
  1. 加拿大奖学金信托计划(CST)的策略分析师,颇具远见,展望了未来,研究出了2030年可能司空见惯的工作。

    With help from foresight strategists , The Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan ( CST ) took a look into the future to find the jobs that may be commonplace by the year 2030 .

  2. 德意志私人理财部门首席亚洲策略分析师蔡学敏(ChuaHakBin)表示:建设项目明显面临诸多压力,不仅仅是因为高企的建设成本,同时还有不断趋紧的财政状况。

    Building projects are clearly under a lot of pressure , not only because of higher building costs but also tightening fiscal situations , says Chua Hak Bin , chief Asian strategist at Deutsche Bank private wealth management .

  3. 第三个因素是各种用户角色需要基于规则的访问,包括非技术性策略分析师。

    A third factor is role-based access for a variety of user roles , including non-technical policy analysts .

  4. 通胀可能造成股市估值水平下降,而这和大多数华尔街策略分析师的预期正好相反。

    Inflation is likely to lead to stock market multiple compression , the very opposite of what most Wall Street strategists are calling for .

  5. 长期以来,一些策略分析师一直认为,伯南克是股市持续上涨,或者至少上涨到目前水平的唯一原因。

    Some strategists have long contended that the only reason the market has been going up , or at least going up as much as it has , is because been Ben Bernanke .

  6. 法国兴业银行的策略分析师狄伦·格莱斯指出,这似乎表示尽管中央银行还在印新钱,投资者还是在赌通膨会低于历史水平。

    As Dylan Grice , a strategist at Soci é t é G é n é rale , points out , it looks as if investors are betting on lower inflation than history would suggest despite the fact that central banks are printing money .

  7. 它包含的工具针对不同用户的技能和知识优化过,因此策略经理、业务分析师和开发人员都可以获得所需的支持,可以尽可能发挥BRMS的价值。

    It includes tools tailored to the skills and knowledge of individual users , so policy managers , business analysts , and developers have the right support they need to get the most out of their BRMS .