
  • 网络guangzhou development zone;Guangzhou Development District
  1. 该报道特别指出,目前排名前三的开发区分别为天津开发区、广州开发区和昆山开发区。

    The top three zones are Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area , Guangzhou Development District , and Kunshan Economic and Technical Development Zone .

  2. 青年路停经站点为广州开发区西区青年路麦当劳门口。

    The stop " Qingnian Road " is in front of the gate of Mcdonald at the Western Section of Guangzhou Development District .

  3. 介绍了广州开发区医院住院楼预应力混凝土管桩的静载试验及处理情况。

    Introduced the static load test and processing circumstance of prestressed concrete pipe - pile which used in GuangZhou Development Zone Hospital .

  4. 证明了广州开发区对广州经济空间结构产生巨大影响,从而影响广州的社会空间结构,并且在空间形态上反映出来。

    It proves that the GDD has made great influence on Guangzhou ' seconomic and social spatial structure , mirroring in the physical space form .

  5. 在利用、节约土地办工业方面,广州开发区树立了一个榜样,他建议在全省推广。

    The Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development District set a pace in positive land use , and could be promoted in the province , Wang recommended .

  6. 广州开发区是1984年经国务院批准成立的首批国家级经济技术开发区之一,当时定位在西区并以工业为主导产业。

    Guangzhou Development District ( GDD ) is one of the first established state-level economic and technological development districts approved by the State Council in 1984 . It was located in the western area with industry as the leading industry .

  7. 广州南沙开发区主要野生观赏植物乔木资源及开发利用

    The Exploitation and Application of Ornamental Aboriginal Tree Species in Guangzhou Nansha Development Area

  8. 介绍广州市开发区现状和相关医药研发(暂定),刘悦伦,(原广州市开发区副主任)

    Introduction of Pharmaceutical Business and Development in Guangzhou Development District ( Tentative ), Yuelun Liu , Deputy Chairman of the Administrative Committee of Guangzhou Development District .

  9. 自成立以来,先后为我国三十多个城市或区域主持视觉系统设计,如:大连、三亚、博鳌、绍兴、广州经济开发区、北京海淀区、西单商业街、江苏宜兴、兴化、溧阳等。

    Since founded it has offered service for more than thirty cities or districts such as Dalian , Sanya , Boao , Shaoxing , Yixing , Xinghua , Liyang , Guangzhou , Haidian District , Xidan Street , etc.

  10. 广州市经济开发区热力管道支架结构设计

    Structure design of tubular frame in Guangzhou economic developing area

  11. 广州经济技术开发区生产性企业工人离职问题探讨

    The Study of Workers ' Turnover Problem in Production Enterprises of Guangzhou Economic & Technical Development District

  12. 进而,结合广州市南沙开发区钢铁工业建设项目环境预审,对该套程序和方法进行了实际应用和检验。

    The method has been applied in a preliminary evaluation for a proposed project of an iron & steel company at a Development Zone , Guangzhou .

  13. 1999年11月的上海利华公司诉广州经济技术开发区商业进出口贸易公司商标侵权纠纷的力士香皂商标案,把对平行进口理论和实践方面的研究提上了我国的议事日程。

    " The LUX soap trademark case " between the UNILEVER company of Shanghai and business import and export company in the economic technique development area of Guangzhou in 1999 , bring the research of theories and practices of the parallel imports in our country into fulfillment .

  14. 该方案已应用在广州市经济技术开发区管委会经济管理信息系统中并为网上的MIS系统用户管理提供了新的思路。

    It is used at the MIS system and gives us a new thought on the internet application of the MIS system user management .

  15. 广州市的南沙开发区是沿海冲积平原,淤泥深厚;

    Nansha development zone in Guangzhou is located in seaside outwash plain which is characterized with thick sludge .

  16. 广州科学城位于广州东北部,规划用地总面积为37.47平方公里,属广州开发区管理。

    Guangzhou Science City ( GSC ) is located in the northeast of Guangzhou , which covers an area of 37.47 square kilometers in total .