
  1. 除娱乐业外,3D技术还可以应用于医疗、军事科研、航空和教育等领域。

    Besides entertainment , 3-D technologies can be applied to fields such as medical , military research , aviation and education .

  2. 本文系统地阐述了GRC构件的产品性能,施工工艺及方法、特点,展望未来建筑业外装饰的发展趋势。

    This paper systematically states GRC component function , construction craft , method and characteristics , outside adornment development trend in the future .

  3. 餐饮业外排烹调油烟气的危害及净化方法研究进展

    Advance on toxicity and disposal measures of cooking oil fume discharged from the restaurant

  4. 主要分为作者提供服务、为出版社提供服务、为图书经销商提供服务、为作者提供服务及为业外资本进入出版业提供服务。

    The service target includes authors , publishing house , dealers , readers and outside capital .

  5. 除建筑业外,其他行业上市公司的自愿披露并未呈现出“羊群效应”。

    Except for construction industry , other industries do not exhibit herding behavior in disclosing operating strategy .

  6. 汽车行业的火爆,引发了很多业外人士也加入到这个行业中。

    Many industrial outside public figures also join in this industry because of the bloom of the automobile industry .

  7. 业外资本对报业经营的影响及存在问题研究

    About the Effects on the Management of the Business of Newspaper and the Problems Result from the Off-trade Capital

  8. 业外资本进入报业的潮流日益引起新闻媒体界的关注。

    The trend that the off-trade capital enters the business of newspaper has attracted more and more attention of news media .

  9. 一方面,业外资本看好媒介的发展前景和巨大的利润空间;

    On one hand , the development prospects of media and huge profit margins are confirmed well by capitals outside media business ;

  10. 过去五年,除禽畜业外,本地农场的产量相对稳定。

    Output of local farms has remained relatively stable over the past five years with the exception of the livestock and poultry industries .

  11. 在赞比亚,中国投资者除进入采矿业外,还进入农业、林业及零售等多个行业。

    In Zambia , in addition to mining , Chinese investors have moved into sectors as diverse as farming , timber and retail .

  12. 本系统除了对银行业外,对于金融行业的其他领域例如证券,保险等考试服务也有很大的参考价值。

    Besides the banking sector , this system also has great reference value for other areas among financial industries , such as testing service for securities and insurance .

  13. 法律援助服务局由非官方的业外人士出任主席,成员包括律师、业外人士及法律援助署署长。

    The council is chaired by a non-official who is not in the legal profession . Its members include lawyers , lay members and the Director of Legal Aid .

  14. 除了有澳大利亚最著名的餐饮业外,墨尔本还有一流的公共交通系统和无以计数的活动,如体育和文化活动等。

    In addition to Australia 's most famous restaurants , the Melbourne , there are excellent public transport system and the countless activities such as sports and cultural activities .

  15. 计算机技术和测绘技术的飞速发展,使得人们已经不满足于传统的内业外业相分离的测图模式。

    With the rapid development of computer and mapping technologies , people are no longer satisfied with the traditional mapping mode , the separation of surveying outside and mapping inside .

  16. 而业外资本受到媒体产业存在的巨大利润吸引,则千方百计要投资媒体。

    On the other hand , attracted by the large potential profit of the business of medium , the off-trade capital is trying to invest in the medium by every possible means .

  17. 不外,加快的全球化过程,出格是因为西方兴旺国度制造业外移过程对“中国制造”的需求,缓解了这个问题。

    However , the accelerated process of globalization , especially in Western developed countries as a result of manufacturing process of " Made in China " needs , to ease the problem .

  18. 本文亦对国内出版法规和政策对国内业外资本特别是民营资本的限制进行了探讨,并对如何提高国内出版业的竞争能力提出了建议。

    This paper has also probed the state policy restriction on domestic-investment especially on private capitals in publishing at home ; and has advised how to raise domestic presses ' competitive powers .

  19. IT企业作为21世纪知识经济、高新技术的典型代表,其从业人员工作压力大已成为业内和业外的共识。

    As a typical of knowledge-based economy and high-tech in the 21st century , the work pressure of IT companies ' employees has become to be consensus in and outside the industry .

  20. 如何正确引导和规范业外资本,是我国新闻媒体在事业单位、企业化管理的框架下需要认真对待的问题。

    How to guide and regulate the off-trade capital is a problem which the news media in our country should treat seriously under the framework of " Institution managed as enterprises " .

  21. 中国的银行最终也需要纾困的消息,会令大多数业外人士感到吃惊。业外人士认为中国已逃过了全球危机最糟糕的时期,这是正确的。

    News that Chinese banks need to be bailed out at all will come as a surprise to most people outside the industry , who rightly assume the country has escaped the worst of the global crisis .

  22. 研究发现我国高技术行业、企业整体要素生产率水平并不高;除了航空航天制造业外,出口企业的效率均普遍的高于非出口企业。

    The study found that high-tech industry , enterprise total factor productivity level is not high enough . In addition to the aerospace manufacturing industry , the efficiency of export enterprises were generally higher than the non-export enterprises .

  23. 在高额利润诱惑和政策严格限制双重原因的作用下,业外资本进入报业引发竞争无序、经营失范、融资不畅等问题。

    Because of the factors of temptation of the high profit and strict-control by the government policy , the off-trade capital entering the business of newspaper has triggered problems such as competition disorder , nonstandard management , financing blocking .

  24. 在国家政策允许的条件下,积极引导新闻出版企业采取内部融资、业内融资、业外融资、发行企业债券、引进外资、上市融资等方式进行融资。

    Under the national policy to allow and actively guide , the press and publishing enterprises to adopt internal financing , trade finance , foreign trade financing , issuance of corporate bonds , foreign investment , public finance approach to financing .

  25. 结果表明,我国行业信息化水平整体差异很大,矿业各行业除了石油和天然气开采业外,信息化整体处于国内各行业的中下水平,应引起相关部门的重视。

    The results show that there exit more difference among the informationization level of 37 industries in China , The overall informationization level of mining industry except petroleum and gas extracting industry is medium or low grade , and this should be paid attention by related departments .

  26. 而媒体本身的高成长高收益性和长期以来我国的特殊政策造就的媒体巨大的发展空间又强烈地吸引着业外资本。于是,业外资本与传媒业的合作就成为必然趋势。

    The media attracts the outer-media capitals for the high growth and high rent ability and enormous development space that made by special policy of our country for a long time , then it becomes the inexorable trend for the cooperation between the media and outer-media capitals .

  27. 借助AutoCAD可以正确地完成施工定位放线的内业和外业工作。

    If AutoCAD is adopted , it enables to complete work of orienting location and laying line in construction .

  28. 白领阶层工作已开始随著制造业工作外移。

    White-collar jobs are starting to follow manufacturing jobs overseas .

  29. 蒂凡尼变性人选美大赛也意在塑造变性人的良好形象,而变性人这一群体目前除了从事娱乐和旅游业工作外、很难找到其他工作。

    It was also aimed at creating a positive image for transgender people , who struggle to find jobs outside of the entertainment and tourism industries .

  30. 除了支持向海湾地区扩张的中国公司(尤其是建筑、通信和航空业)外,工行还希望与寻求进入中国市场的中东企业合作。

    As well as supporting Chinese companies expanding into the Gulf , especially those in construction , telecommunications and aviation , ICBC hopes to work with regional companies seeking to enter the Chinese market .