
  1. 在陕西剪纸艺术中,首推陕北民间剪纸。

    Paper-cut art in Shaanxi , the duation of northern Shaanxi folk paper-cut .

  2. 陕西剪纸在文化艺术中的传播

    Shanxi Paper-cut Spreading in Arts

  3. 陕西剪纸艺术深深置根于黄土高原,以其独特的韵味成为民间艺术的奇葩。

    Shaanxi paper-cut art is deeply rooted in the Loess Plateau , with its unique charm as wonderful work of folk art .

  4. 浅谈陕西民间剪纸的造型艺术

    On the Plastic Arts of Folk Scissor-cut in Shaanxi

  5. 归纳研究成果,总结了对于保护陕西民间剪纸艺术法律保护的基本观点和认识。

    Inductive research results , summed up for the protection of Shaanxi folk art of the legal protection of the basic viewpoints and awareness .

  6. 再次,是将陕西民间剪纸元素综合分析,从中提取能够与香云纱面料特点相结合的元素。

    Again , is the Shaanxi Folk Paper-cutting element of a comprehensive analysis of extracted features which can be combined with the watered gauze fabric by an effective element .

  7. 从陕西关中婚育剪纸民俗透视儒家文化

    A Survey : Confucianism in Marriage Paper-cutting Folklore in Central Shaanxi

  8. 本文从人的创作思维来分析陕西传统民间剪纸造型,使我们站在一个历史性、思想性的认识高度来更好得理解作为这种古老造型其形成的本原因素。

    In this article the Shaanxi traditional folk paper-cutting is studied from the productive thinking of the human being and we should stand on a historical position through which the original factors forming this old modeling could be better understood .