
  • 网络Hannah;Quinlivan;Hannah Quinlivan
  1. 昆凌在Instagram上分享了她的喜悦,并写道,感谢每个人的祝福。

    Sharing her happiness on Instagram , Hannah wrote , Thank you for everyones blessings .

  2. 一位网友爆料,周董带昆凌来了伦敦!

    A netizen claimed , Jay brought Hannah to London !

  3. 周杰伦和昆凌于1月17日在英国举行了他们的婚礼。

    Jay Chou and Hannah Quinlivan held their wedding ceremony in England on January 17th .

  4. 经过四年和模特昆凌的拍拖,周杰伦早些时候宣布了他结婚的打算。

    Dating model Hannah Quinlivan for four years , Jay Chou declared his wedding intentions earlier .

  5. 雇佣了一批专业的摄影团队,周董和昆凌在10月去欧洲拍了婚纱照。

    Hiring a professional photography crew , Jay and Hannah toured Europe to take their wedding photos in October .

  6. 游览了这个壮观的城市后,周董带着昆凌来到了著名的摩天轮伦敦眼。

    Taking a tour of the spectacular city , Jay took Hannah to the famous ferris wheel attraction , London Eye .

  7. 其经纪人于周一夜晚透露,流行音乐超级巨星周杰伦与模特昆凌迎来了他们的第一个孩子。

    Pop superstar Jay Chou and model Hannah Quinlivan have welcomed their first child , their agents said on Monday night 。

  8. 联合日报称,随着缠绕着昆凌的流言接踵而至的是21岁的她剖腹提早诞下一名婴儿的证实消息。

    The confirmation came after rumours went round that Quinlivan , 21 , had given birth to a preterm baby by caesarean , said United Daily News 。

  9. 亚洲流行歌手周杰伦—《青蜂侠》中塞斯?罗根助手卡托的扮演者,2015年在(约克郡)塞尔比小镇里拥有千年历史的教堂里,与昆凌(汉娜?昆利文)完婚。

    Asian pop star Jay Chou , who played Seth Rogen 's sidekick Kato in The Green Hornet , held his wedding to Hannah Quinlivan at Selby 's 1000-year-old abbey in 2015 .

  10. 虽然这对新人讨论过他们的婚礼,报道称他们会在1月18日于巴黎举行婚礼,但是周董在伦敦向昆凌求婚是最近的事。

    Although the couple has been discussing their wedding , which reportedly will take place in Paris on January 18 , it was only recently that Jay properly proposed to Hannah in London .