
We use a statistical mechanical model to discuss bending and flexibility of trinucleotide repeat sequences ( TRS ) which associate with several human genetic diseases .
Ion channels and human genetic diseases
Study on Family Collection , Gene Mapping , Gene Identification and Gene Function of Human Genetic Diseases
Gene targeted mouse mutants , which have been generated by the techniques of the gene knockout , the subtle gene targeting and the conditional gene targeting , will play the important role in the mechanisms of pathogenesis of human genetic diseases , gene therapy and gene function researches .
W. Luo developed a method that can detect and estimate the coefficient of linkage disequilibrium between a marker locus and quantitative trait locus ( QTL ), and raised the theoretical strategies for high resolution mapping of complex genetic disorders in humans .
Prospect for Analysis and Treatment of Human Major Genetic Diseases
Inheritance Patterns of the Human Monogenic Diseases
Gene therapy has shown great potentials in the treatment of a number of human key diseases , such as genetic diseases , cancer and so on , yet there are still some big challenges to face .
Studies show that the accumulation of mutation and oxidative damage of mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) are the molecular mechanism of mitochondrial heredopathia and degenerative diseases .
Human chromosome identification is an important research topic for medical genetics , which has widely been applied in clinical medicine , teaching aids and scientific research . It is the basic accordance to judge the human genetic disease either .