
  • 网络narrative;narration;narration techniques;narrative approach
  1. 结果写出来的书情节紧张,矛盾冲突强烈,令人欲罢不能,效果与使用普通的叙事手法大为不同。

    The books that result have intensity and a fascinating immediacy , far beyond that of ordinary narrative .

  2. 《红楼梦》的情节线索和叙事手法

    The Plot Clues and Narrative Methods in Dream of the Red Chamber

  3. 此外,论文对两部小说所采用的bildungsroman叙事手法作了简短介绍以便揭示两部小说的主题风格。

    Moreover in this thesis is included a brief introduction of the bildungsroman technique the two novels adopted so as to reveal the themes and the styles the two novels involve .

  4. 三段论是文学创作中的一种审美叙事手法。

    Syllogism is a means of aesthetic narration in literary writing .

  5. 二是偏于长镜头叙事手法的运用。

    The other is the use of too long lens narration tactics .

  6. 中国纪实类电视节目的叙事手法研究

    Study on Narrative Technique in Television Documentaries of China

  7. 文学化叙事手法在夜景设计中的运用

    Literary Descriptive Technique in Lighting Design of Symbolic Buildings

  8. 叙事手法中,信息的延迟与压制能够有效地达到这个目的。凯瑟琳.第二,已经实现的目标信息更容易激活与整合;

    Information delay can achieve the goal effectively .

  9. 第二章写纪昀构建狐世界的叙事手法。

    Chapter Two mainly probes into the narrative devices in constructing the Fox World .

  10. 讲故事的叙事手法的运用使作品更具有真实性和可读性。

    Storytelling makes her novels authentic and readable .

  11. 剖析《吉姆老爷》&谈康拉德式独特的叙事手法

    Analysis of Lord Jim & On Conradian Narrative

  12. 首先,简要介绍本文所采用的空间叙事手法。

    The first part is the introduction of the narrative method & the spatial narrative .

  13. 小说多画面、多视点的叙事手法表现了作者对传统历史、文化和现实的挑战;

    The multi-perspective narration connotes the author 's challenge against history , culture and reality .

  14. 《爵士乐》后现代叙事手法的分析

    Postmodern Narrative in Toni Morrison 's Jazz

  15. 鉴于她在文学方面的巨大成就,许多学者试图探讨其叙事手法。

    Because of her great narrative techniques , many scholars attempt to discuss her unique strategies .

  16. 信息延迟与读者认知&试析《弃妇》的叙事手法

    Information Delay and Reader Response & Analysis on the Narrative Techniques The Jilting of Granny Weatherall

  17. 怒放的黑郁金香&评《宠儿》叙事手法的黑人女性身份

    Blooming Black Tulip & Analysis on Black Female 's Identity Embodied in the Narrative Techniques of Beloved

  18. 第三部分分析作家表现世俗化时所采用的叙事手法。主要从语言、新写实、传奇化几个方面来进行分析。

    Third , I analyzed the technique of narration which included language , new realistic , legend .

  19. 先锋作家的历史小说创作真正体现了新的叙事手法和历史观念。

    The historical novels , created by Avant-garde writers , really reflect the historical concept and narrative way .

  20. 全知叙述是一种传统的叙述模式,其特点是在叙事手法上享有极大的自由度。

    As a traditional narrative mode , omniscient narration is characterized with its great freedom in narrative techniques .

  21. 同时,他的叙事手法的多样性也象征着他的文化多元性主题。

    And the multiplicity of his narrative expression has symbolized the themes of culture Pluralism in his fictions .

  22. 电影情节一定程度上遵循原著内容,但也借鉴了好莱坞惯有的叙事手法。

    The plot partly sticks to the original story but it also follows a typical Hollywood story line .

  23. 第四章进行的是结构分析。探讨了小说的第一人称叙事手法和双重情节。

    Chapter Four turns to structural analysis of the novel , noting its first-person narrative and dual plots .

  24. 第二,从叙事手法和想象能力的角度去分析“他者”形象的意义。

    Secondly , I analyze the signification of other image on the perspective of narration skill and imagination ability .

  25. 国内对莱辛的研究大多集中在她的女性主义主题上,很少有人研究她的叙事手法。

    The study on Doris Lessing in China mainly focuses on her feminism , but seldom on her narrative skills .

  26. 第四章着眼于传统建筑空间的叙事手法,探讨了它在物质之外的属性。

    Chapter IV focuses on the methods of narration in traditional architectural space , tries to discuss its non-material properties .

  27. 亨伯特真实生动的生活背景、巧妙的叙事手法及暗指技巧的运用使读者不得不相信他的自白的真实性。

    His real and vivid life panorama , sophisticated narrative strategy and allusions impel the reader to believe his confession .

  28. 他童年的故事是用倒叙法来表现的。这部电影采用了逆序的叙事手法。

    The events of his boyhood are shown in a flashback . the movie narrates the story in reverse order .

  29. 非线性叙事手法,是对常规线性叙事的打破,破而后立,从而成就了影视的多元化发展的局面。

    Non-linear narrative technique broke the convention of linear narrative , thus accomplishing the pluralistic development of film and television .

  30. 本文从三个方面入手:第一,小说的叙事手法和小说的开放式结尾。

    This thesis will interpret the novel from the following aspects : first , the narrative approaches and its open ending .