
  1. 区域路网新建公路转移交通量预测方法研究

    A Study on the Transfer Traffic Volume Forecast of New Highways in Area Road Network

  2. 这条路免交过路费,过路费是那些连接城市地区的新建公路的负担。

    The road is free of the tolls that burden new highways connecting urban areas .

  3. 穿过群山的这条公路车流量非常少,可能因为它是一条新建公路。

    The road through the hills is little trafficked , perhaps because it is fairly new .

  4. 因此,新建公路都采取了一些公路路域生态环境恢复工程和措施。

    Therefore , principals which answer for the ecological project were taken to resume the environment .

  5. 根据研究成果应用于郴州市桂阳-嘉禾二级新建公路路堑边坡,取得了良好的效果。

    According to the reasearches , good effect was received on the new high-type highway cut slope in chenzhou Guiyang-Jiahe .

  6. 此外,中国还投资数百万美元在这一地区新建公路、桥梁以及首条跨境电力电缆。

    China is also sinking millions of dollars into new highways and bridges in the area , and the first cross-border power cable .

  7. 中国有四通八达的新建公路、航空及发展中的高速铁路交通体系,这与印度形成鲜明对照。

    China , with its sprawling networks of new highways , airports and budding high-speed rail connections , makes for a daunting comparison .

  8. 许多人欢迎新建公路,但也有不少人对此深恶痛绝,认为它破坏风景,蚕食城区,是无节制的现代化的象征。

    While many welcomed the new roads , others disliked them as symbols of runaway modernity that chewed up landscape and / or urban areas .

  9. 在大规模新建公路的同时,也要对现有的老路进行技术改造,提高等级。

    While new highways are constructed in large scale , it is necessary to improve and upgrade the existing roads technically due to fund shortness .

  10. 提出一种基于现状路网路段交通量来预测新建公路转移交通量的预测方法。

    This paper brings up a new method that can predict the transfer traffic volume of new highways based on the link flow of an existing road network .

  11. 结果表明,采用汽车污染物扩散模式,预测新建公路对城区大气环境质量影响是可行的。

    The result shows that it is fea-ible to forecast the impact of newly built highways on the quality of atmospheric environment in urban areas by using motor vehicle dif-fusion models .

  12. 与新建公路相比,旧路加宽改扩建工程具有施工难度大、工艺复杂、质量要求高等特点。

    In comparison with the highway to be constructed , the project of widening and rebuilding is characterized by the following features : difficult and tough construction techniques and high-quality requirements etc.

  13. 项目建设具体选址在侯马新建公路枢纽货运中心,位于侯马市西郊,距高速公路出口2公里,距侯马市3公里。

    The center to be built will be located in the western suburb of Houma city keeping a distance of2 kilometers to the exit of the highway and3 kilometers to Houma city .

  14. 应用桥梁震害的统计分析和概率预测等两种方法,确定了青马大桥地区新建公路桥梁的抗震设防标准。

    The aseismic criterion of a highway bridge to be built in the Lautan fixed crossing area was determined by means of the statistical analysis and the probabilistic prediction in this paper .

  15. 在遇到新建公路上穿铁路、下跨高速公路、穿越水源保护区的情况下,平纵结合,满足各条公路的净空,和公铁立交桥的净高要求。

    With flat and vertical sections combination , the highway clearance and railway overpass clear height requirements are met , when the planning route crosses over railways , beneath expressways and through water resource protection area .

  16. 再次,论文对改建公路交通量预测和新建公路交通量预测两种情况,将高速公路交通量预测方法划分为两类,并分析其优缺点和使用范围。

    Third , the paper proposes two kinds of current predicting methods on the basis of two traffic volume conditions of constructed and constructing highways , respectively , and analyzes their special features and their using scopes .

  17. 对沿海一带新建公路、铁路所作的软土试验中,经过分析研究,提出了试验方法的选择,强度指标的确定,影响强度的因素等,进行了客观论述。

    On the basis of experiments to soft soil ground of highways and railways in coastal area this paper suggests how to select the experimental method , how to determine the strength index and factors affecting the strength .

  18. 其次,本文还对新建公路下伏采空区处理宽度和深度的确定方法作了比较系统的论述,提出了以载荷影响深度与冒落裂隙带高度是否重合的方法来确定采空区处理深度。

    Secondly , the author systematically discussed the methods to define treatment width and depth of goaf underlying highway to be built , put forward a way to define the treatment depth according to make sure if the load affect depth and fallen fissured zone height are coincided .

  19. 新建的公路,还有亚马逊流域发生的变化。

    The new highway and the changes it 's making in the Amazon valley .

  20. 科拉最大的太阳能项目是一年半前在诺曼底投入使用的一条乡村公路,表面积只有济南新建太阳能公路的一半。

    The biggest of Colas 's solar sites , a country road in Normandy that opened a year and a half ago , has only half the surface area of the new solar highway in Jinan .

  21. 最后,本文在此研究基础之上,提出了经营性公路合理经营期限的测算方法,并结合某省一新建经营性公路项目对其合理经营期限进行了实测。

    Also , the reasonable operational period of a new-built operational highway in one province is calculated by the calculation method which is proposed in this paper .

  22. 除了体育设施外,还包括新建地铁、公路、机场甚至污水排放系统。

    It 's not just building stadiums ; it 's building a new subway system , new highways , a new airport , even a new sewage system .

  23. 新建的工厂靠近公路。

    The newly built plant abuts on the highway .

  24. 我国正处于大规模基础设施建设的高峰时期,正在新建大量高等级公路与桥梁。

    Our country is being placed in the high peak that the large-scale infrastructure constructs period . The great quantities high grade highways and bridges are being built .

  25. 新建的混泥土公路也没能延伸到大多数的站点,而且车一多道路就显得狭窄,所以即使到了现在,人们都会直接在铁轨上走路或者骑摩托车。

    The area 's new concrete road still does not reach most of the stations and is too narrow for much traffic so even now , people walk or ride motorbikes straight down the railway line .

  26. 随着近年来公路铁路基础设施建设的快速发展,我国路网密度明显增加,新建桥梁与现有公路、铁路的立体交叉问题日益常见。

    With the rapid development of road and rail infrastructure in recent years , the density of the road network is significantly increased , which commonly leads to the flyover crossing between the new built bridge and the old roads and railways .

  27. 直到几年前,这条铁路线的最后几站还没有通公路。新建的混泥土公路也没能延伸到大多数的站点,而且车一多道路就显得狭窄,所以即使到了现在,人们都会直接在铁轨上走路或者骑摩托车。

    Until a couple of years ago , there was noroad to the last stops on the line . The area 's new concrete road still does not reach most of the stations and is too narrow for much traffic so even now , people walk or ride motorbikes straight down the railway line .

  28. 五年内,计划投资350亿元,建设完成高速公路561公里;新建和改建一般干线公路318公里,新建和改造农村公路5000公里。

    Five years , plans to invest 35,000,000,000 yuan , to complete construction of 561 km highway ; general construction and upgrading Route 318 km new highways and 5,000 km of rural transformation .