
  1. 它具有极为重大的意义,洛杉矶城市艺术博物馆(LosAngelesCountyMuseumofArt)的中国艺术类策展人斯蒂芬·利特尔(StephenLittle)说。

    It is of monumental significance , said Stephen Little , a curator of Chinese art at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art .

  2. 我是主持人克洛伊-莎莎-布鲁克斯,也是TED的一名策展人。

    I 'm your host , Cloe Shasha Brooks , and a curator at TED .

  3. 人们只要创建一个iTunes播放列表,就可以被称为策展人。

    Anyone creating an iTunes playlist could be called a curator .

  4. 周二(9月8日),大都会博物馆董事会任命科达的同事、策展人安德鲁·博尔顿(AndrewBolton)接任他的职位。

    On Tuesday the Met board chose Andrew Bolton , his fellow curator , to succeed him .

  5. 香港著名策展人与交易者张颂仁(JohnsonChang)说,触动他的并不是伯奇的作品本身。

    Johnson Chang , a prominent Hong Kong curator and dealer , said he wasn 't impressed with Mr. Birch 's art in itself .

  6. 安德鲁•博尔顿(AndrewBolton)是时装学院这场展览的策展人,他认为这种做法反映了未来的趋势。

    For Andrew Bolton , the curator of the Costume Institute show , this is a reflection of the future .

  7. 我是克洛伊莎莎布鲁克斯(CloeShashaBrooks),是这个节目的主持人,也是TED的策展人。

    I 'm Cloe Shasha Brooks , your host and a curator at TED .

  8. 上月初,TED大会策展人克里斯安德森(ChrisAnderson)在自己的博客上发出了战斗号令。

    Earlier this month , Chris Anderson , curator of the TED conferences , gave a call to arms on his blog .

  9. 泽维尔•迪佩塔(XavierDiPetta)和克里斯•怀尔德(ChrisWild)以不同的方式找到了自己的事业——历史图片数字策展人。

    Xavier Di Petta and Chris Wild arrived at their vocation - as digital curators of historical pictures - in very different ways .

  10. Q3:作为一个年轻但经验丰富的独立策展人,你所遇到过的最大的挑战是什么?

    Q3 : As a young and experienced independent curator , what is your biggest challenge ?

  11. 本次展览的策展人是艺术历史学家朱迪思·克拉克(JudithClark);让她感到震撼的是,阿格依奥在创建了这个品牌之后,依然对其他品牌的作品保持包容的态度。

    What struck Judith Clark , the art historian who curated the exhibition , was that after founding the label , Ms. Aghion remained so open to the work of others .

  12. 去年夏天,刘香成和他的伴侣、艺术史学家兼策展人凯伦·史密斯(KarenSmith)一起搬到了上海,随后开始筹建一座摄影画廊。

    Then last summer , he and his partner , Karen Smith , an art historian and curator , uprooted themselves and moved to Shanghai , where Mr. Liu has since worked on building a photography gallery .

  13. 所以这位艺术商清理了画面,把它拿给重要的康斯特布尔专家&安妮·莱尔斯(AnneLyles),她曾是英国泰特美术馆的策展人。

    So the dealer had it cleaned and took it to a leading Constable expert , Anne Lyles , a former curator at Tate Britain .

  14. MoMA馆长杰里·I·斯派尔(JerryI.Speyer),以及大都会艺术博物馆的馆长丹尼尔·布罗德斯基(DanielBrodsky)和他的妻子——独立策展人艾斯崔尔丽塔(Estrellita)。

    Jerry I. Speyer , chairman of the Museum of Modern Art ; and Daniel Brodsky , chairman of the Metropolitan Museum of Art , and his wife , Estrellita , an independent curator .

  15. 若需更多资讯或希望安排艺术家或策展人的采访,请联络DanielaCavero。

    For interview arrangements with the artists or the gallery director , or further information please contact Daniela Cavero .

  16. 美国博物馆协会(AmericanAllianceofMuseums)成员、未来博物馆中心(theCenterfortheFutureofMuseums)创始馆长伊丽莎白·梅里特(ElizabethMerritt)指出虚拟平台上的评论可以把展览和当下的现实问题联系在一起,这是策展人往往做不到的。

    Elizabeth Merritt , founding director of the Center for the Future of Museums , an arm of the American Alliance of Museums , pointed out that remarks written in virtual comment fields could relate shows to current issues in a way that curators usually cannot .

  17. 费尔南多·佩雷斯·苏埃斯昆(FernandoPérezSuescun)是本次普拉多展览的策展人,在普拉多博物馆教育部门工作。据他说,其他一些意大利博物馆已经对这种方法进行效仿,但没有做出冒险的尝试,展品仅限于黑白版本。

    Other Italian museums have followed suit using that method , but without venturing beyond black-and-white copies , according to Fernando P é rez Suescun , the curator of the Prado exhibition , who works in the museum 's education department .

