
  1. 论新军阀混战中的蒋介石和张学良

    A view of CHIANG Kai shek and ZHANG Xue liang in the war among new warlords

  2. 在八路军中,开始向新军阀主义倾向作斗争。

    A struggle has been started against the tendency towards new warlordism in the Eighth Route Army .

  3. 建立政权之后,农民起义军蜕化成新军阀、新地主阶级。

    After the establishment of peasant governments , the uprising troops degenerated to new warlords and landlords .

  4. 经济类稿件的三种八股倾向与编辑选稿之管见在八路军中,开始向新军阀主义倾向作斗争。

    The Eight-part Essay Tendency of Economic Papers and the Editors Selection ; A struggle has been started against the tendency towards new warlordism in the Eighth Route Army .