
  • 网络Active load;power load
  1. 基于有功负荷ON-OFF调制的电力系统稳定控制

    Power System Stability Control Based On On-off Control of Active Loads

  2. 如果有功负荷继续增加,则HB点将会消失,电压崩溃将发生在SNB点处。

    After the extremum point , HB points disappear and voltage collapse will happen at the SNB point .

  3. 运用区域负荷裕度判别法研究了2005年丰大基本运行方式下广东电网的静态电压稳定性,定义了区域有功负荷裕度指标,并就广东电网500kV交流线路N?

    By use of regional load margin analysis method the static voltage stability of Guangdong Power Grid ( GDPG ) under summer-heavy operation mode in 2005 is studied .

  4. 日有功负荷多目标模糊优化分配模型

    Multi - objective fuzzy optimization model for daily active power dispatch

  5. 用改进遗传算法求解水火电力系统的有功负荷分配

    Active power dispatch of hydrothermal power system using refined genetic algorithms

  6. 用网流法求解水火电力系统有功负荷分配

    Real Power Economic Dispatch of Hydro-thermal Power System by Network Flow Programming

  7. 提出了一个综合多个目标的日有功负荷分配集中优化模型。

    A new multi-objective fuzzy optimization model for daily active power dispatch is proposed .

  8. 方案同时考虑了机组检修和振动对有功负荷分配的影响。

    Furthermore , the effect of vibration and overhaul of generating units is considered .

  9. 水火电力系统有功负荷最优分配的新算法&Multiplier方法的应用

    A novel algorithm for optimal dispatch of active power in hydrothermal power systems using multiplier method

  10. 利用动态规划建立了水电站厂内经济运行有功负荷分配数学模型。

    Inner-plant economical operation of hydropower station based on dynamic programming is presented in this paper .

  11. 本文提出了一个实现梯级电站有功负荷自动优化分配的方法。

    This paper presents a method for realization of automatic optimum dispatch of cascade hydroelectric power stations .

  12. 基于电网分区和辅助问题原理的电力系统多区域有功负荷经济调度

    Multi-region field active load of power system in economic dispatch based on subarea division and auxiliary problem principle

  13. 该控制器利用发电机的转速作为输入来进行判断,通过断路器来控制有功负荷。

    The controller used estimated rotor speed of machine as input and controlled an active load via breaker .

  14. 梯级电站有功负荷自动优化分配法&开机优先级矩阵法

    The Method for Automatic Optimum Dispatch of Active Power of Cascade Hydroelectric Power Stations-The Matrix Method of Superior Orders of Starting Water-Turbine Dynamos

  15. 运用微增率进行水电站有功负荷机组间优化分配

    OPtimal Distribution of the Active Load among Units of Hydroelectric Plant by Using the Method of Relative Increment of the Rate of discharge

  16. 本文研究混联电力系统短期有功负荷分配。首先基于对梯级水电站水力联系特性的研究,推导出含梯级水电站电力系统短期最优调度的非线性规划模型。

    This paper deduces the nonlinear programming model of short-term scheduling ot power systems with cascaded hydroplants based on the research of the hydraulic ties between casaded hydroplants .

  17. 提出将爬山算法与遗传算法相结合,从而构成了求解有功负荷分配问题的混合遗传算法,并进行实验计算。

    This paper builds a hybrid genetic algorithm which is the combination of genetic algorithm and hill-climbing algorithm for solving active power dispatch problem , and conducts some experimental computations .

  18. 为使电力系统调度更具有前瞻性,不仅需要系统总体和各节点的有功负荷信息,还需要无功信息。

    In order to complete scheduling decisions on the premise of foreseeing ability , modern EMS need not only forecasting message of aggregate load but also nodal active and reactive loads .

  19. 同时,基于重新计算和设置了参数的三机九节点电网,针对有功负荷突变和无功负荷突变两种情况,研究了充放储一体化电站对电网电压和频率的调整作用。

    Meanwhile , based on the three-generator and nine-bus grid model with reset parameters , we discussed the role of charge-discharge and storage integrative station to adjust the voltage and frequency of grid .

  20. 通过进行发电机有功负荷、转子电流(无功)、发电机转子冷却水温试验以及瞬态试验,诊断出励磁机振动故障的根本原因为发电机-励磁机联轴器不对中。

    Analysis of vibration data measured in generator load test , generator current test , cooling water temperature test and coast-down test reveals that the root cause of exciter rotor vibration is the generator-to-exciter coupling misalignment .

  21. 计算结果表明,用改进遗传算法求解有功负荷分配问题,可以在一定程度上克服传统遗传算法在约束处理、适应度函数定标、局部搜索等方面存在的不足,从而得到质量较高的解。

    The computational results demonstrate that the improved genetic algorithms can overcome the weakness of traditional genetic algorithms to a certain extent , so the high quality solutions to the active power dispatch problem can be obtained .

  22. 等耗量微增率准则是电力系统有功负荷分布的最优准则,等网损微增率准则是电力系统无功电源分布的最优准则,而电力系统最优潮流则是近年来经济的调度运行理论。

    The law of equal consumed energy ratio is optimal rule for active load distribution and the law of equal network loss ratio is optimal rule for reactive resource distribution . The optimal power flow is economical operation theory .

  23. 在线网架优化的方法是以系统有关的在线运行目标参数:总有功负荷,总无功负荷,总有功损耗,总无功损耗,开关操作次数等为安全经济指标,确定某一时刻的最优网架。

    On-line network optimization method is based on the target parameters of total active power , total reactive power , total power loss , total reactive power loss , the number of switching operation , etc. as the safety economic indicators , to determine the optimal network in a time .

  24. 对DVR的最小能量补偿情况进行深入分析,推导出DVR补偿时注入有功和负荷功率因数之间的关系。

    They are compared by phasor diagram analysis . The relationship between injected active and load power factor are derived after the analysis of minimum-power compensation for DVR .

  25. 电力系统有功冲击负荷实时控制分析

    Analysis of Real-time Control for Active Impact Load in Power Systems

  26. 双目标日有功经济负荷分配的模糊算法

    The Fuzzy Algorithm of Bi-Object Active Power Economic Load Distribution

  27. 构建了以全网煤耗最小、成本节约最大为双目标的日有功经济负荷分配模型。

    Power system active power economic load distribution model is established in terms of the minimum consumption and maximum cost saving .

  28. 本文从电力系统有功冲击负荷的数学模型和暂态过程着手,分析和探讨了有功冲击负荷实时控制的基本原理和方法。

    By way of describing the mathematical model and analyzing the transient phenomena of active impact load in power systems , its real-time control methods are discussed .

  29. 基于有功无功负荷和系统电压组合分段的变电站电压无功控制策略

    A Strategy for Substation Reactive Voltage Control Based on Active Reactive Load and System Voltage Sections

  30. 文中根据一天24h各负荷点的有功和无功负荷曲线进行全网离散无功优化计算,并以此为基础提出了变电站电压无功控制装置控制范围的整定计算方法。

    By means of discrete reactive power optimization of electric power network , a new method for computing control range setting of voltage and reactive power in substation is presented based on the active and reactive power curves of all load buses in a whole day .