
  • 网络SGCC;galvanizing;hot-dip galvanized steel
  1. 汽车用合金化热镀锌板镀层剥离行为的分析

    Peeling Behavior of Hot-Dipped Galvanizing Alloying Coating on Automobile Steel Sheets

  2. 八钢高强度热镀锌板S550GD+Z的试验研究

    Experimental Study of High Strength Hot Dip Galvanizing Plate S550GD + Z

  3. 合金化热镀锌板短路过渡CO2焊冶金现象研究

    Metallurgical Behavior of alloying galvanized plate welded with co_2 short circuiting arc

  4. 热镀锌板生产线上CPC系统常见的问题及对策

    Common problems of CPC system on hot dip galvanized steel sheets line and the solutions

  5. 汽车用热镀锌板Fe-Al合金层的研究

    Study on Fe - Al Alloy Layer in Hot - Dipping Galvanized Steel Sheet for Cars

  6. 汽车用热镀锌板Fe-Al过渡层相结合能的计算

    Calculating of Cohesive Energy of Fe Al Transition Layer of Hot Dipping Galvanized Steel Sheet for Cars

  7. 退火工艺对Ti-IF钢合金化热镀锌板微观组织织构的影响

    Effect of annealing process on microstructure and texture of alloying hot dip galvanized Ti-IF sheet

  8. 在大量搜集现场生产数据的基础上,用BP神经网络算法建立了各种工艺参数对热镀锌板力学性能影响的数学模型。

    Based on collected production data , a predictive model to express the relationship between the mechanical properties of hot dip galvanized sheet and varied technological parameters has been developed by means of BP artificial neural network algorithm .

  9. 与线性回归模型的比较表明,BP算法的预测误差小于线性回归模型,可用于预测热镀锌板的力学性能,有实用性和推广价值。

    As compared with the model of multi-variant linear regression , the BP model is smaller in error values of σ 0.2 and σ b . Therefore , the model can be used to predict the mechanical properties of hot dip galvanized sheet and is suitable to extend .

  10. 研究了再结晶退火温度、退火时间对Ti-IF钢合金化热镀锌板的钢基组织织构及析出相的影响。

    The effect of recrystallization annealing temperature and annealing time on the microstructure and precipitation phase of alloying hot dip galvanized sheet are investigated in this paper .

  11. 通过试验分析了不同的光整工艺对热镀锌板屈服强度、n值和表面质量的影响,由此提出了CQ、DQ级低碳铝镇静钢和IF钢优化的光整工艺。

    The influence of skin pass process on yield strength , n value and surface quality of hot-dipped galvanized sheet steel were analyzed by experiments . Meanwhile , the optimized skin pass processes for CQ , DQ and IF steel were obtained .

  12. 结合本钢现有生产技术装备水平,阐述了EDDQ特深冲热镀锌板的生产工艺特点,分析了所采用的工艺制度对产品性能的影响,总结了本钢特深冲热镀锌板的开发研制过程。

    In this article we analyze the characteristic of producing process of EDDQ hot dip galvanizing strip and its effects on the product properties , summarize the progress of the new product development of EDDQ hot dip galvanizing strip of BX Steel .

  13. 汽车用热镀锌板镀层结构

    Investigation on Coating Structure of Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel Sheet for Cars

  14. 高耐蚀性热镀锌板的钝化处理工艺探讨

    Passivation technology for high corrosion resistance of hot-dip galvanized strip

  15. 热镀锌板镀层表面锌花均匀性研究

    Study with Spangles Homogeneity on Plating Surface of Hot Galvanized Steel Sheet

  16. 防酸性气体腐蚀面层汽车用合金化热镀锌板镀层缺陷及其防止措施

    Coating default on hot-dip galvannealed sheet for automobile and its preventive measures

  17. 热镀锌板表面钝化时的磷化工艺

    Phosphatizing Technique for Passivated Surface of Hot Galvanized Steel Plate

  18. 我国汽车用热镀锌板发展的探讨

    Discussion on development of galvanized strip for automobile in China

  19. 热镀锌板生产技术发展及相关问题探讨

    Technique Development of Hot Dipped Galvanized Sheet Steel and Relative Questions Discussion

  20. 热镀锌板镀层表面缺陷及其消除措施

    Coating surface defect on hot-dip galvanized steel sheet and its preventive measures

  21. 热镀锌板静电喷涂漆膜脱落原因分析

    Cause Analysis of Static Spraying Coating Flake Away from Hot-dipped Galvanized Sheet Steel

  22. 热镀锌板耐指纹工艺及装置简介

    Finger Mark Resisting Device of Hot Galvanized Strip

  23. 热浸锌层人工加速腐蚀试验数值分析新型环保钝化热镀锌板耐蚀性的研究

    Analysis of corrosion data of hot dip galvanized coating obtained in an accelerated corrosion test

  24. 光整热镀锌板磷化过程中铝离子的影响及消除

    Effect and elimination of aluminum ions in phosphating of bright and level hot dip galvanized sheet

  25. 将光整热镀锌板磷化技术用于空调器的生产。

    Phosphating of hot dip galvanized sheets have been used for the production of air conditioners .

  26. 不同氧含量环境中汽车用热镀锌板泥浆附着的腐蚀行为

    Influence of content of oxygen on corrosion behavior of automotive hot-dip galvanized steel under alkaline mud adhesion

  27. 电化学磷化与传统磷化工艺比较热镀锌板表面钝化时的磷化工艺

    Comparison Between Electro-chemical Phosphating Treatment and Traditional Phosphating Technology Phosphatizing Technique for Passivated Surface of Hot Galvanized Steel Plate

  28. 热镀锌板温度测量数据辨识模型探索与应用

    Research and Application of a Distinguishable Model for the Measured Value of Steel Strip in Hot Galvanizing Steel Sheet

  29. 通过对国内外两条连续镀锌生产线的对比,分析了连续热镀锌板质量的影响因素。

    The influence elements to quality of continuous hot galvanized sheet have been analyzed by compared an internal shop with an external .

  30. 合金化热镀锌板辊涂法无污染铬酸盐处理研究