
shè chéng
  • range;reach;throw;gunshot;flightshot
射程 [shè chéng]
  • (1) [range]

  • (2) 快速粒子穿透物质的最大或平均路程

  • (3) 射弹在击中地面时的位移的水平分量

射程[shè chéng]
  1. 这些导弹的射程为300英里。

    These missiles have a range of 300 miles .

  2. 我们现在处于敌人的火力射程以内。

    We are now within range of enemy fire .

  3. 口径为120毫米的迫击炮的射程是1.8万码。

    The 120mm mortar has a range of 18,000 yards

  4. 那条船进入火炮的射程之内。

    The ship came within range of the guns .

  5. 我们大炮的射程不如敌人巡洋舰的炮。

    Our guns were outranged by those of the enemy 's cruisers .

  6. 低能Si~+离子注入GaAs材料的沟道效应和射程分布

    Channeling Effect for Low Energy Si ~ + Ion Implantation in GaAs

  7. 正偏离Bragg定律的二元化合物靶中离子射程参数研究

    Ion range parameters in binary compounds with positive deviation from Bragg rule

  8. 该系统主要由2D剖面探测器、辐照深度和剂量探测器、射程调整器等组成。

    It is composed of 2D profile detector , depth-dose detector and rang tuning detector .

  9. 导弹最大射程Bayes估计的分析和改进

    Analysis and improvement of some Bayes estimate for the maximum range of a missile

  10. ~(235)U热(慢)中子裂变碎片在水中的射程

    Ranges of the fragments from thermal ( slow ) neutron fission of ~ ( 235 ) u in water

  11. 结果发现:由于天然放射系中最大能量b粒子的射程大于单块饰材,不能用表面b辐射水平进行无损检测判断;

    The results showed that the range of beta ray with the maximum energy in natural radioactive series is longer than thickness of a piece of decorative materials .

  12. 在44MeV/A的~(12)C离子和铜的相互作用中,用核化学技术测定了35个靶余核的截面以及前向平均射程。

    Cross sections and average forward ranges were determined for 35 target residues from the interaction of copper with 44 MeV / A ~ ( 12 ) C ions with nuclear chemistry techniques .

  13. CdxHg(1-x)Te中离子投影射程分布矩的计算

    Theoretical calculation of ion implantation projected range distribution moments in cd_xhg_ ( 1-x ) te substrate

  14. 用Matlab从阻力系数和物体质量对斜抛运动的轨迹和最大射程抛射角影响方面进行数值研究和分析。

    Applying matlab , in this paper the number research and analysis have been made in the aspect that the air resistance coefficient and the object mass affect the projectile motion .

  15. 计算了~(238)U在此材料中的射程和限定能量损失率的能量关系。

    The relation between the energy of ~ ( 238 ) U and range and the relation between the energy and REL of ~ ( 238 ) U in it are calculated .

  16. 电子射程随着原子序数的减少和入射束能量E0的增加而增加。

    The electron range increases with decreasing atomic number and increasing incident beam energy E0 .

  17. Al2O3膜在磷酸中的最小腐蚀速率(或最佳的~(75)As~+杂质浓度)能根据实验结果和类高斯离子射程分布得到。

    A minimum corrosion rate , or a optimized As doping concentration , of Al_2O_3 film merged into phosphoric acid solution is obtained according to the experimental results and Gaussian like As ion range distribution .

  18. 低能离子在Mylar膜中的射程研究

    Range of keV ions in Mylar films

  19. 300MW单炉膛循环流化床锅炉二次风射程的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Secondary Air Penetration Depth in a 300 MW Single-furnace Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler

  20. 将计算值与近几年的实验测量及其他人的计算结果进行了比较,在低能端,我们计算的平均投影射程Rp与实验符合得更好。

    Our theoretical results are compared with the experimental results published recently , and our projected ranges , Rp agree with the experimental measurements more closely in the low energy end of the energy regime which we deal with in the present work .

  21. 射程在5m以上的大射程微喷头与普通的微喷头相比,具有降低工程系统投资,提高系统的经济性,降低喷灌强度,减少用水量等优点。

    Comparing with common micro-sprinklers , the micro-sprinkler over 5 m range has the advantages of decreasing cost , lowering irrigation intensity and reducing water usage , etc.

  22. 对于算例中给定的±200m射程偏差,在弹道末段使用脉冲控制能将射程偏差修正至约±10m。

    In an example , range error about ± 200 m could be corrected to about ± 10 m by using impulse force control at terminal trajectory .

  23. 在场上,周琦具有7.2尺的高度和三分射程,周琦曾是CBA的顶级防守球员。但是过于瘦弱的身材是他必须尽早解决的问题。

    On the court , the 7-foot-2 Zhou has 3-point range and was an elite defender in China , but his slight frame will be an obstacle he must overcome early on .

  24. 运用SRIM和CASINO程序,详细分析了质子和电子在透镜中的射程和能量损失分布。

    The range and energy loss distribution of the protons and electrons in the optical lens were analyzed in detail using SRIM and CASINO programs .

  25. 与巨人机一样,ENIAC也是为特定任务而设计的,它用来编制火炮的射程范围表。

    Like the Colossus , the ENIAC had been designed for a specific task , that of calculating artillery range tables .

  26. 导弹被设计在它的100+公里交战射程维持M4.0的一个飞行速度。

    The missile is designed to sustain a speed of M4.0 over its100 + km engagement range .

  27. 导弹是半-主动雷达制导而且射程大约50公里(类似HQ-12)。

    The missiles are semi-active radar homing and would have a range of about50km ( similar to HQ-12 ) .

  28. 周一在朝鲜又发射两枚导弹之后,美国国务院发言人普萨基(JenPsaki)呼应了沃伦的说法。最新发射的导弹据信为飞毛腿C,射程约500公里(310英里)。

    Monday , State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki echoed Mr. Warren 's comments after the launch of the latest two missiles , believed to be Scud-C weapons that can travel around 500 kilometers ( 310 miles ) .

  29. 装备上这种步枪,爱国的神枪手们可以击中250码外的目标,是现代fbi狙击枪射程的三倍还多,是英国滑膛枪射程的两倍。

    Armed with this rifle , P atriot marksman can hit a target 250 yards away , more than three times the average distance of a modern FBI sniper shot , and twice the range of the British muskets .

  30. 积分陀螺加速度表(PIGA)是用于测量空间载体视加速度的惯性仪表,其刻度因数的稳定性,直接影响射程。

    The pendulous integrating gyro accelerometer ( PIGA ) is an inertial device measuring apparent acceleration of space vehicle . The stability of its scale factor influences range precision directly .