
  • 网络engraved intaglio plate;Intaglio;engraved intaglio form
  1. 主要对激光雕刻凹版制版技术的原理及其工艺进行了研究。

    The process principle of laser engraving technology in gravure was discussed .

  2. 激光雕刻凹版制版技术雕刻防伪技术超声波雕刻技术及其工具制造

    Application of laser engraving technology in gravure plate making

  3. 雕刻凹版:制造凹版的一种方法。用锐利工具把线条刻在版上而不用酸作腐蚀。

    Drypoint engraving : Method of preparing a gravure printing plate by incising lines with a cutting tool instead of with acid .