
  • 网络perforating operation;perforating job;perforation job;perforating practice
  1. 在完井作业的射孔作业中,校深资料的录取与解释直接关系到射孔作业的成效。

    During the progress of the perforating operation in completed well , the acquirement and interpretation of corrected depth data is related to effects of perforation directly .

  2. 射孔枪在结构设计后的投产过程中,存在几个典型问题影响着射孔作业的顺利开展,如冲击载荷作用下的螺纹连接问题、射孔枪胀形尺度问题和影响射孔枪强度的盲孔问题。

    There are several typical problems in perforator structure designs impeding perforating operation in oil well , such as screw junction , perforator expansion and foramen strength .

  3. 事故树分析方法在油气井射孔作业中的应用

    Fault Tree Analysis in Perforation Job of Oil and Gas Well

  4. 介绍了增效射孔作业技术的基本原理和简化计算,论证了在增效射孔中大孔径射孔弹及高孔密射孔枪的重要性;

    Introduces fundamental principles and simple calculation of perforating charge with aftereffect ;

  5. 结果表明,实施水力深穿透射孔作业能够有效增加油井产能;

    The study shows that well productivity could be improved by water-jet deep penetrating .

  6. 但是在固井作业完成后,含有钻屑的油基钻井液会牢牢粘附在套管内壁,射孔作业时这些污物将直接影响油井的储层保护效果。

    However , oil based drilling fluid containing cuttings will firmly adhere to the casing wall after cementing operations , and will directly affect the oil reservoir protection in perforating operations .

  7. 介绍了节箍信号的特点,提出利用计算机数字信号处理技术,通过深度和幅度鉴别方法自动识别套管节箍,精确定位节箍深度,准确确定射孔作业深度。

    With the use of computer digit signal processing technique , depth and amplitude discriminating method is used for automatically recognizing collars , accurately position the collar depth and determining the perforation depth .

  8. 根据油气井射孔作业的一些典型事故,通过对下井工具、施工人员和作业环境组成的射孔系统进行分析,编制了射孔作业安全事故树。

    Having analyzed perforation system composed of downhole tools , operators and operating environment based on some typical faults of perforation job in oil-gas well , a fault tree on safety in perforation job was compiled .

  9. 在测井与射孔作业过程中可能产生导致射孔深度误差的多种因素,这些因素所造成的误差不断累积,直接影响射孔的质量。

    There are many factors causing the errors of perforation depth , mainly arise from the process of well logging and perforation practice , and the accumulation of errors will influence the accuracy of perforation depth directly .

  10. 油气层保护技术在射孔完井作业中的实践与应用

    Application of reservoir protection technology in perforation completion operation

  11. 在石油射孔完井作业中,射孔弹架起着携带和准确定位射孔弹的作用。

    In well shooting operation , shooting frame functions to shoot firmly and accurately .

  12. 在射孔完井作业中,射孔液质量的好坏与油气井产能有直接的关系。

    In the process of perforating completion operation , the quality of perforation fluid is directly related to production of oil and gas wells .

  13. 射孔&测试联合作业质量控制与可靠性管理

    Quality Control and Reliability Management in Joint Operation of TCO and DST

  14. 射孔-处理联合作业的固砂工具

    Shoot-and-treat sand consolidation too

  15. 现场实践证明,在低渗透油层使用该项技术能够达到很好的效果。该项技术具有安全、环保、高效等特点,能够满足一次多层射孔的大规模完井作业要求。

    Field test shows that it has a good effect in low percolation oilfield which can meet the requirement in a big scale completion operation for one-trip multi-layer perforation .

  16. 拖拉器作为用于水平井服务最为经济的输送工具越来越受到重视,而且已应用于水平井测井、射孔、打捞等作业,具有良好的应用前景。

    As the most economic logging tool for servicing horizontal wells , the Well Tractor has being attached great importance to . It has already used for logging , perforation and salvage etc. in horizontal wells , so it will have a good future .

  17. GR射孔是在油气井进行射孔作业时使用自然GR曲线完成深度定位的一种射孔方式。

    GR perforation is one of perforation program that uses nature gamma ray ( GR ) log for depth determination in perforation operation .

  18. 高压水射流射孔尤其适用于薄油层的射孔作业。

    The high pressure water jet perforation technology is specially suited for the oil sheet perforation .

  19. 本文研究了在一次射孔过程中携带多节射孔枪,进行多次射孔作业的射孔工艺。

    The perforating process of perforating many times during one procedure is studied .

  20. 射孔完井技术是油田油气井的主要完井方式,如果射孔作业恰当,可使油井的产能达到或超过理想无污染裸眼井的产能。

    Perforating is the primary method of well completion in oil field , which can make the well production capability reach or even exceed the production capability of ideal non-polluted naked well if operated properly .

  21. 阐述了全通径射孔工艺技术、锚定射孔工艺技术及井口带压电缆输送射孔工艺技术等3种射孔作业方法。

    This article explained three types of perforating methods , namely the fullbore perforating technology , anchoring perforating technology and wireline conveyed perforating ( WCP ) technology under wellhead pressure .

  22. 研究射孔参数对射孔完井产能的影响规律,获得射孔参数与产能之间的定量关系,可为优选射孔参数、科学地进行射孔作业和提高油井产能,以及延缓底水脊进提供理论依据。

    And we should acquire the quantitative relationship between perforating parameters and productivity , establish theoretical basis for the optimization of perforating parameters , scientific perforating operation , well productivity improving , as well as bottom water coning delay from those studies .

  23. 介绍了大跨距多层射孔工具的结构和工作原理,以及在实际应用中遇到的问题和改进方法,使之更能适应各种复杂井的射孔施工作业。

    The paper introduces the structure and working principle of perforation tool for big gaps and multiple layers and the problems appeared in field operation and their developing methods which makes it to suit for every complicated wells much more .