
nán xià
  • go south
  1. 为了南下,划船的人扬帆乘风。

    To go south , boaters put up sails to catch the wind .

  2. 倘若我们南下拉扎林。羊人们会杀了我们并夺走你的龙。

    If we go south to the land of the Lazarheen , the Lamb Men will kill us and take your dragons .

  3. 我从西雅图一路南下到洛杉矶。

    I went down to L.A. all the way from Seattle

  4. 军队可能南下向库尔德地区挺进。

    The army may push southwards into the Kurdish areas .

  5. 明天我们将乘火车南下,然后坐船横渡希腊。

    Tomorrow we are getting the train down to the south of the country and then a ship across to Greece .

  6. AOD值与污染源区工业生产水平和气流输送密切相关,受珠三角地区工业高度发展和冷空气南下的影响,在珠江口南部出现AOD高值中心;

    AOD was closely related to the development of pollution source zone and wind transportation .

  7. 他们在布鲁克林找到一间公寓,他们和一群绝妙的朋友一同开车南下前往佛罗里达礁岛群(FloridaKeys)。

    They found an apartment in Brooklyn and they were surrounded by groovy friends who all went on road trips together down to the Florida Keys .

  8. 因此,我与朋友本(ben)和艾玛(emma)在首都墨西哥城停留几天后,便南下前往山区的殖民地城市圣克里斯托瓦尔(sancristobal)。

    So after a few days with my friends Ben and Emma in the capital , we travelled south to San Cristobal , a colonial mountain town .

  9. 我客气的婉拒了Richard提出的南下到一个阳光明媚旅游胜地的旅行邀请,高兴地溜进洗手间,还好,穿衣服算是私人活动。

    I politely declined Richard 's invitation for a trip a sunny resort somewhere down south , and happily escaped to the bathroom , because getting dressed is a private activity . Never was I so excited to see my bra .

  10. 这运河上的船只不论是南下还是北上。

    All boats on the canal , going north or south .

  11. 从布罗肯鲍地区南下科尔尼,海斯廷斯

    from the Broken Bow area down toward Kearney , Hastings ,

  12. 我们希望下星期南下到伦敦。

    We hope to come down to London next week .

  13. 但硅谷的投资者们却日益趋向于南下寻找新的投资机遇。

    But Silicon Valley investors are increasingly looking south for new opportunities .

  14. (艾力克斯上个星期南下到台南去旅行。)

    Alex made a trip down to Tainan last week .

  15. 布坎南下了命令要扣留你。

    Buchanan just gave orders to take you into custody .

  16. 南下工作的初期准备;

    On working Part Two reveals the preparation and mobilization .

  17. 我布莱恩'的方式南下,低于墨西哥的道路。

    I 'm goin'way down south , way down to Mexico way .

  18. 全家人将南下布赖顿几天。

    The family is going down to brightom for a few days .

  19. 至于我,正坐上汽车踏上南下的旅途。

    Me ? I 'm getting in the car and heading south .

  20. 在家呆了几天,殷老师又踏上了南下的路。

    After few days at home , she goes back to city .

  21. 他们已南下到布赖顿市住两天。

    They 've gone down to Brighton for a couple of days .

  22. 他们在南昌守了5天,然后动身南下。

    They held Nanchang five days before they started south .

  23. 普尔随老爷南下了,夫人。

    Poole went south with Lord Stark , my lady .

  24. 我不希望让兰尼斯特家知道我要南下。

    I don 't want the Lannisters to know I 'm coming .

  25. 气候变迁与商人南下

    Climate Change and Shang People Moving to the South

  26. 你得亲自南下,能等到周一吗

    You need to go down there . Can it wait until Monday ?

  27. 上周一和周二,南下资金量也明显处于低位。

    Similar low levels of southbound money were evident on Monday and Tuesday .

  28. 冷空气南下的路径。

    The moving southward path of the cold air .

  29. 我们必须继续南下墨西哥避开大爆炸。

    We must continue south into Mexico to escape the primary biast zones .

  30. 而且,从北方佬离开多尔顿南下以来,才过了四个月!

    And it was only four months since the Yankees moved south from dalton !