
  • 网络martin lau
  1. 总裁刘炽平(MartinLau)和首席战略官詹姆斯.米切尔(JamesMitchell)都曾在高盛(GoldmanSachs)工作过。

    Both Martin Lau , president , and James Mitchell , chief strategy officer , are Goldman Sachs alumni .

  2. 腾讯总裁刘炽平(MartinLau)表示,“Hike很懂印度……印度是个高度多元化的市场,有许多需注意的细微之处”。

    Martin Lau , Tencent president , said that " Hike deeply understands India   .   .   .   a highly diverse market with many nuances . "

  3. 腾讯总裁刘炽平(martinlau)周三为此进行了辩护,称这是一项紧急措施,意在保护qq用户免受腾讯所称的由360发起的恶意攻击。

    Martin Lau , Tencent president , defended the step on Wednesday as an emergency measure to protect QQ users from what Tencent alleges was a malware attack by 360 .

  4. 今年5月,腾讯总裁刘炽平(MartinLau)表示,各品牌“在看到更为明朗的宏观经济前景之前将会保留更大一部分年度预算”。

    Brands " are keeping more of the budget for the year until they see a clearer picture around the macro economics , said Martin Lau , the company 's president , in May .

  5. 腾讯总裁刘炽平(MartinLau)表示:新的投资计划将导致腾讯在与合作伙伴分享收入、内容收购、研发及市场营销等领域的成本出现显著增长。

    The new investment phase will result in a significant cost increase in areas such as revenue sharing with partners , content acquisitions , research and development as well as marketing , said Martin Lau , president of Tencent .

  6. 在周三发布季度财报后举行的电话会议上,腾讯总裁刘炽平(MartinLau)说,对于许多已经用手机号注册的用户来说,实名制要求并不会造成很大的障碍。

    During a conference call on Wednesday following the publication of quarterly earnings , Martin Lau , Tencent 's president , said the requirement for users to register under their full names would not present a huge hurdle for many who already provide their mobile phone numbers in order to register .

  7. 刘炽平表示:我们打算修复公司的形象。

    We intend to repair our corporate image , Mr Lau said .

  8. 但如果我们前瞻5年,我认为机会是存在的,刘炽平表示。

    But if we take a five-year perspective , then I think the opportunity will be there , Mr Lau said .

  9. 不过,刘炽平表示,腾讯仍在评估与奇虎360争端对公司业务的长期影响。

    However , Mr Lau said Tencent was still evaluating the longer-term impact of the fight with Qihoo 360 on its business .

  10. 刘炽平表示,腾讯将与第三方应用组件开发商分享收入,并希望转向其它网站的流量能够创造出新的广告业务。

    Mr Lau said Tencent would share the revenues generated by the third-party applications with their developers and expected the traffic to other websites to generate a new advertising business .

  11. 刘炽平表示,其他规定只适用公众账号(即博客)。今后公众账号需要特定的许可才可以发布新闻。

    He said other regulations pertained exclusively to public accounts , or blogs , which are henceforth required to refrain from publishing news without a specific permission to do so .

  12. 随着市场不断发展,广告市场继续成长,美国的市场现状也可以在中国复制,刘炽平表示。

    As the market evolves and the advertising market continues to grow , the situation that has been existing in the US can be replicated in China , said Mr Lau .

  13. 刘炽平表示,其他规定只适用公众账号(即博客)。今后公众账号需要特定的许可才可以发布“新闻”。

    He said other regulations pertained exclusively to public accounts , or blogs , which are henceforth required to refrain from publishing " news " without a specific permission to do so .

  14. 目前,参加测试的外部网站还不到10家。但我们希望在未来6到12个月里将数量增加到现在的5到10倍,刘炽平说。

    At the moment , fewer than 10 other sites are taking part in the tests , but we want to take it to five to 10 times that in the next six to 12 months , said Mr Lau .