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  1. 山东省汶上县县域生态农业研究

    Studies on Ecological Agriculture in Wenshang County Shandong Province

  2. 山东汶上县消灭丝虫病后20年监测分析

    Analysis of results in monitoring filariasis 20 years after basic elimination in Wenshang County

  3. 汶上县土地利用以农用地为主,且在农用地结构比例中,耕地:园地:林地:水域面积分别为61.5:3:5.5:5.9。

    The results showed that : ( 1 ) The land used for agriculture was the main landuse pattern form in Wenshang .

  4. 汶上信息港三位电影制作新人准备制作一部关于汶上内城生活的纪录片。

    Three first-time filmmakers , Justin , Dana and John set out to make a documentary about the hardships of inner-city life .

  5. 济宁-汶上超采漏斗区水资源人工调蓄方案研究辽宁首山地下水漏斗区对铁路建设的影响

    The Artificial Regulation Groundwater Excess Exploited Funnel between Jining and Wenshang Influence Study of Ground Water Funnel in Shoushan Liaoning on Railway Project Construction

  6. 考虑综合利用要求的三峡水库提前蓄水方案济宁-汶上超采漏斗区水资源人工调蓄方案研究

    Scheme of impounding in advance for the Three Gorges Reservoir by considering the comprehensive utilization benefits The Artificial Regulation Groundwater Excess Exploited Funnel between Jining and Wenshang

  7. 在一份随访研究报告中,苏和他的同事们对山东省汶上、兖州和嘉祥县240例企图自杀者作了分析。

    In a study that included follow-up interviews , Su and his colleagues looked at240 cases of attempted suicide in counties including Wenshang , Yanzhou and Jiaxiang in Shandong province .

  8. 山东省汶上县在农村城镇化发展中形成了自己的发展模式,如白石镇将产业发展摆在重位置,大力发展特色产业,培育经济增长点的特色、优势产业的带动模式。

    Shandong County in the rural urbanization development in the formation of its own development model , such as the Bai Shizhen Industrial Development in heavy position , develop characteristic property energetically , foster new economic point of growth characteristic , advantage industry drive mode .