
  • 网络failure effect;failure influence
  1. 通过采取基于故障影响相对比值的样本分配方案,可以使试验结果更加真实、可信。

    The sample allocation scheme based on relative ratio of failure effect was adopted , which could make the test result more credible .

  2. 提出了一种基于故障影响分析的多热源环状热网可靠性评估方法,该方法将元件故障概率与热网故障工况水力分析相结合,采用可修复系统模型来评估热网的可靠性。

    Presents a reliability assessment method based on a failure effect analysis , in which component failure probability is combined with hydraulic analysis under failure conditions and the reliability of heat-supply networks is evaluated with a repairable system model .

  3. 生产中的故障影响了该厂的产量。

    Manufacturing glitches have limited the factory 's output .

  4. 从裂解炉装置的失效模式与影响分析(FMEA)入手,明确裂解炉装置各零部件的失效原因及故障影响。

    With the Failure Model and Effect Affect ( FMEA ), the failure reasons and its effects are made sure .

  5. 文中根据系统模块间故障影响度和故障传播关系,基于模糊有向图,实现了系统级BIT设计的系统划分。

    According to the influence and propagation of the faults between modules in a system , a method for system partition in the design for system - level built-in test ( BIT ) is proposed by the directional fuzzy graph .

  6. 热启动是IDMS的特色之一,在CV下它能自动地、迅速地恢复受到系统故障影响的运行单位。

    The warm start is one of the features of IDMS . Under central version , it can automatically and rapidly recover a recovery unit to the normal status that it was before the system fault .

  7. 基于模糊层次分析法的车辆故障影响评估模型

    Impact Assessment Model of Vehicle Failure Based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process

  8. 润滑油的性质对航空发动机故障影响的研究

    Study on the Characteristics of Lubricating Oil Affecting Aeroengine Fault

  9. 可靠性评估通过故障影响分析实现。线路允许通过的最大电流通过直流潮流计算确定。

    Reliability evaluation is realized by using DC flow calculations .

  10. 集中式部署时的故障影响范围涉及面较广。

    Failure of centralized deployment shall have a significant impact and cover a large area .

  11. 雷达中减轻故障影响的系统可靠性设计

    Reliability Design Concerning Fault Effects Reduction

  12. 电网故障影响供电品质,甚至导致断电。

    Distribution network fault affects the quality of electricity power supply , and even cause power outages .

  13. 该故障影响用户登录和管理其应用,但不会影响到正在运行的应用实例。

    The issue affects your ability to log in and manage your applications but should not impact currently running instances .

  14. 由访问频繁引发的技术故障影响了今天联邦保险交易计划的发行。

    A technical glitch caused by heavy traffic caused some problems for today 's launch of the federal insurance exchange .

  15. 建立了输入/输出指定元回归模型,实现对输出子系统故障影响强度的预测。

    In addition , a DC regress model is established to predict the imperil level of the root fault . 5 .

  16. 对于其中一类不受故障影响的子系统,得到了其非线性自适应观测器及参数自适应律的设计;

    One is not affected by actuator faults , so the nonlinear adaptive observer and the parameter adaptive law can be designed .

  17. 调度中心从全网的角度制定调度方案,以避免局部故障影响全网。

    Dispatch center to develop from the perspective of the whole network scheduling scheme , in order to avoid local failure of the whole network .

  18. 高频载波通道受线路故障影响,保护可能误动或拒动。

    When line fault occurs , the clear impact on high frequency carrier wave channels may easily result in tripping missing or mal operation of the pilot protection .

  19. 对电子管电视发射机几种隐性故障影响电子管寿命进行了探讨,并结合实践给出了解决问题的经验和方法。

    This paper mainly talks about the effect of hidden troubles with television transmitters on electronic tubes , and also comes up with some solutions according to the experience .

  20. 在IBMsolidDB环境中,HighAvailability的主要优点是应用程序不受主数据库故障的影响。

    The main benefit of High Availability in an IBM solidDB environment is that applications are shielded from the effects of a failure of the primary database .

  21. 这没有发生他们没有做一个完整的故障模式影响分析(FMEA)。

    That did not happen They failed to do a full Failure Mode Effects Analysis ( FMEA ) .

  22. 串联谐振型FCL对高压断路器开断短路故障的影响

    Influence of serial-resonant FCL on the characteristics of circuit breakers during short-circuit faults

  23. 应用FMECA法对攻关产品某系列数控车床进行故障模式影响与致命度分析。

    Apply the FMECA method to analyze failure mode effect and criticality of brainstorm products-certain serial CNC lathes .

  24. 文章提出了一个新的TA饱和判别方法,该方法利用差动电流的差分值进行TA饱和判别,不受转换性故障的影响,该原理适用于母线保护。

    This paper puts forward a new TA saturation distinguish method . This method uses the difference value of differential current to distinguish TA saturation , which is not affected by conversion fault . The principles are suitable for bus protection .

  25. 针对综合安全评估过程中故障模式影响分析(FMEA)表格涉及的评价因素多、模糊概念多以致评价不够精确的缺陷,运用模糊综合评判方法加以改进。

    Since many evaluation elements are involved in FMEA ( failure modes and effects analysis ) method and its concepts are fuzzy , a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is applied to improve FMEA in this study .

  26. 论述了故障模式影响及危害性分析(FMECA)的目的和意义,尤其强调了战术导弹全弹FMECA对提高导弹可靠性的作用。

    The purpose and mean of failure mode effect and criticality analysis ( FMECA ) were presented in this paper , and the function of FMECA for whole tactical missile to improve the missile reliability was stressed .

  27. 概述TDCS数据通道故障的影响,对造成TDCS数据通道故障的原因进行分析,并提出了针对性的实施对策,实现了数据通道故障件数和延时大幅压缩。

    The article summarized the effects of TDCS data channel breakdown and analyzes the reasons . It also proposed specific countermeasures to deal with the issue , which can greatly reduce the occurrence and delay of TDCS data channel breakdown .

  28. 为了保证OPGW不受系统运行方式和故障的影响而正常运行,文章采取在OPGW上装设复合阻抗的方法,使OPGW中的感应电压和电流在其允许范围之内,保证其能够长期正常工作。

    To avoid the influence of the running ways and faults of power system on OPGW and to ensure its regular running , a measure that install composite impedance in OPGW to keep the inductive voltage and current of OPGW within the allowable range is presented in this article .

  29. 尘土颗粒带电对电接触故障的影响

    Effect of Electrical Charges Carried by Dust Particles on Electric Contact Failure

  30. 舰船建造故障模式影响分析技术研究舰船建造的精节生产

    Research on ship manufacturing FMEA The Lean Production for Shipbuilding