
  1. 从静止的、半静止的研究方法发展到动态的、事件史式的研究方法。

    The recent shift is from the still or semi still research method to the event history research .

  2. 这表明:对于同一部作品,传统主题学和思想史式的文学评论只能描述作品的一般特性和表层意义,采用形式美学的方法才能发现它的深层意蕴。

    The traditional method of theme analysis and meditation analysis can only reveal the common and superficial meaning of a text while the method of formal aesthetics can explore the deep meaning of a text .

  3. 论唐传奇史传式文体特征

    On the historical characteristics of Tang romances

  4. 小波理论是调和分析几十年来工作的结晶,是Fourier分析发展史上里程碑式的进展。

    Wavelet theory is the elite of harmonic analysis . It is a milestone in the development history of Fourier analysis .

  5. 人类基因组计划(HGP)的全面完成无疑是科学发展史上里程碑式的事件,它必将导致新的医学与生物学革命,同时也必然带来一系列新的社会与法律问题。

    The comprehensive finish of Human Genome Project ( HGP ) is indubitably a milestone of development of scientific history .

  6. 理查德·赖特(RichardWright,1908-1960年)被认为是美国黑人文学史上里程碑式的人物,是美国二十世纪三、四十年代受压迫的黑人以及关于黑人问题的最受尊敬的代言人之一。

    Richard Wright is considered a figure as milestone in the history of Afro-American literature and one of American most highly respected spokesmen for Black problems and the oppressed black American in the late 1930s and 1940s .

  7. 约翰·弥尔顿是英国文学史上里程碑式的诗人。

    John Milton is an epoch-making poet in English literary history .

  8. 因而,黄宗羲是中国学术史上里程碑式的著名学者和卓有建树的思想家。

    Huang is the landmark prominent scholar and thinker in Chinese learning history .

  9. 皋兰群的变质和变形作用演化史&巴洛式递增变质带的成因探讨

    Metamorphic and deformational evolution of Gaolan group

  10. 目的探讨合并剖宫产术史患者阴式子宫肌瘤剔除术的手术技巧,并评价其安全性和有效性。

    Objective To study the safety and efficacy of surgical technique of vaginal myomectomy in patients with cesarean section .

  11. 卢梭上承柏拉图这位智性哲学家的思想,下启康德这位哲学史上哥白尼式的革命家。

    Rousseau 's thinking continued from Plato 's thinking and introduced the Copernicus like revolutionary in philosophic history , Kant .

  12. 《简·爱》是英国文学史上里程碑式的作品,它所揭示的平民知识分子的反叛精神是英国文学史上的一个创举。

    Jane . Eyre is a milestone works in British literature , which reveals the rebelled spirit of the civilian intellectual .

  13. 60年代,是法国电影史里程牌式的作品,其精彩只可以用绝顶来形容。

    Filmed in the1960s , French film mileage card is wonderful , the type of work can only be described with extremely .

  14. 缔造了路灯业界一次真正意义上的行业盛会,开创了路灯史上里程碑式的积极促进作用。

    It had become a genuinely professional exhibition in the street lighting industry , and play a positive pioneer 's role in the street lighting industry .

  15. 沈宠绥是明代最重要的曲学理论家之一,是继魏良辅之后又一个曲学发展史上里程碑式的人物。

    Being one of the most important theorists of Kunqu of Ming Dynasty , Shen Chongsui is another landmark in the history of the development of Kunqu after Wei Liangfu .

  16. 打破单纯地研究契约或诉讼的框架模式,汲取法律科学和社会科学的研究方法,对地域社会史进行逼近式的实态研究,是笔者努力与尝试的方向。

    The author will try to break the normal precedure in researching the mere contracts or lawsuits , and draw the experiences from the sociology and the science of law .

  17. 《天工开物》作为科学技术史上里程碑式的代表作,引起了国内外学者的广泛兴趣。

    The book ," Heavenly Creations ", is known as a milestone in the history of science and technology masterpiece , which has attracted wide interest of domestic and foreign scholars .

  18. 纵观税制发展史,税式支出政策一直是世界各国利用税收杠杆调节经济的重要手段,税式支出政策在促进经济发展、调节社会分配以及维护社会和谐发展等诸方面均发挥了重要作用。

    Looked over the tax system history , Tax expenditure policy has always been an important tool to manipulate the economy for every country . It plays a very important role in promoting economy , adjusting distribution , making the society develop in peace and so on .

  19. 1944年教育法在英国教育史上占有里程碑式的地位,它的颁布与实施,推动了战后英国现代教育的发展。

    The 1944 Education Act is a milestone in the history of education in Britain . Its issue and implementation have promoted the development of Britain 's modern education after war .

  20. 另外,逃税罪罪状的重新设计使得人们重新审视逃税行为的本旨等问题,因此,逃税罪罪状的新设计是刑事立法史上里程牌式的标志并非是“过誉”之词。

    So , it is not the " exaggerating " word to say the new design for the crime of tax evasion is a mileage sign during the history of criminal legislation .

  21. 余华在中国当代文学史中成为传奇式的作家,不仅仅在于其独特的文学创作风格,更在于其作品风格的发展过程。

    Yu Hua is regarded as a fabulous writer in Chinese contemporary literature history , not only because his unique literature creation style but also the formation procedure of his literary style .

  22. 我国分别于1986年和2006年颁布了决定义务教育发展的根本性大法《义务教育法》,在我国义务教育发展史上具有里程碑式的意义。

    Compulsory Education Law , determining the development of compulsory education , was issued separately in 1986 and 2006 , which play the role of a milestone in the history of compulsory education .

  23. 约翰·密尔是西方自由主义发展史一位里程碑式的人物,他的思想既继承、又超越了经典自由主义的传统,使他成为西方经典自由主义向新自由主义转变过程中一位承前启后的重要思想家。

    John Stuart Mill was a landmark figure in the Western liberal tradition . His ideas carry forward classical liberalism and go beyond it , and this makes him a very important thinker in the transition from classical liberalism to the new liberalism .

  24. 《中国古代园林史》、《中国造园史》首发式暨弘扬中国传统园林文化论坛

    Initial Issuing Ceremony for the History of Ancient Chinese Gardens and the History of Chinese Garden Creation , and the Chinese Classical Garden Culture Promotion Forum

  25. 更新著史观念贴近电影本体&《中国当代电影发展史》首发式概述

    The Premiere of the Chinese Contemporary Film History

  26. 平话是文学史上一道独特而亮丽的风景线,在中国文学发展史中具有里程碑式的意义。

    Ping Hua is a unique and beautiful scenic in phytogeny of Chinese literature which has landmark significance .