
  • 网络Effective Marketing
  1. 服务承诺是一种帮助企业抓住市场机遇、建立竞争优势的有效营销工具。

    Service guarantee is seen as an effective marketing tool for companies to establish competitive advantages and increase market share .

  2. 因此,为了能够在洗牌大战中幸免于难,企业必须明确树立正确的品牌经营观念,并通过有效营销策略、有效的传播途径来打造强势品牌。

    Therefore , in order to be able to survive in the shuffle , companies must clearly establish the correct concept of brand management , and build a strong brand through effective marketing strategy , effective communication means .

  3. 另一个人们惯用的有效营销策略是利用日历。

    Another good marketing strategy that people enjoy is the use of a calendar .

  4. 本文首先指出,高技术产品的市场发展具有不同于传统产品的特性,识别特定时期高技术产品市场的特点是有效营销的前提。

    The paper first makes a hypothesis that the high-tech products market has different characteristics compared to those of traditional products and to identify the uniqueness of the specific phase in high-tech market can lead to the forming of an effective marketing strategy .

  5. 希望通过本论文能为CP公司的发展提供有效的营销战略,同时,为各旋挖设备企业的发展提供有益的借鉴。

    Hope that through this paper can provide development of CP companies effective marketing strategies and beneficial model for the development of rotary drilling rig enterprises .

  6. 而有效的营销管理能够帮助安徽MBA联谊会打开局面,弥补组织自身缺陷和克服目前遇到的困难,为其发展起到关键性的作用。

    However , efficient business management can help Anhui MBA Sodality to overcome the difficulties , compensate the disadvantages , it will be a key to development .

  7. 同时有效运用营销组合的7P策略。

    Simultaneously , we should effectively use combined marketing strategies .

  8. 这是一种有效的营销策略,因为人们会对之做出回应。

    This is an effective marketing scheme because people respond to it .

  9. 有效的营销渠道管理是企业获得长久竞争优势的重要条件。

    Effective marketing channel management is important to enterprise 's long-term competitive advantages .

  10. 但在日本,它可以被视为微妙而有效的营销方式。

    But in Japan it could be seen as subtle and effective marketing .

  11. 你最有效的营销资料从哪里得到?

    What lead sources have you found most productive ?

  12. 网络营销以互联网络为平台,能够以更低的营销成本实现更为有效的营销。

    Through the internet platform , more effective marketing can achieved with lower costs .

  13. 第四章针对邮件营销中存在的问题提出有效电子邮件营销的方法。

    Chapter 4 is about solutions to the problems which exist in email marketing .

  14. 而营销审计作为一种新兴的,有效的营销管理工具日益显示出它强大的作用。

    Marketing audit as a new , effective marketing management tools increasingly shows its powerful function .

  15. 并且提出了建立有效的营销控制体系的具体措施。

    And proposed the establishment of an effective control system of the marketing of specific measures .

  16. 为此,很多企业采取了多种有效的营销方法来提高自身的品牌价值。

    So many enterprises take a lot of effective marketing methods to improve their brand value .

  17. 第六部分是企业有效实施营销策略的保障。

    The sixth part puts forward guarantee that the enterprise carries out the marketing strategy effectively .

  18. 情感营销也将成为新兴和有效的营销方式越来越受到企业商家的重视。

    Emotional marketing will become the emerging and effective marketing by more and more enterprises merchants attention .

  19. 不过,采纳这种策略的广告商,并非不受更为宽泛的有效搜索营销法则的制约。

    Yet advertisers who adopt this strategy are not immune from the broader laws of effective search marketing .

  20. 如何制定符合其自身需要的有效的营销策略,成了该机构面临的主要问题。

    How to build up the operation management model which fits the needs has become the main problem .

  21. 有效的营销策略是市场活动成功的关键,是战胜竞争对手的先决条件。

    Effective marketing strategy is vital to the success of market activity and a prerequisite to overcome competitors .

  22. 特许经营作为一种有效的营销模式,对我国商业经济的发展产生了积极而深远的影响。

    As a mode of marketing operation , franchise has a profound influence on the economic development of China .

  23. 我们应针对这些新动向,采取有效的营销策略,以推动电子商务时代的女性消费。

    Today with rapid development of network economy and e-business , there appears some new trends in female consumption .

  24. 简:如果再多给点时间,我想他们一定会成为一个有效的营销团队。

    Jane : Given some more time , yes I think they will come together as an effective marketing unit .

  25. 因此,越来越多的商家把目光投向前来购物的旅游者,希望通过有效的营销刺激来激发旅游者的冲动购买。

    Consequently , retailers attach more importance to tourist shopping and are prepared to encourage impulse buying through effective marketing stimulus .

  26. 在营销策略的执行时,本文总结了很多成功有效的营销手段和营销方法。

    In the implementation of marketing strategy , this article summarizes the many successful and effective marketing tools and marketing approach .

  27. 如何运用有效的营销手段来摆脱目前的困境,正是许多现代远程教育机构急需解决的问题。

    How to solve the problem with an effective method of marketing , the E-learning educational institutions must make decisions urgently .

  28. 随着体育产业的迅速发展,体育赞助逐渐走入人们的视野,成为企业有效的营销沟通手段之一。

    With great development of the sports industry , the sports sponsorship as a useful communication method has come to our eyes .

  29. 有效的营销网络、科学的管理机制赢得了广大消费者和经销商的信赖与支持。

    Effective business network and scientific state-of-the-art management have won the trust and support of many consumers and dealers for this company .

  30. 根据实验的结果,它能帮助企业制定更有效的营销计划,让企业在更低的成本下得到更高的利润。

    The results show that it helps the enterprises get higher profits with low cost by helping them choose efficient Market plans .