
  • 网络capital liberalization
  1. 俄罗斯在2006年资本自由化前常用的资本控制,不管在经济上还是政治上都不好用了;

    Capital controls , which Russia used to have before it decided to liberalise its capital account in2006 , are both economically and politically unpalatable ;

  2. 经济学理论表明,国际资本自由化有利于资源更有效的配置,分散风险,促进金融发展。

    Economic theory suggests that unfettered international capital flows can foster a more efficient allocation of resources , provide opportunities for risk diversification , and help promote financial development .

  3. 本文通过创建代表各地区经济发展的虚拟企业,以其应缴纳的增值税作为经济增长替代变量,并以资本自由化指数作为金融发展指标变量进行研究。

    From the world experience , we can see that capital account liberalization is important in one countrys development , so both developed countries and developing countries take it as economic target .

  4. 通过开放型经济的发展实现贸易自由化和资本自由化,通过经济、技术的交流与合作最终实现国家和区域经济水平的大幅度提升。

    Trade liberalization and capital account liberalization through the development of an open economy , and ultimately greatly enhance the level of national and regional economies through economic and technological exchanges and cooperation .

  5. 如果中国希望让人民币进入sdr,它可能被迫首先让其资本账户自由化。

    If the Chinese want the yuan included in the SDR , they will probably have to liberalise their capital account first .

  6. 而QFⅡ制度和QDⅡ制度,作为实现我国国际资本流动自由化的过渡性步骤,是现阶段的最佳道路选择。

    As the necessary step of Chinese liberalization , QF ⅱ and QD ⅱ are the best choices now .

  7. 加入WTO,是我国资本账户自由化所面临的新形势,因此本文又分析了中国入世过渡期内,我国资本账户自由化的进程安排及资本管制形式和方法的转变。

    Because entry into WTO is a new situation for the Chinese capital account liberalization , this paper also analyzes the course 's arrange of our country 's capital account liberalization and the change of capital control 's form and method in the transition period of China entering into WTO .

  8. 中国也在继续推进资本账户自由化。

    China continues to move toward capital account liberalisation as well .

  9. 资本账户自由化的国际比较

    An International Comparison on the freedom of Capital Account

  10. 我国资本账户自由化改革进程与路径研究

    Study on the Process and Path of China 's Capital Account Liberal Reforms

  11. 资本账户自由化增长效应的经验研究结论与启示

    A Study on Experiences of the Promotive Effect of Liberalization of Capital Account

  12. 开放经济下,资本帐户自由化的经济效应分析

    Under the Open Economy , the Economic Effect Analysis of Capital Account 's Liberalization

  13. 我国在东亚区域资本流动自由化中的机遇与挑战

    Opportunities and Challenges China Encounters in Free Financial Capital Flow of Eastern Asia Area

  14. 论发展中国家资本项目自由化

    Capital Account Liberalization in Developing Countries

  15. 理论和实践都说明资本项目自由化是一把双刃剑。研究表明,实现资本项目下自由兑换是一项系统复杂的工程,必须稳妥推进。

    Both the theory and practice showed that the liberalization of capital account has two-side effects .

  16. 本文指出,资本账户自由化,能提高金融深化指标的水平,改善金融体系的功能作用。

    Capital accounts liberalization can improve the level of financial development and the functioning of financial systems .

  17. 本文选择考察了资本账户自由化的积极方面,主要是它对收入增长和福利改善的促进作用。

    This paper surveys the positive effects of capital accounts liberalization , with a focus on economic growth and welfare improvement .

  18. 首先是资本市场自由化(发展中国家开放金融市场以接纳短期“热钱”)伴随着巨大的危险。

    The first is that capital market liberalization opening up developing countries'financial markets to surges in short-term hot money is dangerous .

  19. 我国政府应妥善协调改革、开放与发展的关系,积极渐进地推动资本账户自由化。

    And our government should coordinate reform , opening-up and development appropriately , and advance liberalization of capital account actively and gradually .

  20. 在开放经济条件下,资本账户自由化是一个国家经济对外开放不可或缺的部分。

    Under the condition of open economy , the freedom of capital account is a part for a country to open her economy abroad .

  21. 在分析资本账户自由化的增长效应时,本论文首先根据其主要的作用渠道,建立了一个初步模型。

    In reference to the analysis on the growth effects of capital accounts liberalization , we first set up an initial model according to the main functionary channels of capital accounts liberalization .

  22. 近年来,世界范围内私有化进程的推进,资本市场自由化和一体化进程的加快,在客观上引起了人们对公司所有权的高度关注。

    In recent years , with the advance of worldwide privatization process and the speeding up capital market liberalization and integration , people are leaded to pay great attention to corporate ownership objectively .

  23. 在对发达国家和广大发展中国家资本帐户自由化的经验分析的基础上,得出资本外逃是发展中国家爆发金融危机的最直接、最致命因素这一结论。

    Based on the empirical analysis of capital account liberalization both in developed countries and developing ones , it finds that capital flight is the fatalist fuse of financial crises in developing countries .

  24. 20世纪90年代以来,国际上有关资本账户自由化是否促进经济增长的主要经验研究充满着争议。

    Since the 1990 's there have been a lot of disputes in studies on major experiences in the world as to whether liberalization of capital account is promotive to economic growth or not .

  25. 完全资本账户自由化在中等金融发展水平的经济中会破坏经济的稳定:资本流入的井喷之后就是资本流出,经济崩溃。

    Similarly , full capital account liberalization may destabilize the economy in economies at an intermediate level of financial development : phases of growth with capital inflows are followed by collapse with capital outflows .

  26. 因此,继续推进资本账户自由化、加快利率和汇率机制市场化的进程,将有利于提高中国国际收支调节的有效性。

    As a result , China is advised to proceed with opening its capital account and speed up liberalization of the interest rate and exchange rate system so as to heighten effectiveness of adjusting to its balance of payment .

  27. 但证券市场的国际化与资本帐户自由化、国内证券市场的对外开放和国内货币政策之间存在着非常复杂的关系,必须考虑到国际化的收益和成本。

    However , there exist complex relations among the internationalization of SM , liberalization of capital account , opening up of domestic SM and domestic currency policy , therefore the income and cost of internationalization should be taken into account .

  28. 二战后随着贸易的推广和资本的自由化,目标化的经营方式成为各国大企业的必然选择,中国企业也参与其中,对外汇变动和风险管理有了更多认知。

    After world war ii with the trade promotion and capital liberalization , actualizing methods of management became the various countries ' big enterprise inevitably choice , Chinese companies are also involved in the foreign exchange change and risk management have more understanding .

  29. 但它反映出全球范围内围绕资本账户自由化讨论的一个转变,即讨论的焦点不再是开放资本账户对发展中国家是利是弊,而是转向需要满足何种条件,才能带来积极的效果。

    But it reflects a shift in the global debate over capital account liberalisation , away from arguing whether opening up the capital account is good or bad for developing countries , towards examining what conditions it needs to meet to deliver positive results .

  30. 第五章结合美日对外直接投资管制变革,运用比较分析的方法,剖析了中、美、日资本管制自由化的前提条件的区别,提出了结合中国特色的对策思路。

    Chapter 5 employs comparative analysis , discusses about the differences in the precondition of capital controlling liberalization between China , USA and Japan integrating with the reforms of controlling on direct foreign investment in USA and Japan , brings forward countermeasures in consideration of Chinese characteristics .