
  • 网络Cucurbita ficifolia;cucurbit ficifolia bouche
  1. 黑籽南瓜是嫁接黄瓜的优良砧木,但成熟度不同的种子,发芽参差不齐,影响生产。

    The germination rate is different in the germination of various-maturity Cucurbita ficifolia seeds .

  2. 研究了西瓜实生苗和以黑籽南瓜、超丰F1为砧木的嫁接苗的耐冷性及活性氧清除系统的差异。

    This paper studied the chilling tolerance and the activity of protective system against active oxygen of own-rooted and grafted watermelon seedlings .

  3. B1和黑籽南瓜抗性强,可作为砧木。

    Cultivars B1 and ' black seed pumpkin ' showed a high disease resistance during the experiment and could hence be used as rootstock .

  4. 试验和试种结果表明,超丰F1较野生西瓜砧木抗旱、耐涝性强,比黑籽南瓜更容易坐果,品质和抗病性也优于其它砧木。

    The results showed that on rootstock of Chaofeng F1 , stronger tolerance to drought and waterlogg than wild watermelon and easier fruit set and better fruit quality than black-seed squash were found .

  5. 结果表明:Q型聚类分析得出的树系图,可以明显地将22种南瓜材料归为4类,即美洲南瓜、中国南瓜、印度南瓜和黑籽南瓜,与传统分类学的结果相符;

    According to the tree chart resulted from the Model Q analysis these 22 pumpkin varieties were categorized into 4 groups , i.e. Americas pumpkin , Chinese pumpkin , winter squash , black seed pumpkin , which tallies with the traditional classification result .

  6. 嫁接苗的耐盐性取决于砧木黑籽南瓜。

    The salt tolerance depended on the stock black seed pumpkin .

  7. 和以黑籽南瓜为砧木的黄瓜嫁接苗以及自根苗的抗冷性生理生化指标的变化规律作了研究。

    Rootstocks , black seed pumpkin rootstocks and self-rooted cucumbers .

  8. 两个不同抗性黄瓜品种和云南黑籽南瓜根系分泌物对黄瓜枯萎病发生的影响

    Effects of root exudates from cucumber and squash on Fusarium wilt occurrence

  9. 不同处理对云南黑籽南瓜种子发芽特性的影响

    Effect of different treatment on the Germination Properties of Yunnan black seed squash

  10. 黑籽南瓜对嫁接黄瓜生长和果实品质的影响

    Effects of the Fig Leaf Gourd on the Growth and Quality of Grafted Cucumber

  11. 试验结果表明,西瓜与葫芦和西葫芦的嫁接成活率最高,其次为黑籽南瓜、笋瓜和中国南瓜。

    Bottlegourd and summer squash were the best stocks for watermelon with high compatibility , followed by black seed squash , winter squash and pumpkin .

  12. 黑籽南瓜嫁接苗根系内累积的镉含量仅为自嫁苗的63%,可有效的减少镉在地上部分的累积。

    The cadmium content in roots of " Figleaf Gourd " grafted seedlings was just 63 % of content which could decrease the accumulation in shoots .

  13. 农艺性状的聚类分析结果显示,华瓠杂3号、黑籽南瓜、黄瓜自根苗聚为一类。不同砧木嫁接黄瓜品质无显著差异。

    Grafting had no obvious effects on fruit quality . Fig-leaf-gourd , Bottle gourd Hua No.3 and self-rooted cucumber can be classified into one group by cluster analysis of characters .

  14. 首次进行了西瓜四倍体苗的试管内嫁接研究,发现砧木苗龄和嫁接方式影响着嫁接的成活率,以2日龄黑籽南瓜做砧木进行劈接,可达100%的成活率。

    It was the first report that the tube-cultured seedlings of tetraploid watermelon were grafted on the fig-leaf gourd germinated 2 days , and 100 % survival ratio could be reached .

  15. 以嫁接在云南黑籽南瓜砧木上的伽师甜瓜为试材,探讨香草酸、香草醛和对-羟基苯甲酸为代表的酚酸类物质对嫁接伽师瓜植株和保护酶活性的影响。

    The phenolic acids used were vanillic acid , vanillin and P-hydroxy benzoic acids for studying the effects of phenolic acids on the growth and activities of protective enzymes of muskmelon .

  16. 结果表明:试验所用的砧木嫁接后成活率均在90%以上,华瓠杂3号嫁接苗的产量极显著的高于黑籽南瓜、中国南瓜品系做砧木的嫁接苗以及黄瓜自根苗。

    The results showed that , surviving rate of different grafted plants is above 90 % , yield of bottle gourd Hua No.3 was significant higher fig-leaf-gourd , Chinese pumpkin strains and self-rooted cucumber .

  17. 感病品种根系分泌物促进了黄瓜枯萎病菌的生长,而抗病品种和云南黑籽南瓜根系分泌物则抑制了病菌生长。

    It could be concluded that the root exudates of susceptible cucumber variety stimulated the growth of Fusarium oxysporum pathogen , while those of resistance cucumber variety and black seed squash were in adverse .

  18. 常规温汤浸种→揉搓→嗑嘴→催芽。通过3年的生产实践证明,这3种处理组合适合于作为黄瓜嫁接砧木的云南黑籽南瓜种子的处理

    Soaking by ordinary means → kneading → cracking germination hole → speeding up bud Culture practice of 3 years proved that the three combinations mentioned above were suitable to seed disposal of Yunnan black seed squash which were used as graft stock of cucumber