
  • 网络converse thinking
  1. 要树立两种科学思维方式:整体开放思维方式和逆向思维方式。

    The two ways of scientific thought should be established including open way of thinking and converse thinking .

  2. 侦查人员应针对新形势下刑事犯罪的新情况、特点而改变侦查思维方式,善于运用创造性的逆向思维方式侦破案件。

    Investigators should change modes of investigation thinking in view of the new conditions and characteristics of the criminal crimes under the new situation , and skillfully apply creative converse thinking method to crack down the case .

  3. 本文运用逆向思维方式,采用对比的方法去观察和解释英汉两种语言在词序及句序上的差异,从而达到准确掌握和运用英语语言的目的。

    The essay explains the differences in word and sentence order between English and Chinese in an inverse thinking way and by contrast in order to master and use the English language accurately and correctly .

  4. 信息传媒时代的平面设计更强调其视觉符号,它要求用图形的视觉符号来阐述其深刻的设计内涵,而且要求能够打破传统的设计定势,用悖异的逆向思维方式激发欣赏者的视觉兴趣。

    In this information and media time , graphic design emphasize its visual symbol and want to use the visual symbol to explain its deep design intention ; to break traditionally design pattern to arouse viewer 's visual interest by contrary thinking manners .

  5. 换言之,也就是逆向思维的表达方式和功效。

    In another word , it is the expression and function of reverse thinking .

  6. 道家思想中蕴含着深邃的辩证法思想,并以其逆向否定的思维方式、正言若反的表述方式和平等交流的沟通方式构成其独特的思想方法。

    Its reverse negative way of thinking , " straight words seem crooked " way of expression and the equal communication constitute its unique Taoist way of thinking .

  7. 在新闻敏感中综合运用发散思维、统摄思维、逆向思维等求异思维方式,可以取得独特的传播效果。

    Comprehensively applying these unconventional thoughts such as diverging thought , commanding thought and resevred thought will achieve a very special broadcasting effect .