
jì shí
  • Avoid eating;avoid certain food for health reasons or because of medical treatment;avoid certain food out of religious beliefs
忌食 [jì shí]
  • (1) [dietetic restraint]∶忌口

  • 忌食生冷

  • (2) [abstain from]∶由于信奉某些宗教教规而不吃 [某种食物]

  • 印度教徒忌食牛肉,伊斯兰教徒忌食猪肉

  1. 忌食生冷。

    Avoid eating anything raw or cold .

  2. FSB1忌食剂避鼠效果试验

    Study on the effect of FSB _1 repel agent against rat

  3. 关于忌食猪肉的人类学解释

    Interpretation of the Pork Taboo from the Perspective of Anthropology

  4. 要知道威斯忌食非常非常贵的。

    You know , whiskey is very , very expensive .

  5. 忌食过咸及油炸食物:这些食物含有致癌物质。

    Diet is too salty reach fry : These food contain carcinogenic substance . 3 .

  6. 他们也不喜欢过于肥浓、辛辣的食品,更忌食核桃。

    They do not like too much fat concentrated , spicy food , more Jishi walnut .

  7. 探讨了林用避鼠剂&FSB1忌食剂在农作物上的应用效果,及其对作物的安全性。

    The paper deals with the effect and the safety of forest FSB 1 repel agent on crops .

  8. 所有忌食减肥的人都碰到一个如何满足口腹之欲的问题。得了痢疾忌讳吃生冷油腻食物。

    All dieters have the problem of appetite appeasement . People suffering from dysentery must avoid raw , cold or greasy food .

  9. 但是新的研究发现,在降低阻塞动脉的胆固醇方面,食用什么比忌食什么更为重要。

    The researchers also found that the greater a subject 's adherence to the portfolio diet , the more dramatic , on average , was the LDL cholesterol reduction .

  10. 如果一个人的厨房技能仅仅是像玩多米诺骨牌一样的速度那么他应该被忌食油脂、盐、白面包和糖。

    A man whose only kitchen skill involves the speed dial to Domino 's is condemned to a diet of grease , salt , white bread , and sugar .

  11. 作物易害期用FSB1忌食剂进行喷雾保护,避鼠效果为82.0%,与对照组比较差异极显著。

    When spraying FSB 1 repel agent at the stage which crops may be damaged easily , the effect was 82 0 % and reached to level of very significance comparing to control group .

  12. 治疗期间,两组均不使用外用药,治疗期间忌食辛辣刺激及鱼虾蟹等食物,多喝水,多吃水果蔬菜,忌烟、酒,忌用肥皂热水烫洗。

    During treatment , the two groups were not using drugs , during treatment with acrimony stimulation and fish shrimp and other food , drink plenty of water , eat more fruits and vegetables , not to smoke , drink , do not use soap and hot water .