗吓得蜷伏在桌子底下。

    The dog cowered down under the table .

  17. 那头黑豹蜷伏着身躯,准备跃起猛扑。

    The Panther crouched , ready to spring .

  18. 她肥胖的身躯蜷伏在打字机上。

    Her stout form crouched over a typewriter .

  19. 他蜷伏在一个角落里。

    He braced himself in a corner .

  20. 他的身形忽然改变了,半蜷伏着身子,紧绷得像一只即将猛扑过来的狮子。

    His body shifted suddenly , half-crouched , tensed like a lion about to pounce .

  21. 我们舒适地蜷伏在毯子底下。

    We snuggled beneath the blankets .

  22. 他发现卜吕梅街的那所房子,便蜷伏在那里。

    He discovered the house in the Rue Plumet , and hid himself from sight there .

  23. 在盖子底下幸福地蜷伏着。

    Snuggled happily under the covers .

  24. 他还活着,他有张沙发,一张毛毯,像只甲虫般蜷伏着。

    He 's alive , he 's got a couch , a blanket , snug as a bug .

  25. 他让我蜷伏在他的胸前,缩成了一个球。他的铁臂紧紧地抱住我,比铁链还要牢固。

    He curled me into a ball against his chest , holding me more securely than iron chains .

  26. 威廉·范·吉耳逊留在乌古蒙“看守古堡”,他蜷伏在一个地窖里。

    Guillaume van Kylsom remained at Hougomont ," to guard the chateau ," and concealed himself in the cellar .

  27. 蜷伏在他母亲的血泊中,他假装说服自己一切都会好的。

    Crouching beside her in a gathering pool of blood , he convinced himself that she would be fine .

  28. 詹姆斯慢慢地直起蜷伏的身子,但他的眼睛始终盯着我,他的鼻孔依然张得大大的。

    James slowly straightened out of his crouch , but his eyes never left me , his nostrils still wide .

  29. 孩子也一直在想着德纳第大娘,和他一样凭着本能,尽量蜷伏起来。

    The child , whose thoughts were still on the Thenardier , shared his instinct for withdrawing from sight as much as possible .

  30. 弯着身子看书那只狗蜷伏在火炉前面.

    We braced ourselves for a bumpy landing . curl up with a book The dog curled up in front of the fire .
