
  • 网络China Beach;CHINESE BEACH
  1. 尽管“脸基尼”(facekini)在中国海滩之外的地方,可能怎么无法与中国陶瓷或北京烤鸭相提并论,但它受到了国内报纸的称赞,被誉为中国向世界输出的最新文化礼物。

    It may never rival porcelain or Peking duck in popularity beyond China 's shores , but the " facekini " is being hailed by domestic newspapers as the country 's latest cultural gift to the world .

  2. 中国渤海湾海滩-极浅海域油气资源潜力

    Hydrocarbon resources potential of beach - sublittoral zone in Bohai Bay

  3. 我的家乡是沿海城市拥有中国最美丽的海滩。

    My hometown is a coastal city , which offers some of the best beaches in China .

  4. 如果我们的外国友人看到中国裸男躺在海滩上,那么中国的优良传统作风的盛名就被毁了。

    If our foreign friend saw the Chinese naked man on the beach , then our fine traditional style of Chinese fame would be ruined .