
  • 网络The signalman
  1. 信号工要确保井筒内无人,才能发送升降信号。

    Signal worker can 't send hoisting signal until be ensure that no worker is in it .

  2. 讨论联锁仿真软件在列控仿真系统及信号工故障处理培训系统中的应用。

    It was discussed the application of the software in Simulative Train Control System and Training System for railway signal worker .

  3. 如何尽快而有效地提高信号工的技术素质已成为铁路电务系统职工培训的重点和关键所在。

    How to improve the technical quality of the signalling workers rapidly and effectively was an important thing in training of railway c & s system .

  4. 造访埃及国家铁路的主控室,你会发现主控员也如此不务正业。这和去年那个面对半路“抛锚”的火车而惊慌失措的信号工有的一比。

    Call in to the main control room of Egyptian State Railways and you may find the chief operator similarly disengaged , as one panicked signalman did last year when a train stalled on the tracks .