
  • 网络Fishery administration ship;fishery patrol boat
  1. 从快速性的特点上来看,渔政船普遍属于高速船。

    Judging from its speed characters , fishery administration ship generally belongs to high-speed craft .

  2. 渔政船是进行海上渔政监管与执法的专业船只。

    Fishery administration ship is the professional vessel that carries out fishery supervision and law enforcement at sea .

  3. 美方表示,美国海军测量船“无瑕号”(impeccable)遭到中方多艘拖网渔船、渔政船和海军船舶的骚扰。

    The US said the impeccable , a US Navy surveillance ship , had been harassed by a group of Chinese trawlers , coast guard and navy vessels .

  4. 本文分别以Michell积分法和Rankine源法为基础,在主尺度不变的前提下,对某300t渔政船进行了首部型线优化。

    In this paper , bow lines optimization is conducted based on Michell integral method and Rankine source method without any changes in principal dimensions .

  5. 渔政船的尺度分析及其设计特点柬埔寨渔业概况

    Analysis of Main Dimension and Design Features for Fisheries Management ship

  6. 渔政船三机三桨推进装置设计研究

    Investigation of triple-propeller propulsion sets about fisheries administration ship

  7. 新一代小型渔政船设计

    Design of the new generation of minitype fishery cruiser

  8. 中国渔政船开始南海例行巡逻。

    China starts regular patrols of South China Sea .

  9. 两条渔政船的设计

    On the Design of Fishery - Administration Ships

  10. 结果证明上述工作在理论上实现了渔政船快速性能的提高。

    The result shows that the works above improve the speed of administration ship in theory .

  11. 由于渔政船属于高速船舶,因此兴波阻力是总阻力中的主要成分。

    Wave resistance is the main part of fishery ship which is belonged to category of high speed .

  12. 因此以势流兴波理论为基础,对渔政船进行型线优化是较为适合的方法。

    So it is appropriate to deal with lines optimization by the methods based on potential flow wave theory .

  13. 但据日本海上保安厅介绍,到了周三,多数中国渔政船已经离开。

    By Wednesday , however , most of the boats had moved away , according to the Japan Coast Guard .

  14. 随着海洋在政治经济中地位的上升,渔政船也越来越重要。

    With the rise of political and economic of the ocean , the fishery ships are more and more important .

  15. 出于上述原因,我国近些年来非常重视渔政船的发展。

    Due to the reason above , our country has been paying much attention to the development of fishery administration ship .

  16. 中国也日益频繁地派遣武装海警船在南中国海巡逻,取代了原来的渔政船。

    China is also increasingly patrolling the South China Sea with armed coast guard ships , instead of fishery bureau vessels .

  17. 近些年来,随着各个国家对海洋开发的竞争日趋激烈,渔政船的作用愈加重要。

    With the intense competition of ocean development between countries in recent years , fishery administration ship is playing a more and more important role .

  18. 渔政船的主要职责是对专属经济区巡航管理、对领土附近岛屿护渔护航、对渔业突发事故救援等。

    The main responsibility of fishery ship is to cruise around the exclusive economic zone , protect the fisheries around the island and rescue the fisheries on incidents .

  19. 10艘中国海监船与2艘渔政船已经抵达钓鱼岛附近海域,另有超过2艘中国渔政船正在开往钓鱼岛海域途中。

    Ten Chinese Marine surveillance ships and two Chinese fishery administration ships have arrived in waters near the Diaoyu Islands , with two more China fishery administration ships on the way .

  20. 周二,日本海上保安厅发现12艘中国渔政船在钓鱼岛附近海域出没,其中3艘船进入了日本海域。

    On Tuesday , 12 Chinese patrol boats were seen by the coast guard to be moving in and out of waters adjacent to the islands , and three of these patrol boats entered Japanese waters .

  21. 渔政船属于小型高速船舶,在船舶设计的不同阶段,对这类船舶阻力的计算方法很少,仅有的一些方法也受到船型参数条件的限制。

    The fishery ship is belonged to the ships of small-scale and high speed . During the different period of design , the method to calculate the resistance is not accurate and often limited to the parameters of ship .

  22. 中国渔政船将继续保护附近渔民的作业。日方媒体报道称日本海岸警卫队已经集结多艘巡逻船并加紧对钓鱼岛附近海域的巡视。

    Fisherman will continue to be protected by China 's fishery administration ships in the area . Japan 's media reported that Japan 's Coast Guard has assembled many patrol ships , and tightened watch in waters near the Diaoyu Islands .

  23. 在众多联合动力装置中,柴-柴联合具有运行模式多样、维修和保养容易、经济性高、费用相对较低的优势,在中小型舰船、渔政船以及民用商船中得到了广泛的应用。

    In the family of combined power plant , CODAD is widely used in small and medium size warships , fishery ships , merchant ships , et al , with the advantages of various operation mode , friendly properties in repairing , maintenance and economy .

  24. 中国渔政116船减摇鳍的安装

    Installation of fin angles of stabilizers for China fishery supervision 116 vessel