
  • 网络Consultant Contract
  1. 这家韩国耳机生产商强调,该公司与这位苹果高管签订过合法的咨询合同,以获取有关美国市场趋势的信息。

    The South Korean earphone and headset maker stressed that it had a legal consulting contract with the apple executive to receive information about trends in the US market .

  2. 雇佣关系硕士(MER)项目可以帮助你在公司,单位和机构里有效处理各种职场关系,内容涵盖从职业咨询到合同谈判。

    With core courses in business , sociology , history and economics , the MER considers the employment relationship from a variety of viewpoints , including yours !

  3. 2000-2001年互联网泡沫崩溃后,咨询业务合同枯竭,美欧许多咨询公司都进行了裁员。

    After the dotcom crash in 2000 and 2001 , contracts dried up and many firms let staff go in both the US and Europe .

  4. 月内;C.分项三的技术咨询报告:合同生效后__________

    C. Technical service report on Item 3 : _________ months after effectiveness of the Contract ;

  5. 月内;B.分项二的技术咨询报告:合同生效后__________

    B. Technical service report on Item 2 : _________ months after effectiveness of the Contract ;

  6. 月内;D.分项四的技术咨询报告:合同生效后__________月内。

    and D. Technical service report on Item 4 : ________ months after effectiveness of the Contract .

  7. B.无法使技术咨询报告达到合同附件一规定的最低验收标准。

    or B. Fails to make the technical service reports meet the minimum level of Acceptance Standards as specified in Appendix 1 .

  8. 咨询员应在合同管理各方面协助gtcl,包括保险范围、装运、通讯程序、项目管理、联络承包商及担保洽谈。

    The consultants shall assist gtcl in all aspects of contract administration including insurance coverage , shipping , communication procedure and administration of the project , liaison with contractors and negotiations of guarantees .

  9. 咨询指定律师关于合同需注意条款,确保交易安全性。

    Consult the appointed lawyer for the safe Title transaction .

  10. 提供准确高效率的房产咨询,制定销售合同。

    1 to provide accurate efficient real estate advice , the contract of sale .

  11. 政治情报,例如竞争对手与政府、其它公共部门及其它影响监管环境的国内外咨询公司签署的合同细节。

    Political intelligence , for example details of rivals ' contact with government and other public authorities , and other internal and external consultations influencing the regulatory climate .

  12. 第四条交付4.1前述技术咨询报告以CIF______________价格条件交付的最后期限为:A.分项一的技术咨询报告:合同生效后__________

    Article 4 Delivery Schedule 4.1 The deadline for the arrival of the Technical service reports CIF _____ is : A. Technical service report on Item 1 : _________ months after effectiveness of the Contract ;

  13. 第七条保证7.1咨询方保证其经验和能力能以令人满意的方式富有效率且迅速地开展咨询服务,其合同项下的咨询服务由胜任的技术人员依据双方接受的标准完成。

    Article 7 Warranty 7.1 Consultant warrants that he has the experience and capability to efficiently and expeditiously perform the services in a satisfactory manner and that the services performed by him under this Contract shall be performed by competent personnel in accordance with accepted standards .