  18. 该展览的策展人帕梅拉・戈布林(PamelaGolbin)与设计师共同准备了两年时间,展览探讨了戈布林创意灵感的来源,这就是为什么展厅里有许多折起的文章,作者是英国艺术家弗兰西斯・培根(FrancisBacon)。

    Curated by Pamela Golbin , who worked with the designer on it for two years , the exhibition explores the sources of Mr. Van Noten 's creative psyche , which explains all those folded pieces of the British artist Francis Bacon 's papers .

  19. ArkGalerie画廊的策展人艾丽娅·斯瓦斯蒂卡(AliaSwastika)提供最热门的开幕活动的最新信息,她还推荐ArtJog艺术节,这个由艺术家主办的活动于6月开幕,是艺术场景中一个繁荣的核心。

    Updated information on the hottest openings comes from the curator Alia Swastika , based at the Ark Galerie , who also recommends the Art Jog festival , an artist-run event in June that has become a flamboyant center of this scene .

  20. Artsy网站的主策展人和战略合作伙伴负责人克里斯汀·关(ChristineKuan)核实了这些数据,她说,Instagram平台的使用者们是“年轻的收藏家和正在崛起的收藏家,”他们懂技术,在社交媒体上非常活跃。

    Christine Kuan , chief curator and director of strategic partnerships at Artsy , qualifies those numbers , saying that the platform 's audience is " young collectors and emerging collectors , " who are tech savvy and active on social media .

  21. 特拉华州的温特瑟尔博物馆策展人丽莎·米纳迪(LisaMinardi)已经筹办过若干展览,研究过几千份德文尖角字体印刷品,她注意到,德文尖角字体的艺术家们为了谋生,经常粗制滥造。

    Lisa Minardi , a curator at Winterthur museum in Delaware , has worked on the exhibitions , poring through thousands of fraktur and noting the evidence that artists trying to make a living produced them in haste .

  22. 德国画廊Eigen+Art的总监戈尔德·哈里·里布克(GerdHarryLybke)是巴塞尔的常客,2011年,他拒绝参展,但翌年又重新参展,现在也一直参展,他说评委会应该由博物馆总监和策展人组成,而不是有竞争关系的交易商们。

    Gerd Harry Lybke , director of a German gallery , Eigen + Art , a frequent Basel exhibitor who was denied admission in 2011 but readmitted the next year and now regularly shows , said the selection panel should consist of museum directors and curators rather than rival dealers .

  23. 如今,艺术展览会上的销售额约占画廊销售额的40%,收藏家们集中在巴黎、伦敦、纽约、迈阿密和荷兰的马斯特里赫特(Maastricht)这些地方的大市场;交易商、策展人和艺术界的“骨肉皮”们亦随之而来。

    Fairs now account for about 40 percent of gallery sales by value , and as collectors flock to destination bazaars in places like Paris , London , New York , Miami and Maastricht in the Netherlands , dealers , museum curators and art-world groupies follow .

  24. 尼尔逊-阿特金斯艺术馆南亚与东南亚艺术策展人金伯利·马斯特勒(KimberlyMasteller)说:“有很多看上去很年轻的代理人在中国寻找画廊、经销商和买家,这让我感到惊讶。”

    Kimberly Masteller , curator of South and Southeast Asia art at the Nelson-Atkins Museum in Kansas City , said , " I have been amazed by how many young-looking agents there are , scouting for galleries , dealers and buyers in China . "

  25. 2015年12月,《Bidoun》把自己的全部历史资料——包括上万个故事和艺术品——免费放到网上,并邀请文化名人创建自己的小收藏夹,包括土耳其诺贝尔奖得主奥汉·帕穆克(OrhanPamuk)和策展人汉斯·乌尔里克·奥布里斯特(HansUlrichObrist)。

    This month , Bidoun put its entire archive of thousands of stories and artworks online with free access and asked cultural figures , including the Turkish Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk and the curator Hans Ulrich Obrist , to create small collections of their favorites .

  26. 幸运的是,Granaiolo的大谷仓成了存放和陈列复古针织衫的完美的地方。罗马时装历史学家及策展人恩里科・昆托(EnricoQuinto)说,那些复古针织衫“太精致了,都可以叠起来放在烟盒里”。

    Luckily , Granaiolo 's immense barn turned out to be a perfectly arid place to store and display all the vintage jersey that was ' so fine , you could 've folded the dresses down and put them in a cigarette box , ' says Rome-based fashion historian and curator Enrico Quinto . '

  27. 为什么会邀请南条史生为展览策展人?

    Why inviting Fumio Nanjo as the curator for the exhibit ?

  28. 这有点像一个艺术家和一个策展人。

    It 's a bit like an artist and a curator .

  29. 她同时也是香港的一位独立策展人。

    She also works as an independent curator in Hong Kong .

  30. 韦恩·克劳瑟斯是维多利亚国家艺术馆亚洲艺术展的高级策展人。

    Wayne Crothers is the senior curator of Asian art at the NGV .