
xù shì wén
  • narrative;narrative prose
叙事文 [xù shì wén]
  • [narration;narrative prose] 一种文体,用于描述某一事件、故事的经过或细节,它通常按时间先后顺序展开,而且常有有关人物的描写

  1. 在叙事时距上,韩愈叙事文呈现出了概述、场景、省略的现象。

    On the narrative time span , Han Yu employs the overview , scene , omitted , pause .

  2. 散文题材共分为五类:政论文、叙事文、游记、序跋、传记。

    Proses is divided into five categories : political essays , narratives , travel notes and sages ' works , the biography .

  3. 这是孔氏对中国叙事文学文论的创造性贡献,具有特殊的美学意义和理论价值。

    The successful example of the dramatic practice of " the pearl of dramatic songs qu " was Kong Shangren 's unique contribution of aesthetic significance to the literary theory of Chinese literary narration .

  4. 随笔文写作与学校叙事辅导&随笔文与中学生个性成长的研究报告

    Essay Writing and School Narrating Counseling : & A Research Report of Essay Writing and the Development of Middle School Students ' Character and Personality

  5. 写作、有意凸现叙述者,坚持了前代式的叙述模式,由此实现了叙事学层面的文。

    His works , therefore , achieved " refinement " in narrative study due to his persistence in adopting a pre-modern narrative style that highlighted the narrator .

  6. 以宏大叙事为特征的文界革命深深体现出现代知识分子身份的确立,这时的散文理论更专注于民族文化价值观念的重建,而尚未对文体自身的问题产生自觉。

    The Revolution of Prose that takes grand narrative as its basic characteristics represents the establishment of the identity of modern intellectuals . The prose theory then focuses more on the reconstruction of the national cultural values than literary forms .

  7. 文章主要从三个方面来展开论述:第一章分析了叙事写人在小说叙事文中的地位以及美学追求;

    The article is main launch from three aspects treatise : Chapter 1 analyzes the position which " narrate to figure personality " is situated in and the aesthetics pursuing of it ;

  8. 表层的叙事深层的理念&论萧红《小城三月》的叙事风格该文从九个方面叙述了吴先生的主要业绩和他在科学教育实践中逐渐形成的深邃的科学教育观。

    A Simple Story with Profound Concept ── On the Narrative Style of " The Town in March " written by Xiao Hong This paper discusses Wu 's outstanding achievements and the profound concept of scientific education formed gradually by him in practice .