
  • 网络service convergence
  1. IP多媒体子系统(IMS)的引进,开启了移动网络与因特网业务融合的时代。

    The introduction of IP multimedia subsystem creates an era of service convergence between mobile network and Internet .

  2. PHS与3G业务融合探讨

    Service Convergence of PHS and 3G

  3. IP多业务融合网络系统交换机的关键技术

    The Key Technologies of the Switch for an IP Multi-Services Integrated Network

  4. 基于IMS的3G和WiMAX业务融合的探讨

    Research on Services Convergence of 3G and WiMAX Based on IMS

  5. 基于SOCKET协议电信行业业务融合方案设计

    SOCKET Agreement Based on the Operational Integration of the Telecommunications Industry in Program Design

  6. 作为下一代网络(NGN)软交换的关键协议,具有极强的业务融合能力。

    As a key protocol it have strong ability to integrate various services .

  7. 文中立足于多网互联业务融合,首先将PLC固件划分为传输设备、网络设备和特殊设备三大类,进而描述各自的具体功能;

    The firmware is categorized into three parts , the transmission facility , network facility and special facility , by the amalgamation of several networks .

  8. 研究了开放网络环境下的业务融合模型及其特征,探讨了如何向电信领域引入Internet(因特网)业务开发模型。

    In this paper we research the service convergence model in the open telecommunication network environment , and discuss the way of introducing Internet based service development paradigm to the telecommunication domains .

  9. 为满足中国联通的战略转型支撑多业务融合的预付费计费模式,在线计费系统(OnlineChargingSystem)的建设已经提上日程。

    In order to meet the strategic transformation of China Unicom and support multi service converged prepaid billing model . The construction of Online charging system has been put on the agenda .

  10. IP多媒体子系统(IMS)是建立在全IP基础上的多业务融合网络,旨在促进电信网和互联网的融合。

    IP Multimedia Subsystem ( IMS ) is an all-IP based multi-service converged networks . It aims to converge telecommunications networks and the Internet .

  11. IPTV业务融合了音频、视频和数据等多种媒体形式,是一项重要的电信增值业务。

    IPTV as an important value-added telecom service integrates multiple contents such as voice , video , and data .

  12. 借鉴EPON的国际动向,指出在EPON中实现数据、电视、电话三种业务融合的可能性。

    Considering the international tendency it investigates the possibility of converging data 、 television and telephone services in EPON .

  13. 基于FIM和SIM机制的移动通信业务融合问题解决方法研究

    Research on resolution of mobile telecommunication service integration problem based on FIM and SIM mechanism

  14. 基于网络融合和终端融合的实现,业务融合是必然趋势,现有方法有IN、SOA等,但还不能完全的覆盖所有融合业务的传输需要。

    Based on the realization of network convergence and terminal fusion , the service integration becomes an inevitable trend . Existing methods such as IN , SOA have not completely covered all converged services .

  15. UMA为固定移动业务融合加速

    UMA Accelerates Fixed and Mobile Sevices Combine

  16. 为满足用户需求,大量电话网、有线电视网和计算机网络(如Internet)已逐渐演变成为业务融合的网络,融合的信息网络环境可以通过统一的传输系统支持不同种类业务的传输。

    In order to satisfy the demand , telephone networks , cable television network and computer network ( e.g. Internet ) are evolved to a traffic-integrated network : broadband services integrated data network . This integrated information network could provide multiple different services via the same transmission system .

  17. 综合接入设备(IAD)完成各种网络终端的统一接入,并将这些话音、数据等多种业务融合在一起,统一实现各自的功能。

    IAD finish the access unification for different network terminal stations , merge multi-services together , such as speech , data etc. , realize respective own functions .

  18. 本文针对目前对移动办公的研究及发展中所面临的移动办公与固定办公以及与其他系统之间的业务融合等问题,通过对IMS和SOA的研究分析,提出了面向3G的新型的移动办公模式。

    This paper aims at those problems arise from business integration between Mobile Office and other system in research of Mobile Office . Based on analysis of IMS and SOA , we present a new model of 3G oriented Mobile Office .

  19. IP多媒体子系统的引进为各种网络的业务融合提供了一个通用平台,它采用开放接口模式,促进了业务的多样化、综合化和个性化发展,开启了移动网络与因特网业务融合的时代。

    IP Multimedia Subsystem ( IMS ) with open interface architecture can provide a universal platform for the services convergence of all kind of networks , promote the diversification , comprehensivization and individualization of services and open up new era of the convergence of Internet and cellular services .

  20. 设计并实现了一种支撑IP(互联网协议)多业务融合网络系统的核心交换机,给出了硬/软件体系结构、质量服务实现和其他关键技术。

    Design and implement of switches for an IP ( Internet protocol ) of multi - services integrated network were studied , The work includes structures of the switches ' hardware and software , QoS ( quality of service ) implement 's mechanisms and some other key technologies .

  21. 利用WiMAX技术作为3G有效的接入补充方式,提出了3G和WiMAX业务融合的概念和实现目标,并给出了二者基于IMS的业务融合体系结构。

    This paper proposes the concept and goals of services convergence of 3G and WiMAX where WiMAX is treated as an effectively complementary access to 3G , and presents an architecture for services convergence of 3G and WiMAX based on IMS .

  22. 以业务融合为目的的业务流程建模的概念应运而生。

    The concept of business process modeling for business integration emerges as the times require .

  23. 网络融合和业务融合的探讨

    Network Convergence and Service Convergence

  24. 自由化使金融机构能够把两种以前不相干的业务融合为一:为企业提供咨询服务和帮助投资者进行交易。

    Liberalisation enabled financial institutions to combine the previously discrete activities of advising corporations and trading for investors .

  25. 产业融合产生的前提是技术融合、业务融合、市场融合以及产业管制环境的变化。

    The preconditions for industry convergence include convergence in technology , operation , market and change in industry governance .

  26. 如果消费和企业业务融合的趋势加强,微软和雅虎现在合并将是明智之举。

    If consumer spending and businesses to strengthen the integration trend , Microsoft and Yahoo now the merger will be wise .

  27. 为了实现业务融合,在信令层面和媒体层面均需要解决互通的问题。

    In order to implement service convergence , the intercommunication between signaling layer and media layer should be achieved as well .

  28. 加强产品和服务的管理,基本策略包括:产品多样化、服务个性化和业务融合化。

    To strengthen the management of products and services . Basic strategies include : product diversification , individual services and business integration .

  29. 最终,结合测试情况确定通过家庭网关实现多业务融合承载的部署方案。

    Finally , combined with the test result we identified through the home gateway to realize the multi-services fusion carrying deployment suggestion .

  30. 具有这些特点的网络融合、终端融合和业务融合的结构研究必然受到业界的关注。

    The studies about structures of the networks , terminals and services convergence which have new characteristics will be subject to the attention .