
  • 网络Fresh air ventilator;XQR
  1. Air(初三适用)新风换气机的特性分析

    Analysis of Character of Fresh Air Ventilator

  2. 夏季工况使用显热回收新风换气机中的几个问题

    Problems in using outdoor air suppliers with sensible heat recovery on summer conditions

  3. 新风换气机在严寒地区运行的实验研究

    Experiment of Fresh Air Ventilator in Severe Cold Area

  4. 浅析住宅用能量回收新风换气机的应用

    The Analysis of Application of Air-to-air Heat Exchanger Air Renewal Ventilator for House

  5. 新风换气机是调节空气品质的重要设备,换热器是新风换气机的关键部件。

    The fresh air ventilator is an important equipment of air 's quality regulating .

  6. 换热器在新风换气机中的应用分析

    The application 's analysis of some types of heat exchangers in the fresh air ventilator

  7. 基于这个分析,认为引入新风换气机可以达到节能的目的。

    The result of analysis show that adopting the fresh air ventilator can reach to enhance energy efficiency .

  8. 新风换气机可以降低现代建筑室内空气污染,改善工作、生活环境,降低新风能耗。

    The new wind exchanger can reduce indoor air pollution of modern buildings , improve our work and living environment and save energy .

  9. 新型新风换气机不仅能够很好地解决室内空气质量问题,同时也是一种高效节能产品。

    Fresh air ventilator is not only a good solution to the problem of indoor air quality , but also it is a highly efficient energy-saving product .

  10. 介绍了用于改善室内空气品质的新型换气装置-新风换气机的种类、原理、性能、市场分析等。

    A fresh air ventilator which can be used to improve the quality of in-room air is introduced , including the kinds , principle , performance , market analysis and so on .

  11. 本文概述了应用在家用空调上的新风换气机的研发过程,此项目主要完成结构体积的设计,电机、风叶、芯体等的设计选择。

    The paper summarize the study of heat exchange which used in air-condition , this item mainly finished the design and choice of volume , motor , fan , heat-exchange and so on ;

  12. 同时,由于本实用新型的新风换气机中设有过滤装置和第三开口,因此,可以对进入室内的空气进行净化处理;

    At the same time , since the fresh-air air changing fan is provided with a filtering device and a third opening , the air that enters into the interior of the room can be purified ;

  13. 根据工程实例,对采用新风换气机进行显热回收,将排风中的热量回收,用于加热冬季空调系统新风的系统进行经济技术比较。

    According to project we have done before , we make economic and technical analysis of the system which recollect the sensible heat in fresh air exchanger to heat fresh air of air-conditioning sysem in winter .

  14. 通过对哈尔滨地区冬季采暖期普通4人办公室采用新风换气机所节省的能耗,分析了在该地区新风换气机的节能前景。

    Generally common office contains four men . From the analysis of savings in energy consumption by fresh air heat recovery ventilators , we can expect prospects of the application on fresh air heat recovery ventilators in the area through the winter heating period in Harbin .

  15. 但与新风机组独立供应新风相比,新风换气机供应空调系统新风时,会造成夏季风机盘管负荷增加,湿工况加重,室内相对湿度有增加趋势。

    Comparing with independent fresh air supplying , HRV is supposed to cause potential problems , - in summer load of Fan-coil units will be increased , and the wet operating mode will be aggravated , the indoor relative humidity will be increased .