
  1. 内陆港口及相关设施正在形成瓶颈,武汉交通职业学院的梁海澄教授表示。

    The inland ports and their facilities are becoming a bottleneck , says Liang Haicheng , a professor at Wuhan Technical College of Communications .

  2. 武汉交通职业学院汽车工程系大二学生、18岁的刘文江(音译)在淘宝上发现一款售价只需1600元的全新笔记本电脑。

    Liu Wenjiang , 18 , a sophomore majoring in automotive engineering at Wuhan Technical College of Communications , found a new laptop selling for only 1,600 yuan on Taobao .

  3. 有鉴于此,本文以武汉交通职业技术学院的英语教师和非英语专业学生为受试对象进行问卷调查和课后访谈。

    In view of this , the present research takes teachers and students from non-English major in Wuhan Transportation Vocational College as subjects to carry out questionnaire and interview .