
  1. 然后承上启下引出完善JN市财政资金监管体系的对策。

    And then the connecting leads to the countermeasures to perfect the supervisory system of JN city finance capital .

  2. 总之,JN市这一案例在全国财政资金监管改革中是走在前列的,还有很多值得我们去进一步研究和探索的问题。

    In conclusion , this case is the forefront in the country concerned , there are many worthy of further research and exploration of the problem .

  3. 林业重点工程资金监管的问题分析与对策建议

    Problems and Countermeasures in the Fund Supervision of Forestry Major Projects

  4. 论加强经营性公路建设资金监管的基本思路

    Basic Thought of Strengthening the Supervision and Management on Operating Road Construction Funds

  5. 资金监管从财政资金预算和资金使用效率角度建立政府投资项目资金监督约束机制;

    The fund supervisory mechanism lies in fund budget and efficiency of fund usage ;

  6. 对银行而言,这是出于资金监管要求。

    It is for reasons of regulatory capital requirement as far as banks are concerned .

  7. 最后,土地复垦资金监管与土地复垦工程验收工作协调进行。

    Thirdly , the funds supervision and project acceptance work of land reclamation will be completed in phase .

  8. 本文试从新型农村合作医疗的立法、筹资、资金监管、乡镇卫生院建设等方面,提出相应的对策思考。

    This paper proposed some suggestions from laws , financing , funds supervision , township hospital construction and so on .

  9. 指出基本建设资金监管方面存在8个问题,最后对加强基本建设资金监管提出建议。

    The authors point out 8 problems on the supervision of capital construction funds and propose their recommendations on strengthening the supervision of capital construction funds in the final .

  10. 在采访中,记者也发现,除了部分业主不愿意采用资金监管之外,一些房屋中介的态度也颇为耐人寻味。

    In the interview , the reporter also found that while some of the owners are unwilling to adopt the management of funds , housing intermediary attitude is quite intriguing .

  11. 并从构建公共财政体制、完善公共卫生的财政投入机制、改变财政供给模式、建立多渠道的筹资机制和加强资金监管等方面提出对策和建议。

    Suggestions were proposed such as public financing system construction , perfecting public health financing investment operation , changing financing supply model , establishing financing mechanism and enforcing funds supervision .

  12. 再次,要建立覆盖资质监管、合同监管、资金监管、营业监管和信用监管等五个方面的全方位监管措施。

    Again , to establish cover qualification supervision , contract supervision , fund supervision , business regulation and oversight of the credit in five aspects such as comprehensive regulatory measures .

  13. 为实现土地破坏与复垦的动态平衡,保证新建矿山不欠新账,土地复垦资金监管是矿山土地复垦的重要保障。

    To achieve the dynamic balance between land destruction and land reclamation and ensure that new mines don 't owe debts , funds supervision is an important guarantee for land reclamation .

  14. 全面改进项目决策制度、资金监管制度、水利设施的产权制度、组织制度以及水权制度,提供良好的制度环境,有助于激励农户的投入行为。

    Comprehensive improvement of institutions such as decision-making system , financial supervision system , property rights system , organization system and the water rights system is helpful to enhance peasants ' willingness .

  15. 其次通过阐述行政事业单位的定义,行政事业单位财政资金监管的概念和特征,以及会计集中核算与国库集中支付理论,为后文打下理论基础。

    Secondly , describes the definition of administrative institutions , administrative institutions financial supervision concept and characteristics , and the centralized accounting system and treasury concentrated payment theory , as the theoretical foundation .

  16. 对于商品房预售资金监管、预售风险分担等事中、事后的动态监管必须从谋全局并且谋一时的态度来完善它。

    For the commercial sale of capital regulation , pre-and risk-sharing and other things , after the dynamic supervision must be to improve the " overall situation " and " seek temporary " attitude .

  17. 推动农村公路全面、协调、可持续发展,必须以质量为中心,加强组织领导、技术指导、质量监督和资金监管力度。

    To promote the general , harmonious and continuable development of the rural highway , we must take quality as center , and strengthen organization leadership , technological guidance , quality surveillance and fund supervision .

