
zī liào yuán
  • Documenter;person in charge of data management
  1. 信息时代,高校院系资料员的素质培养

    The Cultivation of the College Data Assistants ' Quality in the Information Times

  2. 图书资料员的信息素养及培养

    The Librarians ' quality of information and its training

  3. 浅议高校图书资料员的综合素质

    On the Comprehensive Quality of Librarians of College Library

  4. 档案资料员负责台帐的建立和管理工作。

    The archive data processor is responsible to establish and manage the account .

  5. 新世纪高校系资料员应具备的素质和能力

    On the Quality and Ability of Librarians of University Department in the New Century

  6. 图书资料员对读者的导向功能新议

    On the Guiding Role of the Librarians

  7. 在高校教学科研的发展中,系资料员起着不可或缺的作用。

    The department librarian plays an indispensable role in the development of the university 's teaching research .

  8. 作为一名资料员,我认真向师傅们学习专业知识和安全知识。

    As a documenter , I earnestly study from the qualified workers for professional knowledge and safety regulations .

  9. 高校系资料员学术研究之管见提高资料员综合素质做好文献资源开发利用

    Improving the Comprehensive Quality of Working Staff in Reference Rooms and Enhancing the Development and Utilization of Literature Resources

  10. 生效的试验检测报告单由资料员进行编号登记汇编成册归档。

    Effective test and detection report form is numbered , registered , compiled into volume and filed by data processor .

  11. 并分析了系资料员向学科馆员角色转换的客观条件和主观条件。

    Subjective conditions and objective conditions which affect the role changing of the department librarians into subject librarians are analysed .

  12. 本文从高校教研室资料员的角度讨论了(1)知识管理的目的;

    The article discusses the following aspects at the angle of a librarian in universities in the new century : ( 1 ) Purpose of knowledge management ;

  13. 图书资料员的信息素养由信息意识、信息道德、信息知识和信息能力等四个基本要素组成。

    The Librarians ' quality of information consists of four essential elements , such as information consciousness , information morals , the information knowledge and the information gathering-ability etc.

  14. 在市场经济条件下,报刊业图书资料员应做好观念和职责、信息意识、管理方式、服务手段等方面的转变,以适应本行业激烈竞争要求。

    In the market economy , a press librarian might adapt intense competition on the press trade by making conversions on the aspects of conceptions and duties , information consciousness , management methods , service means , etc.

  15. 建设素质优良、精干高效、知识年龄结构合理,富有敬业精神和创新能力,能适应我国高校图书资料员队伍尤其迫切。

    It is quite urgent to train a working staff of librarians who are highly qualified , efficient with appropriate ages , hardworking spirit , and innovative ability and able to adapt to the reality of library wok in colleges and universities .

  16. 通过对传统高校图书馆的图书经费、图书资源、资料员等情况分析,指出传统办馆模式的弊端,提出建立现代图书馆馆室一体化的管理模式。

    By analyzing the library funds , book resources , and librarians in colleges and universities , this paper points out the disadvantages of traditional model for running libraries and puts forward establishing modern libraries and implementing the management modle of library-reading room integration .

  17. 这个资料由登记员转录到死亡登记的收集条目中去。

    This information is transcribed by the registrar into a draft entry of death registration .

  18. 从参考馆员到学科馆员&试论高等师范院校资料室图书馆馆员的角色转变

    From Reference Librarian to Subject Librarian & On Role-Change of Librarian in the Reference-room in Normal University

  19. 撤销资料室,保留资料员&对采编分立的高校院(系)资料室改革的探讨

    Cancel the Department Reference Room , Keep the Department Librarian & Discussion of the Reform of Department Reference Room Which Acquistion and Catalogue is Discrete in University

  20. 资料室的定位与资料员的发展

    The Positioning of the Reference Room and the Developing of the Personnel of the Reference Room

  21. 对高校系资料室文献信息资源建设、文献信息服务进行了论述,并对如何加强资料员队伍建设提出了建议。

    The documents information resources and documents information service of high school faculty material office are discussed and the suggestions for strengthening clerk team building are proposed .

  22. 本人授权大学使用本人之资料查询有关申请事宜及有关本人在其它院校就读资料。这种资料可以询问电话员或查看电话簿。

    I authorize the University to use my data to carry out checks on multiple applications and checks on records of previous studies as a student in the institution . This information can be obtained from the operator or from the telephone book .

  23. 高校系资料室应采用文本式服务、数据库服务、定题服务、咨询服务等有效方法开展期刊工作,并加强资料员自身修养,从而节省读者的时间。

    In order to save readers ' time , reference libraries of colleges and universities should adopt the services of the text , databank , specific problems , counseling , etc. and effi-cient methods in carrying out journal work and should enhance the self-culture of its docu menters .