
  • 网络LCA;Blackout;Heymonsi;amaurosis fugax
  1. 锥细胞营养不良与Leber氏黑蒙的色觉基因分析

    The Dark Eye Evaluation of the red and green pigment genes in patients with cone dystrophy and Leber congenital amaurosis

  2. 结论老年阵发性心房颤动终止时发生心室长R-R间歇<4.0s者,且出现在夜间;也无头晕、黑蒙、晕厥等症状,则允许临床随访观察。

    Conclusions If at atrial fibrillation termination , a length < 4.0s R-R intervals on Holter record was detected but the patient had no symptoms , clinical follow-up will be allowed .

  3. 这种名为Luxturna的疗法,是为部分患有名为“莱伯氏先天性黑蒙”(LCA)的罕见遗传性疾病的患者研发的。在Spark希望进入的美国、欧洲和其他市场,这种患者的数量约为6000人。

    The therapy , known as Luxturna , is being developed for a subset of patients with a rare inherited disorder known as Leber congenital amaurosis , who number about 6000 in the US , Europe and other markets that Spark hopes to enter .

  4. 在这种利伯先天性黑蒙中,视细胞由于基因RPE65不能适当地产生一种对健康视力必需的蛋白而不能感光。

    In this form of LCA disease , photoreceptor cells cannot respond to light because a gene called RPE65 does not properly produce a protein necessary for healthy vision .

  5. 晚期青光眼术前含服心痛定预防球后麻醉致一过性黑蒙

    Prevention of Temporality Amaurosis due to Anesthesia behind the Eyeball with Nifepine before Operation of Late Stage Glaucoma

  6. 晚期婴儿型家族性黑蒙性痴呆6~12月组婴儿男性47.7%、性女40.7%缺铁。

    47.4 % of male infants and 40.7 % of female infants in 6-12 months group had iron deficiency in changsha area .

  7. 然而智商的增长是有代价的,提高智商的副作用就是导致家族性黑蒙白痴症等这样的遗传病。

    But increased intelligence may have come at a cost , with genetic disease such as Tay-Sachs being side effects of genes that facilitate intelligence .

  8. 例如,在几年前完成的三项早期临床试验中,基因疗法技术被用于治疗一种名叫莱伯氏先天性黑蒙症的视网膜疾病。

    For example , in three early-stage clinical trials done a few years ago , the technique was used against a retinal disease called Leber congenital amaurosis .

  9. 这项对利伯先天性黑蒙条件下失明治疗的试验是一个重要证据,表明我们的路是正确的。

    This trial to treat vision loss from the condition of Leber congenital amaurosis is an important demonstration of proof of principle and shows that we are on the right track .

  10. 球后麻醉组中:球后出血、眼睑皮下出血、球结膜水肿及睑裂狭窄等发生率明显高于表面麻醉组(P<0.01),1例发生球后出血,1例发生一过性黑蒙。

    In retrobulbar anesthesia group , there were higher rates of complications , such as retrobulbar hemorrhage , subcutaneous hemorrhage of eyelid , globular conjunctival edema and blepharostenosis . compared to surface anesthesia group ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  11. 视力恢复评价标准:黑蒙、光感、眼前手动、眼前数指和能见标字视力表符号5个级别,术后视力提高2个级别以上者为有效。

    Visual recovering evaluation criterion included 5 visual levels , e.g. blindness , light perception , hand motion , finger counting and acuity chart . The improvement of two visual levels or more was defined as effective , otherwise as inefficient .

  12. 初次就诊临床症状:白瞳症(黑蒙性猫眼)24例,斜视11例,角膜增大、角膜浑浊8例,眼球突出6例,眼球震颤1例,前房出血2例,健康体检检出1例。

    The principal first symptom of 24 cases was leukocoria , 11 cases was strabismus , 8 cases was big cornea or muddy cornea , 6 cases was exophthalmos , 1 case was nystagmus , 2 cases was anterior chamber bleeding , and 1 case with health examination .