
  1. 然而,就在这部达米安?沙泽勒(DamienChazelle)编导的现代音乐片的制作人员和演员登上舞台、激动地发表致谢演说时,他们却被告知《月光男孩》才是真正的获奖者。

    But as the producers and cast of Damien Chazelle 's modern musical were on stage giving emotional thank you speeches , they were told that Moonlight was the real winner .

  2. 不过,在长达四小时的马拉松般的颁奖典礼中,《月光男孩》所获奖项一度与《爱乐之城》并驾齐驱。

    But Moonlight kept pace with it over the course of a marathon four-hour ceremony .

  3. 目前正在调查最佳影片奖是如何被错误地念成《爱乐之城》而非真正得主《月光男孩》的。

    An investigation is continuing into how La La Land was wrongly named Best Picture rather than the triumphant Moonlight .

  4. 乌龙事件澄清之后,《爱乐之城》制片人乔丹?霍罗威茨重新拿回麦克风说“《月光男孩》获得了最佳影片奖”,而且强调“这不是玩笑”。

    La La Land producer Jordan Horowitz returned to the microphone after being told about the mix up and said ' Moonlight won Best Picture ' and insisting that ' this is not a joke ' .

  5. 《月光男孩》的导演巴里·詹金斯在接受奥斯卡最佳改编剧本奖的时候表示,在接下来的四年里,感受不到支持的人们可以向美国民权自由联盟以及艺术家们求助。

    Moonlight director Barry Jenkins said in accepting the Oscar for adapted screenplay that people who don 't feel like they have support can look to the American Civil Liberties Union and artists over the next four years .

  6. 声明中说:“我们真诚地向《月光男孩》剧组、《爱乐之城》剧组、沃伦?比蒂、费?唐纳薇和奥斯卡颁奖礼观众致歉,因为在宣布最佳影片环节中我们出了纰漏。”

    The statement said : " We sincerely apologize to Moonlight , La La Land , Warren Beatty , Faye Dunaway , and Oscar viewers for the error that was made during the award announcement for Best Picture . "

  7. 沃伦·比蒂和费·唐纳薇在宣布奥斯卡最佳影片奖时,因为错拿了评奖结果卡片,误将得奖影片念成了《爱乐之城》,而不是《月光男孩》。事后,负责处理奥斯卡奖项结果的会计公司发了一份公开道歉声明。

    The accountancy firm in charge of the Oscars results has apologized after Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway were handed the wrong results card when announcing the Best Picture award and incorrectly announced La La Land as the winner rather than Moonlight .