首页 / 词典 / good

  • take;hold;carry;seize;capture
  • 用手取,握在手里:~笔。~枪。

  • 掌握,把握:~主意。~权。~手。

  • 挟(xié)制:~捏(故意刁难人,要挟人)。~大(自以为比别人强,看不起人,摆架子)。

  • 侵蚀,侵害:让药水~白了。

  • 逮捕,捉:~获。擒~。~问。

  • 攻下,占领:一定要把敌人的碉堡~下来。

  • 介绍,引出对象,相当于“把”:我~你当亲人看待。

  • 介词,引出所凭借的工具、材料、方法等,相当于“用”:~笔来写。


(用手或其他方式抓住或搬动物体) hold; take:

  • 拿来

    bring it here;

  • 拿去

    take it away;

  • 把这些茶杯拿走。

    Take away these teacups.

  • 那东西钉在墙上, 我拿不下来。

    It was nailed to the wall and I couldn't get it off.

  • 他手里拿的是什么?

    What is he holding in his hand?


(用强力取; 捉拿) seize; capture:

  • 拿下敌人的阵地

    take the enemy's positions;

  • 拿下要塞

    capture a fort;

  • 这个扒手在行窃时被当场拿住。

    The pickpocket was caught in the act.


(掌握; 把握) have a firm grasp of; be able to do; be sure of:

  • 拿不准

    not be sure; feel uncertain;

  • 样样农活她都拿得起来。

    She can do every kind of farm work.

  • 这事你拿得稳吗?

    Are you sure of it?


(刁难; 要挟) put sb. in a difficult position; make things difficult for sb.:

  • 这件事你拿不住人。

    Don't think that you can make things difficult by not doing the job.



  • 拿笔写字

    write with a pen;

  • 拿尺量

    measure with a ruler;

  • 拿几句话来概括

    to sum up in a few words;

  • 拿事实证明

    prove with facts; cite facts to prove;

  • 拿水洗一洗

    rinse it with water;

  • 我们不能拿原则作交易。

    We cannot barter away our principles.



  • 不拿他当回事

    pay no attention to him; make light of foe;

  • 别拿他开玩笑。

    Don't make fun of him.

  • 不要拿我作为模范丈夫的例子。

    Don't hold me up as a model husband.

  • 我简直拿他没办法。

    I simply can't do anything with him.

  1. 那样拿剪子不对。

    That 's not the right way to hold a pair of scissors .

  2. 我的手抖得如此厉害,几乎都拿不住麦克风了。

    My hand shook so much that I could hardly hold the microphone

  3. 英格兰队必须拿下这场比赛才能确保获得资格。

    England must win this game to be sure of qualifying .

  4. 请在接待处拿一份我们的免费资料。

    Pick up one of our free information sheets at reception .

  5. 他们中没有哪个拿得出50英镑买一张票。

    None of them could afford £ 50 for a ticket .

  6. 她拿定主意对所有的谣言置之不理。

    She decided to shut her ears to all the rumours .

  7. 你早晚得拿个主意。

    Sooner or later you will have to make a decision .

  8. 她拿了一块布把厨房桌面擦得干干净净。

    She took a cloth and wiped down the kitchen table .

  9. 我拿不准该不该把这事告诉你。

    I 'm not sure whether I should tell you this .

  10. 他觉得拿别人开玩笑显得聪明。

    He thinks it 's clever to make fun of people .

  11. 最终你还是得自己拿主意。

    Ultimately , you 'll have to make the decision yourself .

  12. 我讨厌他拿我开低级庸俗的玩笑。

    I was tired of his cheap jokes at my expense .

  13. 这种甜食从冰箱里拿出来就可以吃。

    This dessert can be served straight from the fridge .

  14. 可别给我拿糕点——那我会吃个没够的。

    Don 't give me cakes ─ I 'll just pig myself .

  15. 我拿不准该如何回答这个问题。

    I was unsure how to reply to this question .

  16. 去不去巴西,我仍然拿不定主意。

    I still have mixed feelings about going to Brazil .

  17. 她从盘子里拿了块蛋糕慢慢地吃着。

    She took some cake from the tray and nibbled at it .

  18. 时间过得飞快,而我们却还没有拿定主意。

    Time marches on and we still have not made a decision .

  19. 这儿只有一半的人有拿工资的工作。

    Only half the people here are in paid employment .

  20. 你把它拿倒了。

    You 're not holding it the right way up .

  21. 你把照相机拿颠倒了。

    You 're holding the camera the wrong way up !

  22. 你要是拿不准怎么干,就问我。

    Ask me if you 're not sure how to do it .

  23. 我拿不定主意邀请谁。

    I 'm in a dither about who to invite .

  24. 制胜的一球是大师自己拿下的。

    The winning goal was scored by the maestro himself .

  25. 等一下——我去拿外套。

    Hang on a minute ─ I 'll just get my coat .

  26. 趁他们不在屋里,我偷偷拿了一块蛋糕。

    I sneaked a cake when they were out of the room .

  27. 喂,拿一张纸巾把眼睛擦干。

    Here , have a Kleenex to dry your eyes .

  28. 一定要拿稳相机。

    Make sure you 've got a steady hold on the camera .

  29. 我要拿这两瓶换那一瓶。

    I 'll swap these two bottles for that one .

  30. 过去别人总拿我的名字开玩笑。

    I used to get teased about my name .