
  • 网络Shaanxi Electric Power
  1. 市场经济条件下陕西电力施工企业的发展思考

    Development of Shaanxi Electric Power Construction Enterprise under Market Economy Condition

  2. 陕西电力通信网综合网管系统的研究和设计

    Research and Design on Shaanxi Electric Power Telecommunication Integrated Network Management System

  3. GIS设备在陕西电力系统中的应用

    Application of GIS Device in Shaanxi Power System

  4. 关于NGN在陕西电力中应用前景的探讨

    Discussion of the Application Prospect of NGN in Shanxi Electric Power Communication System

  5. 本文以当前我国电力销售市场为背景,结合陕西电力信通公司的具体业务需求,考虑到目前国内实施电子商务的具体环境,设计和实现了一个基于MVC的Struts框架的电力客户服务支持系统。

    In this paper , the background of current national power markets and requirements of the Communication Company of Shaanxi Power are introduced firstly . Then a customer support system is designed and implemented with Struts framework , considering the domestic market environment .

  6. 陕西电力应急指挥系统调度信息的接入

    Probe into Dispatching Information Access for Shaanxi Electric Power Emergency Command System

  7. 陕西电力员工自助服务模块关键技术的实现

    Key Technologies Implementation of Shaanxi Power Staff Self-service Module

  8. 陕西电力银河大厦结构抗震设计

    Seismic Design for the Structure of Electric Power Distribution Center in Shanxi Province

  9. 根据陕西电力工业的未来发展的特点,对陕西电力系统2010、2020和2030年的中长期发展进行了预测;

    In terms of the character of Shaanxi electric power industry development in future , predicting Shaanxi electric power system mid-long period development in 2010,2020 and 2030 ;

  10. 本文从电力与可持续发展的辩证关系入手,在对陕西电力发展历史、现状进行广泛分析的基础上,着重对陕西电力21世纪前30年的发展进行了宏观战略性研究。

    The dissertation studies the dialectical relationship between electric power and sustainable development based on extensive analyses of the history and Present State of Shaanxi electric power development Carrying out an important , macroscopic and strategic study on Shaanxi electric power development the first 30 years in 21 century .

  11. 陕西省电力公司农电管理现状分析及发展研究

    Rural Power Management Analysis & Development Study of Shaanxi Electric Power Company

  12. 陕西省电力公司实施人力资源集约化管理的思考

    Thinking of Labor Resources Intensive Management Implemented in Shaanxi Electric Power Company

  13. 陕西省电力公司安全监督与管理系统的实施

    Execution of Safety Monitoring & Management System in Shaanxi Electric Power Company

  14. 陕西省电力发展建设公司核心竞争能力评估

    The Core Competition Ability Evaluation of Shaanxi Provincial Electric Power Development Construction Company

  15. 陕西电网电力供求现状及形势展望&兼论陕西电网加快调峰电源建设的必要性

    Present Situation and Future Prospect of Power Supply and Demand in Shaanxi Electric Network

  16. 此外,陕西省电力消费量同比增长309.91%,电力消费增长巨大。因此,在国内特别是在陕西省发展光伏发电行业有着广泛的市场发展前景。

    Therefore , it has a broad market prospect on the development of photovoltaic industry with the tremendous growth in electricity consumption in Shanxi .

  17. 全面介绍了陕西省电力推行干部廉洁风险管理的实践,对未来进一步深入推进提出了思路和建议。

    A comprehensive introduction to the implementation of Shaanxi Electric Power risk management practices of integrity , promote the further future ideas and suggestions put forward .

  18. 针对近几年来陕西省电力系统集合式并联电容器频频出现的事故,研究限制过电压和涌流的保护措施。

    In the light of faults frequently occurred on assembled shunt capacitor in Shaanxi power system , the protection measures to limit overvoltage and inrush current are studied .

  19. 对于电力市场营销,陕西地方电力公司关注的焦点是如何制定正确的营销战略,为企业发展创造出更广阔的市场空间。

    For power marketing , the focus that Shaanxi local power company pays attention to how to prepare correct marketing strategy , for the more vast market space that enterprise develops to create .

  20. 本文以1994年~1995年干旱对陕西省电力生产的影响为例,论述了干旱对电力生产的影响,在此基础上提出了相应的减灾对策。

    This paper takes the influence of drought on electric production in Shaanxi province and expounds the influence of drought on electric production , in terms of which the corresponding countermeasures of disaster reduction are put forward as well .

  21. 其次,以陕西省地方电力(集团)有限公司为例,对国有电力企业的职业生涯规划现状进行了总结,并找出其中存在的主要问题。

    Secondly , in order to take place in Shaanxi province electric power ( Group ) Limited company as the case , to summarize the occupation career planning in the stated electrical enterprises , and find the existing main problems .

  22. 陕西小水电在电力市场变化、电力体制改革的形势下如何发展和适应市场竞争?

    How should the small hydropower stations of Shaanxi Province develop , how to accomondate themselve to the competitive market , under the situation of electric market change and the reform of power generation ?