
  • disaster movie;disaster film;Bloopers
  1. 第一章对灾难片进行了明确的界定以及分类。

    The first chapter gives a clear definition and classification of disaster film .

  2. 一个主要的次类型是灾难片。

    A major sub-genre is the disaster film .

  3. 不能说它只是又一部灾难片——它是一部杰作。

    This is not just another disaster movie ─ it 's a masterpiece .

  4. 索尼(Sony)和哥伦比亚影片公司(Columbia)出品的灾难片《2012》周末票房位居第三,周末三天票房为1800万美元。

    Sony / Columbia 's apocalyptic thriller ' 2012 ' ; finished in third over the weekend , with $ 18 million over the three-day weekend .

  5. 动作片和灾难片往往就会犯这种错,

    Action and disaster genres are generally the most notable offenders .

  6. 他所描述的场面,听起来就像是一部灾难片。

    The scene he encountered sounds like something from a disaster movie .

  7. 灾难片可以分为自然灾难片、生态灾难片和科技灾难片。

    They can be divided into natural , ecological and technological disaster film .

  8. 数字化电影的宠儿&灾难片的美学及相关问题

    Aesthetics And Corresponding Problems In Disaster Movies

  9. 其传奇般的灾难片往往不亚于由捉襟见肘人类作出的错误。

    Its legendary bloopers are often no worse than the errors made by hard-pressed humans .

  10. 和所有优秀灾难片一样,最好玩儿的莫过于一帮歇斯底里的家伙。

    Like all the best disaster movies , it 's funniest at its most hysterical .

  11. 基于天气事件的灾难片经常挑战科学的极限。

    Disaster movies based on weather events often stretch the science nearly to a breaking point .

  12. 拳击手出身的美国演员巨石强森无疑是这部惊心动魄灾难片男主的最佳人选。

    US wrestler-turned-actor The Rock is obviously a perfect choice to play savior in this thriller .

  13. 第四章强调了灾难片的人文意义,分别从灾难片表现出来的生态危机、科技危机和灾难片提供的灾难意识进行阐述。

    The fourth chapter discusses ecological crisis , technological crisis and disaster awareness to emphasize the significance of the human beings .

  14. 本文试图从文化的视角探讨中国为何缺少末日灾难片。

    From the cultural perspectives , the writer attempts to analyze the reasons on the lack of doomsday disaster film in China .

  15. 首先界定灾难片的意义和范围,区别于其他容易混淆的电影类型。

    For the research , firstly define the meaning and scope of a disaster film , different from some of the confusing type .

  16. 第二章对灾难片的创作技巧给予分析,主要从电影的画面、声效、节奏和虚实结合等方面着手。

    Chapter ⅱ provides the description of creative skills analysis , such as the movie screen , sound , rhythm and other aspects .

  17. 商业语境下的主旋律电影&《超强台风》与好莱坞灾难片的比较分析

    The Main-melody Movies in the Context of Business & The Comparison between " Super Severe Typhoon " and the Disaster Films of Hollywood

  18. 10年前重量级灾难片《泰坦尼克号》男女主角莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥和凯特·温斯莱特将重聚大银幕。

    Titanic stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are to reunite on the big screen , 10 years after the blockbuster disaster movie .

  19. 以国内灾难片的创作思路和创新点为基础,展望灾难片的发展前景。

    The creation of a domestic disaster film based on ideas and innovation and look forward to the development prospects of a disaster film .

  20. 在关于电影制作的一个短片中,他曾表示,比之其他的灾难片,这部电影更加“真实、感人、接地气”。

    The director says in a production featurette that his movie is " grounded , real and emotional " compared to other disaster films .

  21. 虽然,佩顿浓墨重彩地讲述了盖恩斯一家重归于好的故事,却也让电影落入灾难片的俗套。

    But in putting so much emphasis on reuniting the Gaines family , Peyton forgot to bring something new to the disaster film genre .

  22. 影片导演——来自加拿大的布拉德•佩顿一直想要将家庭矛盾融入惊心动魄的灾难片之中,《末日崩塌》正是这样的结果。

    Canadian-born director Brad Peyton sought to integrate family dynamics into a thriller , and with San Andreas that 's what he 's done .

  23. 但一些恐慌的网民却把近期地震频发与去年好莱坞灾难片《2012》所描述的“世界末日”联系了起来。

    Some panicked netizens even linked the recent spate of earthquakes to Doomsday Day as depicted by Hollywood disaster film " 2012 " shown in2009 .

  24. 灾难片告诉人们要倡导生态文明,保护自然环境,压缩人类欲望,适度消费,以及合理发展科学技术。

    Disaster film tell human beings to protect the natural environment , compress human desires , moderate consumption , and develop science and technology rationally .

  25. 灾难片立足灾难,选择了一个全球性的开放话题,人类对灾难的共识为这一类型电影的成功提供了最可靠的砝码。

    Disaster films are based on disaster , which is a worldwide open issue and is supported with the common view of audiences to it .

  26. 五角大楼后来预言:假如这场战役打起来,仅平壤和首尔两个城市的伤亡人数就达到一百万,而美国也至少损失5万名士兵。这简直是在拍灾难片啊!

    They predicted a minimum of one million dead Koreans , the total destruction of Pyongyang and Seoul , and the deaths of at least 50000 American servicemen .

  27. 然而这并没有消除人们的忧虑。他们担心,就像二流灾难片中的情节一样,前沿物理学中的一些奇异现象将带来世界末日。

    But that does not stop people continuing to worry that esoteric phenomena at the edge of physics might spell The End Of Everything in a satisfyingly B-movieish cataclysm .

  28. 听来像灾难片里的慑人憾景,但哈佛史密森天体物理学中心瑞安奥里瑞和阿维勒布指出,这些混混黑洞中比来的也远离地球数千光年。

    It may sound like the plot of a disaster film , but say that the closest of these rogue black holes is thousands of light-years away from Earth .

  29. 也许,你期待这将是又一部怪兽摧毁建筑、杀戮人类的灾难片,或者是一部除了视觉效果别无内容的影片。

    You may expect the movie to be another disaster story in which monsters destroy buildings and kill people , or a movie with nothing more than good visuals .

  30. 正如一直受欢迎的灾难片的票房所表明的,身为同一个种族的我们大家,太清楚我们可能会怎样被尽数消灭。

    As the continued popularity of disaster movies at the box office demonstrates , we are all too aware how , as a race , we might be wiped out .