
  1. 你是有影响力的人,大家会听你的。

    You 're a powerful man — people will listen to you .

  2. “好吧,”我说道,“听你的。”

    ' All right ' , I said . ' You win ' .

  3. “我们不说她了好不好?”——“听你的。”

    ' Shall we stop talking about her ? ' — ' If you like . '

  4. 你说破嘴他也不会听你的。

    He won 't listen to you even if you talk yourself hoarse .

  5. 无论语气多么难听,我还是听你的话的。(试比较一般句:Althoughyourwordsareharsh,I'lltakethem.)

    I 'll take your words , no matter how harsh they may be .

  6. 在一次电话录音中,拉贾那纳姆对基耶西说,“关于ibm,我必须听你的”。

    In one recorded call , Mr Rajaratnam said to MS chiesi that he " must defer to you on IBM " .

  7. 听你的声音让我知道你是个好人。

    Your voice shows me that you 're a nice guy .

  8. 我不得不说,我当时应该听你的。

    I must say , I should have listened to you .

  9. 没有人想要一边听你的讲话还一边看你讲的内容。

    No one wants to both see AND hear your words .

  10. 只因为我无法站着听你的乞求。

    Only because I can 't stand to hear you beg .

  11. 我希望丹尼也能听你的。

    I hope that Danny has listened to you , too .

  12. 我没时间听你的废话。

    I do not have time for your brand of bs .

  13. 如果我一开始就听你的话。

    If I had listened to you in the first place .

  14. 不管你怎么说,没有人会听你的。

    Whatever you say , no one will listen to you .

  15. 现在那些有钱太太都听你的。

    So now all the rich bitches listen to you .

  16. 我们也不会在听你的说词。

    We won 't hear your side of the story .

  17. 看他们会不会听你的!

    See if they 'll listen to you over there .

  18. 我听你的,我也会相信你。

    And I would listen to you and I would trust you .

  19. 你省省力气吧,他不会听你的。

    Saving your tongue , he didn 't follow you .

  20. 我每天都听你的节目。

    And I used to listen to you every night .

  21. 每次听你的话我就有麻烦。

    I will be in trouble when everytime I listen to you .

  22. 如今,要让人们听你的话是一件难事。

    It is difficult these days to get people listening to you .

  23. 采访者:但如果没有人愿意听你的声音呢?

    Interviewer : But if no one takes it all .

  24. 听你的声音似乎你又感冒了。

    It sounds as if you 've had another cold .

  25. 听你的歌我便会不由地产生一种感觉。

    I 'm afraid I have felt this way before .

  26. 接着,她会用听诊器听你的心脏。

    Next , she 'll listen to your heart with a stethoscope .

  27. 吉布斯,我可以一边忙一边听你的。

    Gibbs , I can multitask : I can listen to you .

  28. 明晚之前我听你的答复。

    We will give you until tomorrow night to make your decision !

  29. 我没听你的,去了那个约会。

    I ignored your advise and went on that date .

  30. 汤姆:好的,那就听你的来杯咖啡吧。

    Tom : ok , it 's up to you .