
  • 网络Business attributes;Service Attribute;service feature
  1. 移动智能网预付费业务中GPRS业务属性的实现方案研究

    Research of Implementation Schemes of GPRS Service Feature of Pre-Paid Service in Mobile Intelligent Network

  2. 该算法在进行网络选择时不仅考虑到网络的负载情况,还充分考虑了发起会话的业务属性、终端的移动性以及终端在网络中所处位置的不同。

    By this algorithm , the most suitable network for each session can be selected according to network load conditions , service attribute , mobility and different locations of terminal .

  3. 业务属性概要在当前元数据中最适合的位置在动机扩展(MotivationExtension),位于对象“Goal”的所在之处。

    The most suitable location in the current metamodel for the Business Attribute Profile is in the Motivation Extension , at the location of the object " Goal " .

  4. 在此基础上,从IPVPN业务属性的视点对IPVPN业务管理功能进行了划分,形成可重用的业务管理组件。

    On this foundation , we design a partition of IP VPN service management functions from the viewpoint of service features and form some reusable service management components .

  5. 它支持的相关性机制可以根据业务属性来识别业务流程的多状态实例。

    Correlation mechanisms are supported that allow identifying stateful instances of business processes based on business properties .

  6. 对带宽轮廓参数、带宽轮廓算法以及带宽轮廓的业务属性进行了论述。

    This paper discusses Bandwidth Profile attributes , Bandwidth Profile algorithm , Bandwidth Profile service attributes and so on .

  7. 业务属性的超集,包含对这些属性含义(语义)、标准化格式(语法)和普遍制约的描述。

    A superset of business attributes , including descriptions of their meaning ( semantics ), standardized formatting ( syntax ), and universal constraints .

  8. 根据用户需求和业务属性进行手机定制,移动运营商就可以提供良好的客户体验。

    Through the handset customization according to the subscribers ' demands and the service attributes , the mobile operators can provide favorable client experiences .

  9. 本文从零售企业类似性活动业务属性和订购性生产经营特征分析切入,对零售企业扩张中复制和选择性干预成为可能的深层原因进行了探讨。

    In this paper , I start on the operating characteristics of " similar activity " and " ordered production " of retailing firms , and then discuss deeply the possibility of retailers ' " replication and selective intervention " .

  10. 对于选中的监测集中的每个键k,代码确定哪些业务项目属性绑定到它。

    For each key , k , in the monitor set that you selected , the code determines which business item attributes bind to it .

  11. 使用Modeler中的监控集编辑器,您可以创建一个或多个监控集,并将它们绑定到一个或多个业务项属性(属于您想要监控的流程)。

    Using the monitor set editor in Modeler , you can create one or more monitor sets that bind to one or more business item attributes belonging to the processes you want to monitor .

  12. 本章提出的本地路由法特别适合于移动用户被呼业务本地属性较强的移动用户。

    Local routing scheme is suitable for users with high locality of incoming calls .

  13. 映射业务对象属性类似于映射参数:将源属性连接到目标属性。

    Mapping business object attributes is similar to mapping parameters : you connect source attributes to target attributes .

  14. 通过按照接下来的步骤操作,您将创建各个业务对象属性之间的映射。

    By following the next steps , you will create the mappings between the various business object attributes .

  15. 这其中包括,报文格式的差异,同一业务要素属性代码的不一致,通讯协议的不一致。

    The problems include difference in message format , difference in attribute codes of a same operational element , difference in protocol .

  16. 网络技术发展的业务驱动属性已成共识,构建网络新架构已经成为近年来国内外研究的热点问题。

    The service-driven property of network technology development has been agreed on , and constructing new network architecture is becoming the hotspot of the research .

  17. 所述系统包括:认证服务器,进一步用于在判断请求者不合法时,根据预置的业务通道属性信息为请求者分配业务通道属性并向认证者发送;

    And said system comprises : an identification server for distributing the service channel character and sending it to the identifier when judging the requester is illegal ;

  18. 新算法可根据业务的属性、优先级别等灵活地调整链路权值,使得连接尽量建立在链路使用率较低,且跳数较少的路由上。

    The new algorithm can neatly adjust the weight of link according to the priority and the attribute of the connection , make the connection be set up on the route of lower link using rate and less hop number .

  19. 本文首先提出了基于协议特征关联分析的检测方法,既挖掘业务量属性又分析域名系统报文的载荷特征,通过查询和响应频度异常有效识别域名系统客户端和服务器的异常行为。

    In this dissertation , the detection method based on protocol feature association analysis is presented to track both traffic attributes and DNS payload features . Through query and response frequency anomalies , the abnormal behaviors of DNS servers and clients are effectively distinguished .

  20. 请注意,为了获得thecustomerID,您不需要了解打印Java的语法,也不必了解如何访问Order业务对象的属性。

    Notice that , to get to the customerID , you don 't need to know the printing syntax of Java , nor how to access the attributes of the Order business object .

  21. 在MAC层,根据业务的不同属性,定义了四种服务类型:UGS、rtPS、nrtPS和BE业务。

    According to different attributes of the business , the MAC layer defines four kinds of service types : UGS , rtPS , nrtPS and BE services .

  22. 另外,您也可以将EmitCustomerWrapperInput拖到画布上,然后使用菜单选择嵌套的业务对象和属性。

    Alternatively , you can drag EmitCustomerWrapperInput onto the canvas and use the menu to select the nested business objects and attributes .

  23. 用于存储该架构的业务名称的属性。

    Property for storing a business name for the schema .

  24. 为了设置“用户名”和“密码”,您需要在业务对象的属性元素中设置“CSusername”和“CSpassword”。

    In order to set the'username'and'password'you need to set'CSusername'and'CSpassword'in the properties element of the business object .

  25. 您可以指定业务流程自定义属性及其所有的基本活动。

    You can specify the custom properties for a business process and all of its basic activities .

  26. 如果为一个活动设置与业务相关的属性,那么该活动实例就会一直持续下去。

    If the business relevant attribute is set for an activity , the activity instance is always persisted .

  27. 这将打开一个向导,可帮助您选择要绑定到当前所选键的业务项目及其属性。

    This opens a wizard in which you can select the business item and its attribute to bind to the currently selected key .

  28. 这些定义了业务出错的属性既可以涵盖在服务合同中也可以按照需求打包进服务响应中。

    These attributes that define the business errors could either go into service contract or could be packaged into service response as needed .

  29. 本产品把手机通讯录和周边的陌生人作为一种新的社交圈,并且把基于多媒体的业务和社交属性结合起来,从而把各种互动的社交圈子聚合到一起。

    It can make the phone contacts and nearby stranger as a new community circle and combine the business of the multimedia with social attributes .

  30. 由于一个业务对象的属性顺序不同,并具有与另一个业务对象的属性不同的名称,就会出现不匹配。

    A mismatch could occur because the attributes of one business object are in a different order and have different names than the attributes of the other business object .