
  • 网络Counseling;Counselling;Consulting
  1. 从文献角度探析咨询学的研究与发展

    Discussion on Research and Development of Consultation from the Perspective of Literature

  2. 图书咨询学专业的硕士在职业中期平均收入57600美元。

    Library and information science degree-holders bring in $ 57,600 mid-career , on average .

  3. 取得图书咨询学、英语、音乐或教育专业硕士学位的个人可能会获得极大的愉悦感,但“学费”高昂。

    Getting a master 's in library and information science , English , music , or education can be extremely gratifying but pricy .

  4. 今天我们最后一位获得咨询理学硕士学位的是,正向着舞台走来的卡洛斯-莫拉和他的狗狗Kirsch。

    Our last counseling degree graduate to walk across the stage tonight is Carlos Mora and his service dog Kirsch .

  5. 今年春天,卡洛斯-莫拉获得了咨询理学硕士的学位。他的爱犬Kirsch也因为陪伴主人参加了每一堂课而获得了荣誉硕士学位。

    When Carlos Mora received his Masters of Science in Counseling this spring , his service dog , Kirsch , was also awarded an honorary degree for having attended all of his owner 's classes .

  6. 很多问题的解决其实只需要小小的改变比如调整你的坐姿或者把你的手臂抬高离开桌子这些都不需要咨询工作学专家。

    Many changes can be small like adjusting the seat position or raising your arms off the desk and can be done without consulting an ergonomics expert .

  7. 你可以咨询过敏学医生给孩子做一个测试,或者如果你已经有一个怀疑对象(如糖类就是很常见的一种),尝试在一段时间内从您孩子的饮食中排除这种食物。

    You can consult an allergist for testing or , if you suspect a certain dietary culprit ( sugar is a common one ), try eliminating it from your child 's diet for several days .

  8. 咨询心理学理学硕士;

    Master of Science in counseling psychology ;

  9. 模式三,讲授大学生心理卫生课程。模式四,实施个别心理咨询。组织学与胚胎学教学中备课和授课环节的有效模式探讨

    Model 2 : Give a lesson of Mental Health for College Students , plus group consultations ; Effective Mode of Lesson Preparation and Teaching Activity of Histology and Embryology Course

  10. 访谈法(专家咨询法):咨询养生学专家、身心学者和武术家。

    Interview ( expert consultation ): Consultation health experts , scholars and martial artists mind . 3 .