
  1. 美国通用无线公司总裁王维嘉指出:在接下来的二十年,可能的更多的财富会产生在移动互联网领域。

    American universal wireless company president Wang Wei jia pointed out : in the next twenty years , possibly even more wealth will be produced in the field of mobile internet .

  2. 我们已经将全部时间和精力放在了独生子上,没精力再要第二个孩子了,31岁的某公司人力资源主管王维嘉说。他们的儿子现在8个月大。

    " We have already given all our time and energy for just one child . We have none left for a second ," said the 31-year-old Wang , a human resources administrator with an 8-month-old son .