  18. 本文针对林业重点工程资金监管中所存在的问题,时林业重点工程资金监管体系进行了设计,并提出了相应的对策和建议。

    On the basis of the existing problems in fund supervision , the system of fund supervision for forestry major projects was designed , and the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions were put forward in the paper .

  19. 失去耕地农民面临的问题主要有:我国现有的土地制度不合理;社会保障不到位;赔偿资金监管、分配不到位。

    Loss of arable land problems faced by farmers are : the existing land system in China is unreasonable ; Social Security is not in place ; Compensation for financial regulation , distribution is not in place .

  20. 通过投资评审不同阶段的管理提出对项目评审全过程控制的理念,极大地增强了财政资金监管方面的力度,促进财政资金使用效益的提高。

    Through the different stages of the investment review management control of the whole process of project assessment concept , has greatly enhanced the intensity of supervision of financial funds to promote the use of funds improving efficiency .

  21. 最后通过分析房地产市场存在的风险来说明完善预售资金监管制度的必要性。第二部分是从法经济学的角度来分析预售资金监管模式。

    The chapter finally presents the necessity of establishing the advanced payment funds supervision system by analyzing the risks in real estate markets . Chapter ⅱ analyzing the advanced payment funds supervision model from the angle of legal economics .

  22. 本选题研究的意义是:希望找出会计核算中心进行下一步改革的方向和思路,力争探索出一套符合我国国情的行政事业单位财政资金监管方式。

    This study is to find the direction and ideas of accounting center in next reforming , and to explore a better supervising way for the financial fund of administrative institutions which suited to the present conditions of our country .

  23. 行为监管法律制度主要从业务行为监管与风险防范监管两方面入手,前者包含信息披露与告知制度、交易资金监管与佣金监管;后者包含营业保证金制度与职业责任保险制度。

    The behavior regulation legal system is about the conduct and risk regulation . The conduct regulation includes the disclosure and information system , the transaction fund and commission regulation . The risk regulation contains the deposit system and the professional liability insurance system .

  24. 作为征地补偿补充的被征地农民行政给付的现状是给付水平偏低、给付范围不公平、给付费用筹集难度大、给付费用的不当安排可能造成巨大财政负担、给付资金监管机制不完善。

    As land compensation complement of landless peasants administration presentation of the status quo is pay level is low , payment scope unfair , pay cost raise is difficult , improper arrangement may pay expenses caused heavy financial burden , payment funds supervision mechanism imperfect .

  25. 然后介绍了行政事业单位财政资金监管的现状,并对其存在的问题和产生问题的原因进行了分析,为下一章引出具体事例做了铺垫。

    Then , specific to the situation of our country , introduces the institution of our country administration financial supervision of the status quo , and the problems and causes of the problems were analyzed , for the next chapter leads to specific examples to do the groundwork .

  26. 本人从事财政监督管理工作,结合长期的财政资金监管工作实践,在充分了解相关研究文献和资料的基础上,采取了理论研究与案例分析相结合的方法对财政支出绩效评价体系进行研究。

    The author of this paper is working in the financial supervision field . Based on the working experience and the study on related references , the author does the research on the system of performance evaluation of financial expenditure by combining the theoretical research and the case study .

  27. 新规则有望为美国的主要生物医药研究机构国家卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth)开路,为干细胞项目注入数亿美元资金尽管监管规定可能不如某些研究倡导者所期望的那样自由。

    New rules are expected to open the way for the National Institutes of Health , the main US biomedical research agency , to pour hundreds of millions of dollars into stem cell projects though the regulations may not be as liberal as some research advocates had hoped .

  28. 加强交通建设资金有效监管的对策

    Countermeasures on Strengthening the Effective Inspection and Management of Communications Construction Fund

  29. 保险资金投资监管能力有待提高;

    2 > Inefficient supervision on insurance investment ;

  30. 第一部分:保险资金运用监管概述。

    The first section : the introduction of the supervision of insurance fund application .