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zāi mín
  • Disaster victims;sufferer;victims of a natural calamity;victims of natural calamities and war refuges
灾民 [zāi mín]
  • [sufferer; victims of natural calamities and war refuges] 受到灾情威胁的难民

  • 给水灾灾民的紧急救援

灾民[zāi mín]
  1. 他把这笔钱捐给灾民,以遂其父的心愿。

    He gave the money to the victims of a natural calamity in order to crown his father 's wish .

  2. 数千名地震灾民仍在等待安排新住处。

    Thousands of earthquake victims are still waiting to be rehoused .

  3. 他们已经开始结集队伍将救济物资送给遭受飓风侵害的灾民。

    They have begun marshalling forces to send relief to the hurricane victims .

  4. 他们给灾民提供了援助。

    They rendered assistance to the disaster victims .

  5. 为响应救济地震灾民的呼吁,几百万人慷慨相助。

    Millions of people gave freely in response to the appeal for the victims of the earthquake .

  6. 传染病正在遭受洪灾的很多灾民中蔓延。

    Infectious diseases are spreading among many of the flood victims .

  7. 这个港口对向数百万旱灾灾民提供救援物资是至关重要的。

    The port is vital to supply relief to millions of drought victims

  8. 其中一些灾民大声地抱怨紧急援助物资分配不公。

    Some of the victims are complaining loudly about the uneven distribution of emergency aid

  9. 给贫困的灾民送去了救济金和粮食。

    Money and food were sent to the impoverished drought victims .

  10. 你可不知道灾民的苦处。

    You don 't know how they suffered as disaster victims .

  11. 你可以想见灾民的那种惨状。

    You can well imagine the misery of the disaster victims .

  12. 水灾灾民收到了几个慈善团体捐赠的钱和衣服。

    The flood victims received money and clothes from several charities .

  13. 已经设立了一项基金来救济地震灾民。

    A fund was opened to help the victims of the earthquake .

  14. 我们对灾民满怀同情。

    We 're filled with sympathy for the victims of the natural disaster .

  15. 他们给遭受洪水的灾民分发食品。

    They issued food to the flood victims .

  16. 灾民靠救济金过活,直到他们能重整家园为止。

    The victims of the disaster lived on charity until they could make new lives for themselves .

  17. 3.这些地震灾民从几个慈善组织收到了捐款和衣服。

    These earthquake victims received money and clothes from several philanthropic organizations .

  18. 我们正在为遭受饥荒的灾民募款。

    We 're collecting for the famine victims .

  19. 洪涝灾害对灾民腹泻影响因素的Logistic回归分析

    Logistic Regression Analysis on the Risk Factors of Diarrhea Among Flood Victims in Disaster Areas

  20. 这在很大程度上是由于灾民普遍贫困,他们对GDP的贡献微乎其微。

    That was largely because the victims were mostly poor people who added little to GDP .

  21. 5·12地震灾民安全感与PTSD的关系

    The Relation between Perceived Security and PTSD of Wenchuan Earthquake Survivors

  22. 而且在不符合PTSD诊断的灾民中,71.7%存在再体验症状,51.7%存在麻木/回避症状,65%存在过度唤起症状;

    In those non-PTSD survivors , 71.7 % had re-experienced symptoms , 51.7 % had numbness / exaping symptoms , 65 % had excessive arousing symptoms ;

  23. 无家可归的人们在社交公寓租赁网站Airbnb上寻找栖身之所,许多纽约的Airbnb用户自愿免费为灾民提供住处。

    Displaced people turned to airbnb to find beds , which New York airbnb hosts volunteered to share free of charge .

  24. 紧急期:震后4~10d,其主要任务是安置灾民生活。

    The phase of 4 to 10 days is emergent response term and its main task is to settle the life of victims of disaster .

  25. Maloney说,摩加迪沙还有一线希望,这里的灾民可以获得人道主义组织的帮助。

    Maloney says there is some hope for Mogadishu , where displaced people are within the reach of humanitarian organizations who are expanding their efforts on the ground .

  26. Witherspoon说,“聆听世界”已经分发了大约1200台收音机,超过一半的收音机送给地震灾民,大部分在海地。

    Mr. Witherspoon says Ears to Our World has sent out about one thousand two hundred radios . More than half have gone to earthquake victims , in Haiti .

  27. “我们为地震灾民衷心祈祷,”世行加勒比地区局长YvonneTsikata说。

    " Our hearts and prayers go out to those affected by the earthquake ," said Yvonne Tsikata , World Bank Director for the Caribbean .

  28. 联合国难民机构女发言人FatoumataLeJeune-Kaba告诉VOA,150000多洪水灾民中接近一半的人房屋被毁,无家可归。

    U.N. refugee spokeswoman , Fatoumata LeJeune-Kaba tells VOA nearly half of the 150000 flood victims have had their houses destroyed and are now homeless .

  29. 房地产开发商Soho中国有限公司总裁张欣决定向灾民提供个人帮助。张欣虽年仅43岁,但已位列《福布斯》杂志中国富豪榜第7位,资产估计超过30亿美元。

    Zhang Xin , the 43-year-old chief executive of property developer Soho China and , according to Forbes Magazine , China 's 7th richest person with a fortune estimated at more than $ 3bn , decided to respond personally .

  30. 巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼(YousufRazaGillani)表示,他将负责对南部信德省数百万洪水灾民的救助工作。

    The Prime Minister of Pakistan , Yousaf Raza Gillani , has said he 'll take charge of the relief effort for millions of flood victims in the southern province of Sindh .