
  • 网络China Capital Market;capital market
  1. 抑价现象在全世界范围内广泛存在,在中国资本市场上表现得尤为突出。

    IPO phenomenon exists worldwide , especially in China capital market .

  2. 但中国资本市场仍然缺乏真正市场化的并购活动。

    But marketable merger and acquisition in China capital market still lacked .

  3. 我国采用BOT方式法律问题研究中国资本市场特点及发展趋势

    Legal Research on BOT in China

  4. TCL集团IPO及换股吸收合并TCL通讯是中国资本市场发展过程中的重要事件,它标志着中国资本市场正在逐渐成熟,加快了与国际资本市场接轨的步伐。

    This case is a cornerstone in the development of Chinese capital market .

  5. 综合比较而言,在中国资本市场,修正Jones模型设定较优。

    Comprehensive comparison , in the Chinese capital market , fixed Jones model has a better set . 2 .

  6. 研究结论表明,在中国资本市场,EVA并不比传统会计绩效测度具有更好的价值相关性;

    The result shows : in the Chinese capital market , EVA is not more valuable to the traditional profit target .

  7. 但目前中国资本市场的制度性缺陷却对QFII制度的顺利实施构成了障碍。

    But the institutional defects of Chinese capital market form many obstacles in the course of implementing QFII system .

  8. QFII制度于2002年正式实施,允许海外证券公司,基金公司以及可信任的公司在中国资本市场进行投资。

    Launched in 2002 , the QFII program allows overseas brokerage companies , fund houses and trust firms to invest in Chinese capital markets .

  9. QFII制度如果能顺利实施,对中国资本市场的逐步开放和发展是有利的。

    If the QFII system can be implemented successfully , it will be beneficial to the gradual open-up and development of Chinese capital market .

  10. ISO14000认证出口效应研究&基于中国资本市场的经验证据

    Study on the Export Effects of ISO 14000 Registrations : Empirical Evidence from China 's Stock Market

  11. 与西方国家相比,中国资本市场发育程度较低,但我们应清醒地认识到EVA代表的是一种长期管理体系,它的应用不应为相对而言短期内能够解决的问题所影响。

    Capital market in China is more backward than it in the west , we must realize that EVA represent long-term management system and its use shall not be affected by temporary problem .

  12. 养老保险基金入市与中国资本市场的国际化加入WTO后,外资保险公司进入中国市场,中国保险业必须对外开放。

    The Pension Fund s Access to Capital Markets and the Globalization of China s Capital Markets ; After our country joined WTO and foreign insurance trades enter in Chinese market , our insurance trade must open to the outside world .

  13. 让我们不要忘乎所以,认为防洪闸将开启,中国资本市场专家侯伟(FraserHowie)表示。

    Let 's not get carried away that the floodgates are about to open , said Fraser Howie , an expert on China 's capital markets .

  14. 中国资本市场已经运行了很多年,随着中国加入WTO后市场的全面开放,对中国资本市场监管成效的研究可以有效地认识资本市场管理的不足。

    The Chinese capital market has already circulated for many years , along with opening the Chinese capital markets completely towards the WTO . The empirical research of supervisory result of our country capital markets can effectively know the shortage of the capital market management to the Chinese capital markets .

  15. 研究中国资本市场的专家侯伟(FraserHowie)表示:“这些措施几乎每一个都散发出恐慌的气息,而且非常短视。市场又将迎来疯狂的一周。”

    Fraser Howie , an expert on China 's capital markets , said : " Almost every one of these measures reeks of panic and is very short-sighted . It 's going to be another crazy week . "

  16. 这比我们许多新业务的筹备期都长,但中国资本市场非常重要。我们需要在其发展过程中,处于这些市场的核心位置,毅联汇业首席运营官马克•耶洛普(MarkYallop)在上海表示。

    This is a longer-term play than many of our new business initiatives but Chinese capital markets are profoundly important and we need to be at the heart of these markets as they develop , Mark Yallop , chief operating officer , said from Shanghai .

  17. 预期对中国资本市场作用和影响的验证

    Inspection on the Effect of Anticipation on China 's Capital Market

  18. 中国资本市场建立的制度基础及其来自企业制度的约束

    Institutional Foundation of the Capital Market & Restrictions from Corporation Institutions

  19. 中国资本市场股权溢价研究

    A Research on the Equity Premium of Capital Market of China

  20. 中国资本市场大幅波动的经济心理分析

    The Economic Psychological Analysis of the Fluctuation in Our Capital Market

  21. 谁将成为中国资本市场“快递业第一股”?

    Who will become the first express firm in Chinese market ?

  22. 中国资本市场的货币政策效应研究

    Research on the Effects of China Monetary Policy on Equity Market

  23. 对中国资本市场的法律规制之设计

    A Design for the Legal Regulation of China 's Capital Market

  24. 华北地区地壳水平运动演化特征研究中国资本市场特点及发展趋势

    Study on evolution of crustal horizontal motion in North China area

  25. 中国资本市场预期问题分析

    An Analysis of Anticipation Problems for China 's Capital Market

  26. 中国资本市场开放的合约体系规制及其制度启示

    The Contract System of China 's Capital Market and Its Institutional Enlightenment

  27. 中国资本市场的运营效率与风险

    The Operation Efficiency and Risks of China 's Capital Market

  28. 中国资本市场的发展与立法研究

    A survey of the development and legislation of china 's capital market

  29. 中国资本市场开放势在必行。

    Chinese capital market liberalization will be an imperative trend .

  30. 中国资本市场的多功能定位与发展方略

    Multi-Functional Positioning and Development Strategy for China 's Capital Market