
jǐ méi jī
  • feeder
给煤机[jǐ méi jī]
  1. 文中从改造初期策划、设备及功能配置、改造施工、调试到投入运行,介绍原给煤机控制系统采用STOCK公司196NT控制系统和变频调速改造的情况。

    This paper presents the process of the upgrading of the feeder control system and frequency control system by using the STOCK Company 196 NT microprocessor from the initial planning , equipment and function allocation , retrofitting and construction , debugging to commissioning , etc.

  2. NJG型给煤机称重传感器的在线故障监测

    On - line Fault Monitoring of Weighing Transducer of NJG Feeder

  3. K系列给煤机结构改进

    Improving the structure of K series giving coal machine

  4. 基于PLC的称重式给煤机

    Coal Feeder with Scale System Based on PLC

  5. 基于PLC对热电厂给煤机控制系统的改造设计

    A reconstruction design for coal feeder control system for thermal power plant based on PLC

  6. 文中说明了该系统如何使用控制器、变频器及PLC实现对给煤机给煤量的精确控制。

    It explained how can the system control the coal quantity exactly by using controller , transducer and PLC .

  7. MG系列埋刮板给煤机是火力发电厂制粉系统中的主要设备。

    MG Series Buried Scraper Freeder is the major equipment used in the pulverized coal making system of power plant .

  8. 基于DCS的给煤机保护系统

    Coal feeder protection system based on DCS

  9. 结合K系列给煤机的使用情况,分析其存在的缺点,并介绍相关的改进措施

    This paper combines appliance condition of K series giving coal machine and analyses its shortcoming , then the improving way is introduced

  10. 本文针对叶轮给煤机的工作环境和运行特点,以PLC为主控设备,开发了一套叶轮给煤机远程无线监控系统。

    According to the working environment and feature of coal wheel-feeder , this paper developed a wireless remote monitoring and control system of coal wheel-feeder based on PLC .

  11. 该系统设计用于对火电机组给煤机供煤量的实时调节控制和高精度计量,同时具有网络功能可与电厂的DCS控制系统联网。

    The scheme is used in real-time control and precise meterage of weighing coal in thermal power plant . Its network function can connect the coal feeder control system with DCS .

  12. 针对传统的以继电器逻辑控制为主的给煤机电控系统进行技术改造,阐述了以PLC、CPC100控制器为主要部件的新型系统的组成原理,软、硬件结构和技术特点。

    To meet the need of technical upgrade of power control system of feeder , the principle of new system which composes of PLC and CFC 100 is introduced . The construction of its hardware , software and characteristic are given .

  13. 本课题对保定热电厂叶轮给煤机控制系统状况进行了分析,采用变频调速、PLC可编程控制器编程、低压电力线载波技术对叶轮给煤机控制系统进行改造。

    The paper analyzes drawbacks of control system of blade coal feeders of Baoding Thermoelectric Plant . With transducer technique , PLC technique and low voltage power line carrier technique , we improve on controller unit for coal transmission system of Baoding Thermoelectric Plant .

  14. 1000MW等级机组大容量给煤机的设计研究

    Research and Design of Gravimetric Feeders of Large Capacity for 1000 MW Class Power Units

  15. YJ-200D型叶轮给煤机遥控系统的应用

    The application of remote control system for YJ-200D blade coal feeder

  16. SYG-600型叶轮给煤机技术改造

    The technological innovations of SYG - 600 type impeller coal feeder

  17. 高压锅炉计量式给煤机轴承防护的改进措施

    Improving the prevention measures for coal batcher bearing of HP BOILER

  18. 基于专家系统的叶轮给煤机控制

    The Control System of Impeller Coal Feeder Based on Expert System

  19. 叶轮给煤机采用无线遥控方案优势分析

    Analysis on Advantages of Radio Remote-operated Option for Impeller Coal Feeders

  20. 电磁振动给煤机自动稳幅控制的实现

    Realization of the auto-steady amplitude control of electromagnetic vibration coal feeder

  21. 如何保证称重给煤机计量精度的稳定性

    How to guarantee metrological precision stability of coal weighing feeder Article

  22. 电子称重式给煤机控制系统变频改造

    Frequency conversion renovation on control system of electronic weighing type coal feeders

  23. 循环流化床锅炉给煤机多点给煤系统出现的问题,既有系统和设备设计本身先天不足的因素,也有对系统运行方式选择不当的原因。

    Some problems occurred in the coal systems of some CFB boilers .

  24. 馈线自动化技术承运人识别的法律问题电力载波通信在叶轮给煤机监控系统中的应用

    Application of Power Line Carrier Communication to Blade Coal Feeder Monitoring System

  25. 重力式给煤机控制器称重模块的设计

    Design of Weighting System in the Gravimetric Coal Feeder Controller

  26. 振动给煤机粘煤问题浅析及解决方法

    Analysis of Coal Sticking for Vibration Coal Feeder and Countermeasures

  27. 给煤机精度的校验与保证

    Milk tanker Check and Warrant the Precision of Coal Feeders

  28. 电子称重式给煤机控制模块的设计

    Design of the Control Module for Coal Feeder with Electronic Weighing System

  29. 电子重力式给煤机控制器及其输入输出接口

    Gravimetric Coal Feeder Controller and Its Input / Output Interface

  30. 火电厂给煤机跳闸故障分析及处理

    Analysis and Handle of Feeder Trip in Thermal Power Plant